Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Dirty Few MC

We know the Whiteboy Posse in Whitecourt, Alberta made big news when they shot a sheriff in the hand trying to escape custody after being charged with drug trafficking. The Whiteboy posse also made big news when they decapitated someone in Edmonton for a drug debt. The Whiteboy posse sold drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels.

There’s another Hells Angels puppet club in Whitecourt associated with the Whiteboy posse called the Dirty Few MC. These guys actually ride motorcycles. I understand that the Dirty Few MC has chapters in Parkland, Whitecourt, Drayton Valley and just patched two members in Bonnyville.

Dusty Blades on the left appears to be involved with the Drayton Valley chapter.

Travis A Wilson on the left appears to be involved with the Whitecourt chapter.

This is Travis posing with another Hells Angels supporter.

The Dirty Few are sporting support 81 Westridge diamonds on their vest. 81 Westridge is the Edmonton Hells Angels.

Travis Wilson posing with the deranged Shane Bunting.

Travis is also friends with HA Terry Eide on the left from Calgary.

Justin Puppetz appears to be involved with Drayton Valley.

DFMC member Miguel Argueta claims to live in Sylvan Lake. That’s where a murder occurred last June tied to a Hells Angels puppet club called the Malicious Crew. Once source claims he used to be known as Michael when he lived in Fort McMurray. Michael Argueta “ratted” out a friend for murder in Fort McMurry.

Argueta claimed Dax Mack confessed to murdering Robert LeVoir. Dax Richard Mack, Robert Levoir and Michael Argueta went hunting on land owned by Mack’s father on November 6, 2002. Only Mack and Argueta returned. Levoir had been shot and killed. I don't uppose he too was shot in the back by someone who he thought was his friend.

Evidently Robert LeVoir had a cocaine addiction and a drug debt. If three guys go on a hunting trip, one gets shot and two guys return, it’s hard to conceive that one of those guys committed the murder and the other guy didn’t know what happened. In the trial Mack claimed Argueta committed the murder and that he claimed he did to under cover police because he thought he was being recruited for a criminal organization.


  1. Puppetz is a total loser and was stabbed in Red Deer during a New Years party in the early 2000s. He has heavy ties to the HA and at the time of the stabbing was in pretty deep with Kildy and Monkey. He also has a bunch of kids that he never takes care of, and more recently had 1 with Sammie Wong... Another name tied in deep with the Red Deer nightclub and drug dealing scene.

    1. You do you man but he is the best damn father to his kids that i know. His ex shannon the mother of his oldest and his only daughter was the lousy parent and was always on drugs and wouldnt let him see her. She had justyce, his kid believing that he didnt want to see her and anytime he finally did see her or found out where she was living Shannon would move to some other town and take her kids all around the province. You wanna know how i know? Because i am justyce and when my mom left me on by best friends doorstep 6 years ago he was there for me. And my mom still hasnt come to pick me up she left me here and has not came back. He has been an amasing father now that i see him all the time. Also he only has three kids, not a bunch like you said. So thanks but you can go fuck yourself������ He also sees my brother (the middle child) all the time, any breaks he has from school that is where he goes. And he tries to spend time with the youngest but sammie rarly lets him other than when shes leading tours up where he lives now or when she wants to get shit faced.

    2. I don't know if you are who you say you are but I do know that Dusty Blades is a piece of garbage and so is anyone who associates with him. Who do you think got your mother addicted to drugs?

      When one parent drops the ball, the other picks up the slack. That is noble. You're not the only daughter who was raised by her father.

      When the Dirty Flu came to Drayton Valley some people joined without knowing what they were really about. Now that we all know, there is no excuse. No responsible parent would associate with them.

    3. Agreed.
      No responsible person would have a child to begin with if they were associated with drugs. And no responsible person would continue doing drugs or associating themselves with drugs if they did have a child.
      Having a baby is easy. Being a responsible adult is tough. These people don't have what it takes to be the real kind of tough. They're just immature cowards who only know how to use fear to fill their fragile egos.

    4. What did Dusty blades do though

  2. Sounds like a bunch of kids who never grew up.
    Is Puppetz a real name? It's pretty ironic.
    Travis sure doesn't look very tall.

    1. I have only ever known him as Pupetz, but I am pretty sure that is his last name. I am surprised he is in Drayton though.

    2. Yep, when I see this kind of stuff, I just think, "These are boys who never grew up and learn what it takes to be a man".

  3. Nice try Borris. It's well known that the DF are a puppet club for the Westridge HA chapter on Edmonton and that you sling coke all over rural alberta.

