Sunday, May 12, 2024

Blaire White: A voice of reason in a confused world


  1. It’s okay to be gay or a tranny, but when you start rubbing our face in it, pushing our kids to be gay and expecting us to be second class citizens to your flawed logic. Your not making any friends, Chairman Mao.

    1. I think that's the point Blaire and the interviewer made. Years ago no one cared if someone was LGBT. Now that they are pushing it on kids that has created a lot of animosity.

  2. Dennis, check this out.

    1. I'm not trans, I'm straight. I support Gays Against Groomers. Leave kids alone. What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. There are a sh*t load of mental disorders out there. Gender Dysphoria is just one of them. Are we going to claim homosexuality is a mental disorder too? I personally don't have a problem with LGBT. It's the Q plus I have a problem with and the grooming of children.

  3. Dennis being trans, LOL....


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