Sunday, August 18, 2024

New York Times defames the Falun Gong and Shen Yun

Update: The New York Times was the subject of an exposé this week. The paper’s vested interests in communist China were scrutinized in an investigation by The Epoch Times.

I was told that on August 15th the New York Times put out an article defaming the Falun Gong and the Shen Yun. I'm not surprised because the New York Times is fake news. They defame Donald Trump and anyone who opposes Globalism. Yet trashing Shen Yun is very strange. That is a wonderful theatre production like the ballet on Broadway. Before I dive into the article I just wanted to post a response from some of the actual participants in Shen Yun.

I have no doubt that industry is very demanding physically just like the Ballet. It's like training for the Olympics. It's hard work. Many people don't make the cut and many people can't maintain the discipline of road trips. I remember when Pentatonix made it big. A couple of the guys had to leave the group not because they weren't talented but they just couldn't handle the time commitment. They wanted to spend time with their families which is totally understandable.

This brings us to the real reason for the defamation - the Falun Gong. The Falun Gong are Buddhists in China persecuted for their beliefs. They are imprisoned and killed for their organs. It's big business. Yet they are very peaceful people. The problem is they are very honest. They hold peaceful protests all over the world about China's organ harvesting. That's the real issue.

Now with the persecution of the Uyghurs in China and the Buddhists in Tibet we can clearly see a pattern of misinformation and abuse. At first they singled out the Falun Gong and defamed them claiming they were a cult. A lot of people in China believed the lies that were shown all over State run media. Then they started locking up the Uyghurs in prison camps too.

So the Muslims are crazy? The Dhali Lama is crazy? Everyone who has a religious affiliation is crazy. All of a sudden the lies began to unravel and became harder to believe. Yet the New York Times and our own Fake News is eating it up. That's because they are promoting Communism.

OK I've had a look through the New York Times article and it's trash. No really. Their primary claim is that the Shen Yun performance's purpose is to promote the Falun Gong religion. You just don't get it. The Shen Yun performance is to remember the Chinese traditions that were destroyed in Mao's cultural genocide and remember what China was like before Communism.

The Falun Gong support Chinese traditions. That's why they support Shen Yun. Because Shen Yun promotes Chinese traditions. It doesn't talk about the Falun Gong religion at all. The article equates Shen Yun with the Falun Gong and the Epoch Times. The Epoch Times supports Donald Trump. That's the reason for the witch hunt.

The article claims the Falun Gong are anti Communist. That is true. Aren't you? You should be. Communism has killed more people than Adolf Hitler. We can clearly see the reason for the Falun Gong defamation is because they are anti Communist. That seems to be the root of their concern. The Falun Gong are also involved with a new video sharing platform call Ganjing World.

Ganjing means clean. They have created a safe space for sharing clean videos online and have launched their own streaming platform like Netflix with positive family entertainment. That's what Disney used to be before it was bought out by the CCP. We need family friendly entertainment.


  1. Yeah I have a feeling that "China before Communism" thing just really gets the CCP's goat. Which it should, they are evil people, and among other reasons we exist, we are here to confront evil and preserve all that is good. The CCP' actions with forced organ donation, wow, it's like Mengele is alive and well. Truly evil and worth of death. And eventually it will happen, it always does, but as usual they will get a lot of people killed first. It's pretty much all totalitarianism is good for. People are surprised to hear that Stalin killed more of his own population in the 1930's before the war ever started than Hitler did by the end, but no Allied army ever marched through Russia's gulag either, "perception".

    1. Communism is evil. Organ Harvesting is evil but the Chinese people are not evil. They are struggling against the same evil we are and right now, we're not far behind. The WEF is worse that Xi Jinping.


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