Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Sweden beat USA in Hockey

The 4 Nations Face-Off Without Russia Is Pointless

Sweden beat USA in Hockey Monday night 2-1. Now when we talk about the arrogant bullies mocking the world, Sweden is a very small country compared to the USA. They have a much smaller population to draw from. One would think they wouldn't have a chance but they did and they won.

I had a second job on Cypress during the 2010 Winter Olympics. The head chefs were all from Australia but one of the administrators was an American. When the Olympics first started he would post a daily tally of how many gold medals US won compared to Canada bragging about how much better they were than the host country. We all just rolled our eyes and thought the guy was an idiot. The US has a huge population compared to Canada. Ironically enough Canada ended up getting more gold medals than the US which was shocking. We all kind of snickered because it finally shut the idiot up. 

Nobody likes bullies. Picking on smaller countries bragging about how great you are really isn't very appealing. Thursday night Canada goes up against the US in Boston. Now I like Boston. There are a lot of Irish in Boston but I don't like bullies.

If Canada loses on Thursday it won't really change anything. It doesn't make arrogance pretty or bullies right. It means we don't bow to bullies. Period. Win or lose. That's what it means. 

Sean Strickland supported Trump but now questions his vote because of Trump's position on Gaza. Trump's position on Gaza is tyrannical. Candace Owens agrees with Trump on many things but disagrees with him on Gaza. Blind obedience to evil is unhealthy. The Spartans were defeated by Xerxes's army but they never bowed to him. Threatening to destroy our economy and steal our sovereignty is not a joke. Lying about it is worse


  1. The moment you said you don't like hockey, I lost any respect remaining for you as an actual Canadian.

    1. LOL no love lost. There's more to life than hockey.

    2. When we first moved to Canada I became a big hockey fan for about the first year. Watched Hockey Night in Canada, collected those old Esso trading cards. Then I got a pair of skates. Turns out I suck at skating. Of course the immigrant becomes a target for all the hockey bullies. Of whom there were a lot. Did a couple months as everyone's random checking dummy. Permanently banned from the rink for whacking one of them over the head repeatedly with my stick. I guess hockey wasn't for me.

  2. I still think that an arena filled with Canadians standing in unified silence during the USA anthem and then loudly singing the Canadian anthem is strategically better than booing the USA anthem. Booing the anthem only provides motivation to the opponent team, feeds into modern ‘WWE entertainment style politics’, and looks undignified like Trump; while standing in silence in unity shows more commitment to a cause, discipline, and is far more positive energy than booing. This all feels like PsyOps style attacks by the Trump executive.

    1. I totally get what you mean. I think it's like the F*ck Trudeau flags. The Veterans kept trying to get us to raise the bar but people's anger was over the top and they needed to vent. Kind of like with all of Trumps' threats and rude comments.


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