Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Alex Jones on the new Supreme court Decision

Alex Jones is in the news. The Hill is reporting that "The trustee in charge of Alex Jones’s bankruptcy proceedings said Monday that he will move to shut down his Infowars media site and liquidate Jones’s business assets as he attempts to repay the families of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims." That's pretty shady. When you file for bankruptcy they divide up your assets. They don't take your job and prevent you from working.

"Families of the victims also sought to take over Jones’s social media accounts." OK that's George Orwell. Obvious I don't agree with everything Alex Jones says or does. I cannot comprehend why he said Sandy Hook never happened. That's like saying 9/11 never happened. Of course it did. Just because it was an inside job doesn't mean it never happened.

I do think the Sandy Hook lawsuit was punitive. $1.5 billion? That was insane.

Alex Jones did put out an excellent video about the Attack on the USS Liberty. The attack on the USS Liberty was a false flag attack. The Israelis were acting under the orders of President Johnston who recalled the air support when the Liberty was attacked. The attack only stopped when a Russian spy ship entered the waters to record who was really attacking it.


  1. Alex Jones didn’t say SH never happened. He said no children died. I don’t agree or disagree. There are a lot of answered questions about what happened there. To this day there has been no publicly available evidence to definitively prove that children in the school were killed

    1. I don't buy that. That is like saying it never happened. It crosses over into crazy like the flat earth theory. IMO people who support flat earth or claim no children died at SH are agent Provocateurs. They work for or have been brainwashed by the CIA.

    2. Denny you clearly never looked into sh. There's plenty of proof the official narrative is bogus. Official timeline of events doesn't jive with dashcam footage. If you don't question Sandy Hook then you are ignorant (I mean that literally not in a disrespectful way)

    3. I think many mass shootings are orchestrated. That doesn't mean they never happened. To say that no one died at SH is ignorant. Just because Anderson Cooper used a green screen to pretend he was live on scene when he wasn't doesn't mean it never happened. Agent Provocateurs keep bringing it up because they want any site that questions the narrative shut down. Falling for that would be foolish.

  2. Well the earth is round. That’s a proven fact. Can’t argue facts. Maybe kids did die. We don’t know because there is no evidence. Maybe the guy dressed in camo that the helicopter filmed escaping into the woods was the real killer and working for the CIA. We don’t know. Maybe the teacher is dead, maybe she’s still alive. There’s no definite proof either way. Why did all the ambulances and first responders go to a different school and why did the media report that that school was SH live on air. That’s a proven fact yet there is no explanation. Within a year of the incident many homes in SH were sold for triple their value, maybe they were paid off by the CIA to tow the line. Why was the dad of one of the victims smiling and jovial at the news conference when he thought the camera wasn’t rolling, bizarre behaviour if he wasn’t a crisis actor. Don’t forget that Adam Lanza’s dad worked for the same company as the Batman shooter’s dad and they both have that spaced out look in their eyes. In my opinion it was a staged event almost guaranteed to have CIA involvement . Did children die? Very possible but we may never know because there is no evidence in the public domain. Plenty of independent investigation documentaries outlining other discrepancies have been scrubbed from the internet. Why the censorship if there’s nothing to hide. Whatever happened at SH, we definitely aren’t getting the true story

    1. A guy dressed in camo escaping into the woods is relevant. Just like in the Orlando shooting at the gay bar. There were too many rounds fired for just one shooter.

  3. Alex Jones talked a lot of stupid shit over the years for the purpose of being controversial and making money. Eventually it bit him in the ass.

    When 90% of what you say is true, no one is ever going to remember that when you 10% overreach and say some stupid shit like no kids were killed at SH.

    As far as the judgement against him, obviously that is BS and it's part of the "Lawfare" that the left has been practicing lately to defeat the efforts against them, same like with Trump.

    1. Yeah, I'm just saying even if someone said 9/11 never happened fining them $1.5 billion would be somewhat extreme. I met with a lady here once who was a little bit crazy. They kept institutionalizing her because she kept going off about laser beams and CCP. I told her to stop saying that to the police. She said why? They don't arrest you for saying crazy things in the US. She smiled when she said when she was there they told her they don't arrest people for talking crazy only if they do something crazy.

    2. Let’s not sway too far from the point here. SH is the only school shooting incident, in the last 30 years where no video or photographic documentation has been presented to the public.

    3. Let's not focus on SH. A lot of mass shootings have been orchestrated. Right or wrong, the punitive court decision has put and end to SH. There are a lot of other orchestrated events we need to worry about.

  4. Love Alex. The guy fights for everyone wether you love him or hate him.

    Don't take fake vaccines people. Remain pureblooded.


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