Sunday, February 23, 2025

Pat King sentced to three months house arrest

The BBC is reporting that "A key organiser (Pat King)behind the "Freedom Convoy" trucker protests that gridlocked Canada's capital for weeks in 2022, has been sentenced to three months of house arrest. King is the first organiser of the Freedom Convoy to be convicted and sentenced. Two other organisers, Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, will learn the outcome of their trial next month."

Well that's a relief. Three months house arrest is a lot better than 10 years in prison. He shouldn't have received anything. Lawful assembly is a Charter right. This whole abuse of process needs to be addressed. Pat wasn't a trucker. He filmed himself driving around Ottawa in a car saying honk honk. It's a farce.

At 58:27 of my video covering the Khalistan referendum in Surrey I interviewed a local Sikh who donated money and helped fund raise for Pat King legal defense. The Sikh community were big supporters of the Convoy as was I. The majority of truckers at my place of employment are Sikh. Diversity makes us strong.

We also anxiously await the news of Chris Barber and Tamara Lich's sentence. Again this whole process was an abuse of power. Lawful assembly is a Charter right. Tamara Lich wasn't a trucker either. She held press conferences bringing credible people to the table like former RCMP officer Danial Bulford and former Newfoundland Premier Brian Peckford who is the last surviving signer of the Canadian Charter of rights. 

I interviewed Tamara Lich May 16th 2023.Tamara Lich was recently on the Trish Wood is Critical Podcast. In her blog post explaining the interview Trish pointed out some recent defamation about the Convoy recently printed in the CBC. That guy is really offensive. That's how you kill a news outlet. No one respects the CBC any more. Tamara Lich and Chris Barber are patriots who rose to the call to keep the True North Strong and Free. 

This is a video of Danial Bulford's speech during the Convoy

There was a documentary about the Convoy made called Unacceptable? Which you can rent on AmazonThe Convoy was an eye opener for the public. People saw the truth and said if the media lied about that, what else are they lying about?


  1. Finally some good news in Canada for a change. I hope Pat King tours Canada to fundriase. I would love to get a pciture with him.

  2. I'm not sure how it's such good news, as Dennis points out they should never have been convicted in the first place. Once we get rid of the corruption and the corruptors all these defendants need to sue the Federal government for compensation for violation of rights. We need to do much as they are doing down south with the FBI and CIA, anyone from middle management on up at the RCMP and CSIS needs to be fired or charged, or both. Trump is already making moves on all the corrupt and incompetent Judges they have down there who have perverted the Justice system, we will need to do the same. Just thinking about it is exciting. "Justice baby, it's what's for dinner".

    1. Trump has lost his mind. The only thing we need to do is pull out of the Five Eyes, the UN and NATO. The CIA are the biggest drug traffickers on the planet.

  3. The UN and NATO are on his list. The Five Eyes thing may be as well, it's hard to feature things being the same as before after he fires half the CIA. Don't know anything about the Australians or New Zealand but the Brits need a enema just like the CIA does.

    1. That's TDS. Blind faith in an idiot who just brought colonialism back.


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