The sun has set. Ramadan has begun. Tonight is a special meal and the fasting begins from sunrise to sunset each day until sunset March 29th which is a very special meal called Eid.
I hear dates are a good gift for Muslims during Ramadan. A lot of my neighbour's have fancy lights that took like Christmas lights. We picked some up that have stars and crescent moons.
Superstore has an Advent calendar for Ramadan. Each window has a small piece of chocolate you can eat after the sun sets. Must be a Canadian thing. They're kind of blending Advent with Ramadan. Last year it was awkward because Ramadan was the same time as Easter. It keeps getting earlier each year so that's not a problem any more. I was looking for videos of Ramadan lights in Gaza before the war but this is all I could find.
The palm trees in their part of the world are all date palms, unlike the ornamental ones here.