Friday, May 12, 2023

Justin Trudeau wants to erase Terry Fox


  1. That's what communists do.

    They erase history.

    This game has been played out many times.

  2. All WEF/Globalist prep work. You don't need a country or a national identity.

  3. So, who’s hiding the Trudy bill? Isn’t that what narcissists do?

  4. You fool Canadians voted for this and wanted this and now that you got it your butt hurt and complain. Not all Canadians I'm talking about here as Patriots like myself voted against this pos trudeau all 3 times. I think it was 3 maybe it was 4 now. Anyway point being Canadians and even now Americans are cowards and allow these evil corrupt pos politicians to run rough shot over them. I'm sure you'll come down hard on this post Dennis but tell me were is it that I'm lying or not being 100% truthful and transparent?

    1. Justin Trudeau fooled a lot of people when he was first elected, myself included. Now we can clearly see through the lies. I don't see him getting reelected:

    2. I did not vote for this fool, didn’t like his dad and fruit don’t fall far from the tree. I’m more annoyed with Singh for propping this POS up, no matter how many letters I write telling him he’s shamed Jack Laytons accomplishments and his love-affair with Trudeau will get him no where in the next election he won’t back down. If Pierre doesn’t win by a exceptional margin then I have little faith in Canadians to do the right thing. I want an election!

    3. "Doing the right thing" hasn't been encouraged around here for a long time. More like shut up and don't speak out. Silence protects secrets and secrets are necessary for abuse of authority to flourish. They encourage it and promote it's growth from abuse into full on evil.


  6. There's someone needs to be erased all right, but it's not Terry Fox.


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