Friday, June 21, 2024

Toronto Moving Bilboard promotes the narative

OK let's talk about this. Today a coworker showed me this video clip on his phone. He was outraged that leftists were calling a moving billboard in Toronto hate speech. When I first saw it I said was that Rebel News or Billboard Chris? Turns out it was Rebel News.

I'm going to talk about this and I'm going to talk about the extremes on both sides of the debate. It's no secret that I have been sadly disappointed with Rebel News' one sided coverage of the conflict in Gaza. Rebel News has not said one word about the massive weekly protests in Israel calling for emediate elections demanding Benjamin Netanyahu resign. Not one word.

Rebel News has not said one word about the irregularities surrounding the October 7th attack. Not one word. Instead they've been force feeding us the narrative that October 7th was Israel's 9/11. That's a huge red flag. Does that mean Rebel News refuses to recognize 9/11 was an inside job? Evidently so. I don't know about hate speech but I personally find the message on their moving billboard hateful and offensive. I'll expand more tomorrow after my overtime shift but I just wanted to throw it out there that this divisive message promotes the narrative.

The Irish Proclamation, like the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights guarantees the freedom of religion. It states that "The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past." Rebel News is promoting division.

Rebel News blindly endorses Benjamin Netanyahu who is a globalist and a corporate Communist just like Klaus Schwab and the Mossad. Right now, as Ezra Levant reveals his defiant arrogance on this issue it looks like he is a propaganda wing for Mossad now more than ever. This is how Globalism infiltrates the right and leads it astray. Muslims aren't the enemy. They see what kind of freedom they have in Communist China. The Intelligence Community and the WEF Agenda that has overtaken the UN is. The UN's NWO is insane. That is what we need to address.

We can debate mass mirration without criminal record checks but the freedom of religion is not debatable. I've had some clowns claim that the Star of David is a Satanic symbol because it has six points and therefore represents the number 666. That is ridiculous. Some of these clowns claim that Judaism is Satanism. That is ridiculous. That would be considered hate speech. It would also oppose the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights protecting Religious Freedom. Call a religion a cult and you are justified in wiping it out. Not.

This brings us to Netanyahu invoking the law of the Amalekites. Netanyahu is using defamation and a false flag attack to justify a genocide. Last year there were crazy billboards in Canada talking about babies held hostage by Hamas. Reminiscent of ISIS beheading people to create public outrage. Later we discovered that the CIA created ISIS just like Mossad created Hamas. This is what I mean about shunning extremes. Olivia Chow is indeed a leftist but she is the widow of Jack Layton and Jack Layton was well liked and respected. We need to balance the extremes.
Ezra claimed his moving billboard was about Hamas but it didn't say a word about Hamas. It showed pictures of Muslims praying and said "Is this Iraq? Is this Syria? No, this is Canada. Wake up Canada you're under siege." Under siege by Hamas? No. Under siege by Muslims.

Hamas is not in Iraq or Syria. George Bush invaded Iraq based on a lie. He said Iraq has WMD. We know it. Dr David Kelly said that was a lie. He said he was the weapons inspector based in Iraq and assured us Iraq had no WMD. Then after Bush invaded Iraq and found no WMD he said Mission Accomplished. At the time, Tony Blair was in bed with George Bush who gave him a congressional medal for perpetuating that lie. Before the invasion MI6 launched Operation Mass Appeal flooding the fake news with false information about Iraq's WMD.

When Tulsi Gabbard visited Syria the people asked her why America was supporting terrorists in Syria like ISIS who were raping Syrians. She was shocked and did not have an answer. The CIA created ISIS and ISIS K to win over public opinion to oppose Assad and the rival pipeline from Iran over the Saudi backed pipeline from Qatar. Notwithstanding the fact that Mossad created Hamas, Ezra's moving billboard didn't target Hamas it targeted Muslims in the same way Hitler's antisemitic propaganda during the Holocaust targeted Jews.

I can tell you right now, all the Jews in Israel protesting Benjamin Netanyahu's government did not approve the message on Ezra's moving billboard. Ezra is supporting the globalist narrative that divides people over religion to justify taking away civil liberty. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Children and civilians are literally starving in Gaza while Ezra pridefully drives this offensive circus side show to the police station demanding to be arrested. That is not good. That is not godly.


  1. I think you mean "siege". Mass migration without criminal records checks doesn't seem like that great an idea. "According to the news" there are a number of serious incidents down south due to this, 12 yrs old girl raped and strangled while her two Venezulan attackers videoed it all, a 13 yr old girl the same, her attacker just captured. A mother of 5.....we could go on.....and this is only what we hear about.

    1. Whatever. I think you mean Venezuelan. That's the problem with mass migration without criminal record checks. You don't roll out the red carpet for criminals. Hard working immigrants who contribute to society are welcome. Trump was saying something about some countries opening up their prisons for them to migrate. Venezuelan criminals have wrecked havoc in Colombia and New York.

  2. Toronto is such a multi culture city I can't see a white supremacy hate group trying to set up there haha .

    1. We really need to rise above the repeated use of those ridiculously false labels. It simply feeds the narrative. Two people can disagree on an issue without one of them being a white supremacist. There virtually are no white supremacists. CSIS created the Heritage Front.


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