Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Balancing the Extremes and Dialing back the crazy

Today we're going to talk about where we were, where we're going and where we want to be. We are going to talk about the need to debate issues honestly without being blindly partisan. Rand Paul gets it. Zombies don't.

Former NATO Сhief Blasts ‘Shameless’ Trump and Calls for a European Nuclear Deterrent - that is literally mentally deranged. This is why we should withdraw from NATO. It's been hijacked by wackos. Elon Musk publicly supports call for US to exit NATO, UN. He's right. This is what I talked about in this podcast.


  1. Rand paul is a russian stooge. Just like ron paul and every other cuckservative. Fuck off back to russia and take your fake trucker protest with you ya fucking retarded machurian candidate.

    1. I have to admit Donny McWhirter's crystal meth spam of insults and stupid comments brought a chuckle to my evening. That guy is such and idiot and so obsessed with my blog. One has to wonder why. Surely there are a ton of Justin Trudeau loving support groups out there for him to have a troll cluster f*ck in. Why waste so much precious time here?

  2. Mine as well. No one does cuck-oo (see what I did there?) like that guy.

  3. He's just waiting on the reaper at this point, nothing better to do. A waste in life, his highest achievement will be leaving it.

  4. Both we and the Americans have no need to be involved in NATO any longer. If we are out, then the Europeans can do whatever they like as far as admitting Ukraine and then invoking Article 5.


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