    The idiot with the boat anchor tat under his eye is dusty Swanson. He was a Wbp in white court before getting his DF vest.

  4. i know all these guys, they are total goof jobs who defiantly watch to much sons of anarchy, preston hamilton is the biggest douche in spruce grove, these guys are not hard at all, they are the biggest joke around, they are made fun of constantly, they try so hard to be big tough guys but i assure you they are wieners. they hang out at the local old bar and pick up 18yo girls, LAME currently they cannot wear there colours , not sure why they got in trouble for some lame bullshit, dusty blades actual name is dusty s swanson, he works at prestons tattoo shop, (if you can call it that) only meth heads and wannabe bikers go to that place, all they do is wear HA support gear and talk about hells angels, these guys are sooooo hurting, and I'm pretty sure west ridge 81 is calgary not edmonton, that preston hamilton guy has been run out of many towns already for owing money to people and running his broke ass mouth, they are gonna end up just like the pinheads. these guys remind me of mr slave from south park, or the guy from the village people that wears leather, ahahaha tools

    1. Westridge is one of the two chapters in Edmonton. The other is called Edmonton. In Calgary you have Southland and Calgary for HA chapters.

    2. Sadly, they are still allowed to wear their colors at the Old Bar. They show up pretty much every weekend with Kaos and various 81.

  5. oh actually, that one nipple head does call himself dusty blades,although not his real name, the other guy in that pic with him is dusty swanson, confusing , its all a bit to much like brokeback mountain around those guys

    1. Blades and Swanson are two different people.... on their gay Dirty Few Whitecourt business cards swansonw as the VP and blades was a striker... blades is now a VP in Drayton

  6. Boris Karloff: STFU with your guilt by association bullsh*t. You are a pathetic liar. 20 years ago people would have believed it. 20 years ago I would have believed it. Now I know different and so does everyone else. I saw HAs enforcing for the crack dealers at Surrey central. In my naivety I said what are they doing here with them? The number of cocaine convictions tied to the Hells Angels in Canada over the last ten years is astounding. It’s not one or two rogue members, it’s presidents and sergeant at arms. It is the business of the club.

    Take Winnipeg for example. Dale Donavon and Sean Wolfe were convicted of cocaine trafficking for the Hells Angels. They were supplying and enforcing for the Zig Zag crew who paid the HAs protection money and sold crack. Deli was the president. Right after he was busted, Dale Sweeney, the next Winnipeg president was busted for cocaine trafficking along with his brother Rod. The recent 500 kilo bust in Spain tied to the Canadian Hells Angels is yet another example.

    The three huge cross border drug rings tied to the Hells Angels that were busted show that they are the biggest drug traffickers in Canada trading BC Bud in the States for cocaine to be sold here as crack. Robert Shannon, Trevor Jones and the Larry Amero bust in Montreal. There are too many convictions to list but those three rings clearly establish a pattern. If you wear 81 support gear you are supporting crack dealers and murderers. What the WBP did to Bob Roth was absolutely outrageous. It’s like the pride of Rome before they fell. Mark my word.

    Not even you are stupid enough to believe the bullsh*t that come out of your mouth. That means you are a pathetic liar. Nothing more, nothing less. Nobody likes a liar. Next time you wear 81 kiss ass gear ask Ricky fat ass Ciarniello about the Devil’s Butler. Ask him what kidnapping a guy and sodomizing him with a broomstick has to do with riding motorcycles and living the dream? Ask him that. He’s’ your hero alright. You are a pathetic piece of garbage. A dieu.

  7. Boris Karloff: It's my blog b*tch. Like it or leave it.

  8. Good job anyways K- I've seen these filthy few guys all around the small towns of Calgary. I know the HA and their clones firsthand. They are the weak we all grew up with, who found the supposed easy way- always they will turn, rat, murder one another and destroy the weak- with drugs, violence or whatever. But for all the greed- they never die rich, just assured a place in Hell as they so badly desire. .

  9. Ha embarrassing . Who's watching too much SOA? Checked out Demon Ink group. Scratcher City,,,,,

  10. That little short fat one will be the first they eliminate ...... he's just doomed to failure. I saw him riding his little bike...belly hanging over the tank, almost getting caught in his front spokes... all of 5'2".

  11. What I don't understand is this. If HA is so big,bad and scary,why have the got all the puppet clubs to help them? Edmonton area alone have got Dirty Few,Kaos Krew,Tribal,Seven Sins and Berzerkers Mc.

