Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Joe Biden and Donald Trump: A Tale of Two Monkeys

I didn't watch Trump's inauguration because I'm sick of all the extreme drama. Not only did Biden pardon his son Hunter, but in the last hour of his presidency he pardoned Facui and his family along with a list of others. Hunter I get but Fauci and his family, that's shady. Was he laundering money through them? 

Both presidents were frantically issuing pardons and writing executive orders like fireworks on the Fourth of July. It's an example of polarized extremism and abuse of power. 

On day one of Biden's presidency he has a stack of executive orders to sign and I can tell you right now, he signed them but he didn't write them. So in our tale of two monkeys Joe Biden is a flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz. He's a puppet for the wicked witch who is Hillary Clinton and the New World Order. 

Donald Trump on the other hand instantly pardons the J6ers. That was completely within reason because the way they were imprisoned without a fair trial was insane. January 6th was a complete set up. We saw the videos of police waving people past barricades. We saw the videos of them letting protesters into the Capital building and we saw the surveillance video of police escorting the CIA's QAnon Sharmon throughout the building. The whole thing was a set up and the way the politicized Department of Justice over reacted and the way the fake news misrepresented it was George Orwell.

So Donald Trump pardoning the J6ers wasn't an example of extremism locking them up at all let alone without a fair trial in a timely matter was outrageous. That was not the land of the free home of the brave. Locking them up was treason.

Canada had a similar government over reach with the trial of Chris Barber, Tamara Lich and Pat King. Pat King's sentence is insane. Literally. As was Chris Barber and Tamara Lich's trial. That never should of happened and the fact that it did is a stain on all of us. Guantanamo Bay shouldn't exist. All the CIA black prison sites shouldn't exist. The fact that they do shows the world something is wrong in the United States of America.

I am a big fan of the US Constitution. Civil liberty needs to be protected by law.  Guantanamo Bay, the CIA black prison sites and how the J6ers were mistreated are all violations of the US Constitution. The CIA justified Guantanamo Bay because it wasn't on American soil. They said since it's not on American soil, the Constitution doesn't apply. That was an abomination. 

Then they put black prison sites on American soil and said, they're not American citizens, the Constitution doesn't apply. That was an abomination. Then they said J6ers were terrorists, the Constitution doesn't apply. That was an abomination. As Gina Carano pointed out some J6ers committed suicide because they saw no hope in the Republic they believed in. 

So Donald Trump pardoning the J6ers was a good thing as was pulling out of the WHO and the Paris Climate Accord. Reducing pollution is good but pollution is not a valid excuse to throw away civil liberty and embrace Communism. That is the objective of fake environmentalism.

Trump getting America off Saudi oil is a good thing. Developing oil and reducing the cost of energy is critical to preserve liberty and prosperity. Natural gas is clean burning. We need to develop and utilize that resource. 

However, Trump is not perfect. We need to recognize that. He did did a lot of good things when he was in office but he did make some mistakes. Denying that is dangerous for everyone. 

I supported Trump over Hillary and I supported Trump over Biden and Kamala but Trump has already been swept away in his pride wanting to start a trade war with the rest of the world. Canada was America's friend and ally. Mocking Justin Trudeau is fair game but mocking Canada is not. 

Trump's Tariffs are shooting himself in the foot. Tariffs are taxes. You raise taxes you raise the price of goods for consumers. Being an arrogant bully to Canada loses a good friend. 

Trump is mocking Spain for wanting to join BRICS. Mocking people is not a wise way to retain their friendship. Canada could join BRICS. Canada can trade with other countries. America isn't the only country on the planet and this defiant arrogance makes Trump the Monkey King.

In Chinese folklore the Monkey King was a good guy. That's not the context I'm using when I refer to Trumpo as the Monkey King. He could have been that guy but he let his pride and arrogance consume him. Now he's just a monkey with a crown and four years from now that crown will be gone and the boisterous parade will come to an end.

People are also going off about Elon Musk's Nazi salute. I didn't see that but I did see a clip of him at the inauguration jumping around like Napoleon Dynamite's Vote For Pedro dance

I thought whoa. All that money and the guy is jumping around like a complete nerd.  Elon Musk did some amazing things bringing free speech back to Twitter but he is not perfect. No one is. Everyone needs to be accountable and all these executive order fireworks is concerning. How about due process? You submit a bill, debate it and vote on it. Power tends to corrupt but absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

Monkey's struggle with pride too. Ever hear the story of the monkey trap? Someone put a banana in a glass jar. The opening of the jar was just big enough for the monkey to get his hand through. But it wasn't big enough for him to get his hand out if he was holding onto the banana. The monkey was trapped because he wouldn't let go of the banana. 

That's Donald Trump the Monkey King. He did a lot of good but his pride got the best of him and he has lost my respect. 

Trump pardons Ross Ulbricht, founder of Silk Road dark web. There is no justification for that. Trump is starting to listen to his CIA advisors again. What about his red and white hitman

Trump’s Call For Building ‘Freedom Cities’ Plays Right Into Globalists’ Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution


  1. Biden also pardoned this man! Let's go Brandon!

  2. Dennis, I found a list of people Biden pardoned I hope your stomach is not full.

    1. LOL "Secret service agent soliciting money to commit fraud."

      "Conspiracy to unlawfully export technology to Iran and to defraud the United States."

      "Conspiracy to unlawfully export goods to Iran via the United Arab Emirates"

      Those were all CIA. Iran Contra never stopped.

      When you look at the list, it's mentally deranged. Why have such punitive jail sentences for drug trafficking if the president is going to pardon them all. Unless those drug dealers were selling drugs for the CIA.

      The last Warrants for 2025 are a whole lot of crazy.

    2. Definitely something off about some of these pardons.

  3. Very disturbing was his introduction of the “CEO’s of AI” , named Stargate. WTF. Where is JFK in this decision? These goofs are hell bent on this nRNA (?) toxin masked as a “miracle” jab to cure your “individual “ cancer! I do not like this at all!

    1. I hope he's not spending tax dollars on Stargate. I think AI and Rna are two separate concerns but Trump did support the vaccine when he was president.


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