Thursday, July 25, 2024

Forest Fire consumes Jasper

Update: California’s Park Fire that’s torched over 120K acres ignited by ex-con - ABC News Video

Everyone knew Jasper was high risk for a forest fire because of a pine beetle infestation.

RCMP say arson behind 29 Okanagan wildfires over last four years

Quebecer pleads guilty to setting 14 forest fires

This is clearly another tragedy. Could it have been avoided? I can't help but feel that it could have. I really think the way we fight forest fires now is wrong. We need more emphasis on large water bombers and less emphasis on ground crews. We need to stop controlled back burns. Everyone thinks something shady is going on.

Since massive wildfires have clearly become part of the new normal we must adopt and invest in large scale heavy duty water bombers. A couple of float planes and helicopters won't do it.

Remember, Jason Kenny was initially on the wrong side of Covid lockdowns. He didn't see the light until the end long after Florida and Texas showed it could be done. Danielle Smith Is a huge step forward but she is not flawless. Neither is her party. Jason Kenny had many globalists on his team and they are still in the party. We need to be better prepared.

Forest fires create more C02 emissions than all the cars in Canada. Fighting forest fires doesn't just protect persons and property, it also protects the environment. I've talked about narrow clear cuts instead of controlled burns. Some claim forest fires can move too fast. That is arguable. However, there's nothing stopping us from clear cutting a ring around a town, planting grass and turning it into a park to fortify a city and create a buffer zone against approaching fires.

The WEF government wants us dependent on them. The WEF government wants us to own nothing. That includes homes and property. The WEF government wants us to become victims. The WEF government doesn't want us to be proactive and self reliant yet that is exactly what we must be. We must do better. The future depends on it.

It doesn't look that big on the satellite image. Maybe that's because it's from so far away. If that's from space and you can see the flames then that is big. I just want to see pictures of the fire itself.


  1. I belive 50% of these fire are intentionally set. Paid arsonist to push the climate change bs. Not only is the carbon release huge we also loose that ability for the tree to use carbon and create oxygen so we can live. Something shady is afloat and has been for awhile.

    1. We know that many of the fires in BC and Quebec last year were set by arsonists. The dry conditions make arson insanely dangerous.

  2. Yes ... Canadian towns at high risk of forest fires need a re-think of their fire fighting strategies/plans ... i bet many of these small towns don't even have a comprehensive long-term forest fire fighting strategies to protect the town.

    1. Another problem is that it's becoming increasingly difficult to get fire insurance if you live near an active forest fire. Kind of like earthquake insurance in Metro Vancouver. It keeps getting more expensive and the deductibles keep getting higher.

    2. Construction costs are so high now ... the insurance companies have to charge exorbitant rates ... look at parts of California & Florida for insurance rates that are bankrupting home owners.

    3. That's a very good point. When a fire consumes a whole town that bankrupts the insurance companies as well. It's like when criminals steal cars, they raise the cost of insurance for everyone. Likewise, when mental rejects start a fire, that raises the cost of insurance for home owners. Which brings us back to the you'll own nothing and be happy agenda.

  3. Co2 is plant food. It's not a pollutant.

    1. Yes, plants and trees need C02 to survive. With net zero all plant life dies and all oxygen breathing life as well.

    2. Insurance? I no longer have it. It’s a monopoly industry & It’s a false sense of security. My premium went from $800 a year to $2k! I can not afford that & theres no competition out there because the insurance companies are in cohorts with one another. I now create my own insurance account. This is but just one reason people don’t have insurance, in many cases no company will offer you coverage because of their risk.

  4. "You are the carbon footprint they wish to erase".

  5. I've been pushing Co2 bombs(dry ice) to the fire industry for awhile but no comments back.
    Perhaps the military can conjour something up instead of killing people for awhile
    You are right time to change the formula for firefighting. Even after all these fires you see so much debris on side of logging roads .Trees should be hollywooded when they do thinning ,fire roads already installed which act as fire guards,even the way they log(no more huge clearcuts-log in strips) tree licenses flipped before remediation work done etc

  6. HempCrete may seem like a joke ... but the fact is it's virtually fireproof ... and offers numerous other benefits for home construction ...

  7. Even if the fire were briefly extinguished, there is still heat and fuel left, as soon as oxygen flowed in after the CO2 dispersed, the fire would re-ignite.
    Water cools and smothers fires, and is usually more available and less costly than dry ice. Additives can make water stick to surfaces rather than flow away, so less can be used to fight the fire.

  8. Great constructive comments going on here. Co2 is very important to life on earth. Hempcrete is awesome and if u burn it all down all of Canada will fail. That what the liberal commies ndp governments want.

  9. Arson or climate change, if we are going to be dealing with increased fire risk we need to also reassess how we build out homes. When I came back from traveling I noticed everywhere else make their homes out of brick or concrete. In BC it's all wood framed homes that burn to the ground instantly in a fire. I'm not talking about concrete towers. In Ireland and England the housing estates are made of concrete.

    1. It's a supply thing ... Canada has lots of excess trees ... Europe doesn't.

      If you follow the gravel business at all ... you'd know that permitting new gravel pits in Greater Vancouver has been very very difficult for around 15 years now.

      You also need clean sand/gravel to make home construction quality concrete - which means the sand/gravel needs to be largely free of clay, organics, and other contaminants.

      Furthermore ... the Eco-extremists don't like concrete because of it's high co2 footprint during the extraction & manufacturing process.

      HempCrete checks all the boxes for home construction ...except the know-how, infrastructure for mass production, distribution, and installation doesn't exist.

  10. Yup, 2x4's and wallboard suck.

  11. In much of Germany, the houses are mostly stone. That's why ones that weren't destroyed in the war are often hundreds of years old. It's not like we don't have enough granite in B.C. to do that.


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