Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Justin Trudeau and Bonnie Henry's conflicted reality

Why is drug related violence against health care workers skyrocketing? Children are not allowed to buy cigarettes but they can have free needles and meth pipes. That is criminally insane. Then there is digital slavery. Why is the guy with the worst approval rating in history forcing this on us?

Update: Drea Humphrey confirms the BC NDP crack pipe vending machines are real


  1. The government wants a larger share of drug addicts, so the Poverty Pimps can run for office.

  2. Jturd really believes he is ruling for life.

    You see old footage of this spoiled POS from his high-school days and nothing has changed.

    All just one big game for this sociopathic narcissist.

  3. Holy Crap, what’s scarier? AI or this crap?

  4. If this doesn't convince a person that the people in charge have no use for them, nothing will. "You are the carbon footprint they want to reduce." Now you understand why hundreds of Fentanyl OD's aren't something they are ever going to prevent. Your mistake is thinking all this "just happened" because they say so. THEY made it happen.

  5. Bc united is dropping out. Mabey we can vote our way out of this commie government! To bad Justin doesn't see the writing on the wall. Typical šŸ¤”narcissist.

  6. His dad was more than a bit of a narcissist as well, "fruit meet tree". He basically absorbed the idea that he was special early and ongoing, and if dad was the one to keep him balanced about this growing up we certainly had the wrong guy for that. Now to be completely fair, there were a lot of parenting failures in the 70's.

    1. I liked his father. I thought he had class. I could never understand how Justin could trample the Charter of Rights that his father gave us. I see Justin more of a Commodus who simply didn't measure up to his father.

    2. Justin is more of a Nero Emperor.

    3. trudeau has no power at all. hes a puppet.

  7. I don't know about class, I never saw any of that. Now if you meant "charisma", oh yeah, the old man had that in spades. Google "Trudeaumania". "Commodus", lol true and you made a pun there as well....."a "commode" is now a colloquial synonym for a flush toilet. The word commode comes from the French word for "convenient" or "suitable", which in turn comes from the Latin adjective commodus, with similar meanings." -from Wiki

  8. check this out dennis

  9. Turdeau has stayed too long at the fair.


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