Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard on Kamala Harris' Dishonesty


  1. Tulsi is great. One of the few politicians that actually make me believe that the USA will come out of all this drama over the last couple of election cycles stronger than ever before. We need some of our own to be as willing as she is to fight for the truth. I know that we have some good people in government positions in Canada, but I’ve seen so many liars as well, and very few who are truly willing to put it all on the line to fight for the truth. This is why so many people do not trust the government in Canada (I’ve even met people in the government who don’t trust the government as a whole), and this is why we also have people who are going beyond mistrust, and moving towards hate. People need to get it together, and the best place to start is by recognizing the true value of honesty. Dishonesty is the easiest way to lose trust, so people need to quit acting like it’s just part of the job. Maybe we too will come out of the recent years of weirdness stronger than ever.

    1. You are correct.
      We've fallen so far that politicians lying is just expected and accepted these days.
      Therein lies the problem!

    2. Wish it was just the politicians that this problem applies to, but the rot goes much deeper than that.

  2. Strong morales and values is not prevalent in government as their duties have morphed into social policing. Stripping us of our basic fundamental rights and becoming a dictatorship is the “government policy” of the lieberals. I am not convinced we are not headed for a civil war or WW3. Just look at Europe. We are on their coat tails.

    1. I doubt a civil war in Canada. Maybe the US. We'll see how far electronic voting goes. We are told the constitution will hang by a thread. We see that now. We are told the constitution will be saved by righteous men and woman who love and cherish freedom. They didn't say anything about a civil war.

    2. I doubt a civil war in Canada as well unless one happens in the USA. If it happens south of us, I believe we will follow down the same path. This is not the 1800’s anymore. The internet connects us, and the ties between the Canadian and American populations have expanded greatly. Look at how the culture war has spread, and understand that a civil war would likely spread in the exact same fashion. While there has been much more tension throughout civil society than normal throughout recent years, and talks of the possibility of civil war has spread to a point in which it’s not just being brushed off as ‘crazy talk’ anymore, I don’t think it’s quite there yet. Might’ve gotten there had Trump gotten killed, but as he has survived, I don’t see that incident as being a catalyst for civil war. Even if he does lose the upcoming election.

    3. "The culture war spread"

      Bud we literally got doctor's castrating Canadian kids daily being paid by our tax dollars. Any nation/society/culture/species that won't go to war to protect their kids are finished.

  3. "West--Can". An idea whose time has come.

    1. If you mean separation I don't think so. That's not my thing.

  4. At the very least kick Quebec to the curb, we should have celebrated their wanting to split long time ago, Quebecers are not Canadian, they do not assimilate as Canadian, neither do they WANT to be Canadian, they support NOTHING as Canadian and have ALWAYS believed they are “not Canadian” …. And they can take their debt with them!

    1. Quebec is one of the best parts of Canada. Vancouver and Montreal have always been tight. Closer than BC and Alberta but with all this Globalism and Trudeau hate BC is opening up to Alberta. We just don't want to separate from the rest of the country.

  5. Tight how so? Serious question.

    1. Vancouver and Montreal have always been close. Back in 1965 Postal workers from Vancouver and Montreal defied back to work legislation together. Paul Bourget's father helped translate for that. Paul gave me a LCUC gavel his father made. In BC parents line up to get their kids in French immersion. Learning other languages is a sign of education. I suck but my kids are great at languages.


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