Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Candace Owens starts to do some 9/11 math

Now that Candace Owens is completely free she's starting to do some 9/11 math which is very relevant to the Globalist's quest to infiltrate the right. I've talked about the refusal to believe 9/11 was an inside job. We know 9/11 happened and we know steel framed towers don't collapse at freefall speed into their own blueprint without the load bearing beams being blown out.
I've talked about some of the many 9/11 inconsistencies before but Candace addresses two of them. First she mentioned the dancing Israelis. A viral video of a handful of Israelis dancing and cheering when the twin towers came down. I want to be very clear that they weren't just Israelis. They were Mossad. There's a big difference. All the Israelis protesting against Benjamin Netanyahu and the war in Gaza would not do that. The only ones that would do that is someone who had foreknowledge of the plot and would benefit from it.

Having said that I do not believe Mossad did 9/11. The CIA did. Mossad didn't approve the Saudi passports, the CIA did. Mossad didn't plant thermite on the load bearing beams of the towers, the CIA did. Mossad had foreknowledge of the attack but they didn't do it.

Candace points out that Haaretz, a Jewish news outlets in Israel reported that "Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen."

A remarkable amount of Jewish employees at the twin towers were not present that day. Larry Silverstein was one. For some strange reason he broke his regular daily routine and wasn't there. There are too many 9/11 inconsistencies to mention in one blog post. 9/11 Loose Change talked about Operation Northwoods and 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out talked about thermite found in the rubble.

My point is that Mossad didn't do 9/11, the CIA did. We can't blame everyone in Israel just because Mossad was aware of it any more than we can blame all Americans just because the CIA did it. The CIA is evil. They are domestic enemies of the US Constitution.

Loose Change 9/11 'An American Coup'- 9/11: Loose Change 2nd Edition


  1. The two entities are one in the same Dennis. Recall Acosta on the plea deal for Epstein. "He belongs to intelligence". For a more thorough understanding of the Octopus, give Whitney Web a listen.

    1. The CIA is the Octopus. It's that simple. Mossad and the CIA are joined at the hip. I wonder if Arthur Shapiro was related to Ben.

    2. Given the fact that Mossad and the CIA are joined at the hip, it makes us wonder why they aren't mentioned in the Five Eyes? Everything we give the Five Eyes, Mossad gets.

    3. Very true Dennis, everything the 5ive eyes see Mossad sees as well. You don’t think there are old guys at the top of the food chain of MI6 drinking scotch at the Palace with King Charles telling him state secrets.

    4. You mean US State secrets? MI6 are supposed to share intelligence with King Charles. The problem is, they don't. MI6 aren't defenders of the Crown they are extorters of the Crown. They are the ones that wire tapped Diana's phone and collected dirty on Randy Andy. They did that to blackmail the Crown not to support it.

  2. Pollard was just the guy who got caught.

  3. Spook sh*t: I don't give a f*ck about what your opinion is. I don't care what you have to say. Your bullsh*t is smothering the Internet. This is a free space where you do not belong and are not welcome. You're just a stalker that refuses to respect healthy boundaries.

    Your claim to fame is that you worked for Blackwater in Baghdad. No one respects that. Wikileaks exposed that for what it was. Every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie. Yet you claim you have never lied. That is not true. You have never stopped lying. You claim you support Donald Trump but you blindly support the Agency. The CIA supported Biden and created QAnon. You cannot support Trump and the CIA at the same time.

    You're MO is pathetic - infiltrate and lead astray. You support the lies in the Ukraine. You support the lies about 9/11. You hate all cops and all Hells Angels. I support Police on Guard and I trust the HAs more than I trust the CIA or the ATF. The sad reality is no one cares. The views on my videos are nothing. People read my sh*t but most people just want drama and I don't care. Balancing the extremes doesn't go viral and Google buries me so get a life and leave me alone.

    1. Ray Epps wore a Trump hat on January 6th. F*ck off.


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