Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fatal shooting in Princeton - Don Lyons

Unrealted: Two people hospitalized after shooting outside victoria Sunday night

I'm told there was a fatal shooting in Princeton last night. A name we all know. I'm sorry to hear that. I'll post more when the media picks it up. The night before father's day. That's messed up.

Update: Infotel is reporting that "RCMP are releasing few details after a body was found on a property near Princeton on Saturday. Princeton RCMP officers were called to the report of a suspicious death on a property near Princeton on June 15, according to a press release from police. “As it’s believed the man’s death is the result of foul play, the Southeast District Major Crime Unit has assumed conduct of the investigation,” Southeast District Major Crime Staff Sgt. Jason Smart said in the release." It was Don Lyons.

December 2023 someone named Don Lyons was shot dead in Calgary. That was a different Don Lyons. Sadly this time it's the one we know of who used to be a member of the Independent Soldiers. It's really f*cked up killing him the night before Father's Day. He had a kid.

As we know Don Lyons was with the Independent Soldiers and at one time was affiliated with the Kelowna Hells Angels. That was a long time ago. He was born in 1972. That makes him 52 years old. 15 May 2023 he was charged with assault in Hedley. October 19 2023 he was charged with uttering threats in West Kelowna. For the most part, he's stayed out of trouble for the past 10 years. IS has been replaced by the Wolf Pack. Some say IS became the Wolf Pack.


  1. Princton New Jersey..

  2. Has name leaked?

    1. No but the RCMP have finally release notice of the death. It was Don Lyons.

    2. So what is the link to Josh Bronk who was also murdered in Princeton?

    3. That was 2023. He was a body builder. I don't know if there is a link. People say Don owed money. We all know what that means but I'm not going to speculate this time.

    4. They are very similar “suspicious deaths”. Maybe do a little more digging?!

    5. What was the cause of death? Any hints?

    6. Not quite sure, was hoping you knew

    7. He was shot to death, cops were responding to a "shots fired" complaint when they found his body.

  3. Replies
    1. No. I wouldn't have been so respectful if it was.

  4. Donnie owned alot $ to some unnamed Ha in etown, do t need to stir the boat. Normally they don't wack you out cause they want to get paid but his card may have been pulled over some other drama, because he lke it so much.. or could have been someone he tired to intimidate. This life style they live only have to piss off the wrong person to end up 6 feet under. Remember no one is bullet proof.

    1. McWhirter is on the PoPo's payroll. He's in bed with the Teletubbies but he's still slinging meth.

    2. He's the scumbag who had that person killed just for some weed. He's a real piece of shit. As bad as those who support the war on drugs...

    3. Blaze didn't order Brittney Irving's murder and she wasn't killed over some weed. Blaze was there with Joey when they shot her in the back with shotgun slugs but Blaze didn't order the hit. Someone else did. Supporting law and order isn't bad, opposing it is.

    4. This feels like its an inside job to me. Donnie wasn't stupid and was no one to FAFO with. IF he thought for one second that he was getting hit he'd show up prepared and be wearing his vest. This whole thing is beyond disgusting to me and shows there is ZERO brotherhood left it's all about stepping on who ever to get to the top, which SCREAMS younger gen. Who have screwed everything right up!!!

  5. ✠ Alpha Global ✠June 19, 2024 at 12:59 PM

  6. Most probably young dope boys taking over. this guy was probably stuck in the IS days and the young guys ain't having it.

  7. This is very sad, he has two kids. Yes he lived that life but he had a huge heart and would do anything for those he loved & knew! I'm going to miss him dearly! 💔

  8. The more I think about this & know how certain groups operate, this whole thing just SCREAMS BK & I can not wait for them to get smoke for this those slippery shady F&%KS! 🤬


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