Sunday, August 4, 2024

Donald Trump Assassination attempt: suppressed gunfire coming from window of building the police were in.

Update: Interesting to note that the Trump assassination attempt was the first time Secret Service were deployed to protect him. As I suspected before that, secret service was not assigned to his protection. With friends like that, who needs enemies.


There has been a lot of talk about multiple shooters. One witness said they saw secret service shoot a sniper on the water Tower. Eric Prince said the secret service sniper took out the shooter from 488 yards. Only it wasn't 488 years to Crooks it was 488 years to the water Tower. There was also video footage of a shooter in the trees.

This video of suppressed gunfire coming from the window is especially concerning. Suppressed gunfire caries with it the obvious concern. That's an intelligence agency hiding their involvement. If I'm not mistaken this is the building Crooks was on after he climbed a carefully placed ladder to get on the roof. I thought we were told that police were stationed in that building.

Shots fired at Trump rally, shooter dead - Motive Missing

Colion Noir on Trump's Assassination Attempt


  1. Yup Bobby D there's a credible source . Hilarious

    1. John Cullen's response is the credible sources.

  2. Ya Bro, they are figuring it out..
    Crooks was bullied and tricked to get on the roof by who I do not know...But it was A LARGE GROUP of people.
    Ever hear the term Patsie?
    This guy could not shoot that good. His gun club is the prime suspects.

    1. The CIA are the prime suspects. His fake gun club didn't place other shooters. Like I said from the beginning, the shot that clipped Trump's ear didn't come from the kid.

    2. Bingo. I'd go so far as to say the kid likely never even fired a shot. He was probably told he was working with them. To probe responses to certain situations. They told him get on the roof with the gun. The shots start going off. And he likely threw the gun to the side right before they shot him. Hence why the gun was 7ft from his body once they finally went on the roof.

  3. Anyone with a half a brain knew this was a set up before trump even got off the stage. Nobody gets that close to take a shot unless they allowed it.

  4. Also. Similarly to 9/11. There were massive short positions put on DJT stock the day before the shooting. Many people knew and were in on it.


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