Thursday, May 2, 2024

Former Hells Angel shot dead in Quebec crack house

Radio Canada is reporting that "The man who died after being shot in a crack den in the Saint-Hubert borough on Monday in Longueuil is Éric Leclerc, a former member of the Hells Angels, police sources confirmed." Longueuil is just across the Saint Lawrence river from Montreal.

The Dirty News said it was a Trap house and I was like what the hell is a Trap house. Must be a translation from French. Several other sources called it a crack house and I'm like OK that makes more sense. Evidently he was originally a member of the Rock Machine but joined the Hells Angels. Several local news outlets claim that he was kicked out of the club many years ago because of his drug addiction. Many of those local sources are credible so that is believable.


  1. A trap house is hip hop slang for a house where drugs are stashed but worst...The drugs are all dropped off to unsuspecting wannabe dealers without upfront's a money trap and a game trap in so many ways. So now that house owes and is trapped in debt. Pure hip hop gangsters bringing their culture to Vancouver.

    1. Thanks for explaining the definition of a trap house. A new term for an old problem. Fronting drugs for addicts is always a bad idea. If you don't front the drugs there are no drug debts. Giving the homeless free drugs then beating the life out of them or killing them for payment is predatory.

    2. It never goes well for anybody...

  2. Young Jeezy released trap or die in 2003, this is nothing new. You're just old lol.


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