    1. Well the puppet clubs do all the dirty work. The beatings, gas bombs, selling the drugs to the public. And its a pool of recruits for the future of the club. The ha have gotten so rich and powerfull they get these guys to do the work they dont want to touch no more

    2. And that’s why this blog exists. BTW I very rarely post on Kim’s blog. I posted a question there not too long ago asking why one of the recent murders was considered a domestic matter when it was a guy killing a guy. Some of you guys think gangsuck is me but it’s pretty obvious it’s not. I barely have time to keep up with my own blog. I don’t have time to argue with hecklers on Kim’s blog. That’s her space not mine.

    3. I give you mad props K... takes 1 guy with a set of balls to address this shit. They always whine about not revealing identities etc.... except none do 1 on 1 fights. They must attack 20 on 1 or they'd cease to exist and families etc are not off limits as we've seen in the past. I've actually never seen a biker fight alone to be totally honest......very telling.

  12. Lmfao!! Bunch of wannabes!! I have seen these guys in spruce grove, ride their SOA replica Harley's and play the part!! These guys are the biggest joke around, same with Demons Ink, all of it is hilarious to the actual biker community out here. Take the dirty few patches off and put SOA on their instead, I ride a Harley, and love SOA, but I would never be caught dead wearing that gear, or white running shoes, it's a show, it would be like slapping a Disney patch on your vest trying to act hard. These guys act like that and their bikes are complete replicas with the black accessories and headlight fairings it's funny. Years ago people would be scared of these guys, but that ship sailed, theirs nothing to fear here, I just fear these guys are ruining the biker image, actually making fun of us true riders that ride for us as individuals, a true biker doesn't need a club, a gang, matching underwear or vests, a true biker hops on his ride because he enjoys it, is polite to others and shows the younger generation that you don't have to be in a gang to ride, you don't have to be something your not, you do it because you enjoy it. I don't and will never wear a patch of any kind, don't mean fuck all too me, just warm weather and a tank full of gas with buddies that drive anything from a Harley to a fucking moped. Don't matter, real men don't hang in groups they fight on their own, take care of their families, don't kiss anyone's ass like these guys that bend over to the angels just to be allowed to wear their support gear, and real men work hard and earn their money honestly, real men love, live and are kind until someone steps on that, these guys are a bunch of little boys that never grew up and have nothing going for them in life but acting cool, which clearly doesn't work, picking up young stupid girls that don't know any better, ripping people off, and sucking hells angel dicks!! Hey that's their life, they have to look at themselves in the mirror and know how low and un important they actually are. I may sound like I am old, I am only thirty and I have done things iam not proud of, but I think ahead, know where I want to be and how honestly I will get it, when these guys are 65, tattooed up, and out of jail, who's going to think your cool than, no money, no pension, no family, no nothing, just old wounds that won't heal. Take a look at who you really are and leave the bullshit to the Hollywood screen writers and show the next generation that they don't have to be a bunch of douche bags like you. Life is too short!! So work hard, and love harder!! The worlds full of too much wannabe stereotyped shit!! Be yourself!! Anyway that's my rant!! I am no bible thumper nor that's ok if I was, I am just a guy that sees things for what they are and sees the true fake in everyone. Cheers and long live motorcycles!!!

    1. Bra fucking vo . Finally a real biker, where ya been . I grew up in calgary and there were some tough fucking men back then. They rode their Norton, trumpets and harleys,built their own bikes and worked hard and raised families. Fought in the T&C and forest lawn hotel every Friday and was at work on Monday. My pops was one of them bikers and my mom and us kids loved him to death cause he was a real man. Use to be 1 against 3 or 4. Now it's 3 or 4 against 1. It's bullshit, ,gone are the days. I use to think the h / a' s were true blue bikers and I know for a fact some of the old guard are shaking their heads and long for the old days of club brotherhood. R.I.P

  13. Miguel Argueta is his real name. And he indeed lives in Sylvan Lake.Rob LeVoir was very well known to me and I am fairly certain that while Mike had information that he
    with held during the investigation I am fairly confident Mack pulled the trigger.

  14. This life is a grain of sand, hell is a lonh time 😧

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. its not just the puppet biker clubs in Alberta...REddAlert and F.O.B work with the 81 guess what though..Red and White makes pink

  17. This is all a joke, right?
    Gosh, life must suck when you're head-strong stuck in Loserville with no way out.

  18. YOU GUYS ARE ALL MISTAKEN THE BIGGEST "GANG" IS THE COPS every group has bad apples but most are employed down to earth people.


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