Saturday, July 13, 2024

Shots fired at Trump rally, shooter dead - Motive Missing

Sky News is reporting that "Gunshots have reportedly been fired at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania, with the former president rushed off-stage by security staff." F*ck the CIA.

The audio says shooter down. "Shooter and attendee killed in incident at Trump rally."

ABC is reporting that "Two people have been killed at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania, including the person who fired shots in the former president's direction. Mr Trump was seen with blood on his face, and evacuated from the stage to safety." The extra shots were them taking out the alleged shooter. "Another person is in serious condition, the prosecutor said."

"The Secret Service confirmed the shooter is dead, one audience member was killed, and two were critically injured." Witness alerted police to shooter, secret service hesitated.
There is a slight anomaly with the trajectory. The shooter was on the site of the venue. For a bullet to graze Trump's ear he would have to have been stationed behind it not beside it. However, he did turn his head to face that direction when he was shot at.

Logistically, that location would minimize collateral casualties since he was firing from the side. If he was firing head on everyone behind Trump would be a t risk. I'm not sure where Corey Comperatore the 50-year-old volunteer fire chief and the other two injured were sitting.

CTV is reporting that "The FBI identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania as the suspect in Saturday's attempted assassination of former U.S. president Donald Trump at a campaign rally."

Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Netanyahu supporter. That assassination assisted Mossad's quest to destroy the Oslo accord and sabotage the peace process. NBC is reporting some stereotypical hearsay that doesn't make sense. "A high school classmate, Jason Kohler, 21, said Crooks was a "loner" who was “bullied so much in high school.” Crooks would regularly wear hunting outfits and was made fun of for the way he dressed. He often sat alone at lunch, Kohler added."

Michael Dudjak, 20, went to school with Crooks for most of his life, recalling him as a relatively reserved and quiet classmate. He didn't hear or see Crooks being actively bullied by their peers, but Dudjak did describe Crooks as someone who was "on his own a lot." He couldn't recall Crooks ever being outspoken about politics or very active on social media. Dudjak was with some friends and acquaintances from high school on Saturday night when he learned that Crooks was the shooter. They were all "in shock" and "couldn't fathom" the news, Dudjak said.

He supposedly wore hunting outfits. Hunters support Trump. Hunters don't support Biden. One person said he was bullied all the time yet a friend who knew him all his life said e never saw him bullied. Gun control Activist's claim he used and an AR style semi automatic rifle. Yet an AR is a military rifle. It's not really a hunting rifle or a long range sniper rifle. It certainly can be used for hunting but it's more for mid range as opposed to long range.

The CIA has a long history of orchestrating political assassinations and rigging elections. The CIA supported Hilary Clinton over Donald Trump. The CIA supported Joe Biden over Donald Trump. The CIA is not your friend. The CIA has a long history of drug trafficking, They support the WEF and the UN's New World Order. Every crime has a means and a motive.

OK so let's talk about motive. FBI are investigating a possible motive. We know that the leftists who hate Trump and the CIA who support Biden want him dead. They have a motive.

A non political 20 year old kid who just graduated from high school with awards, doesn't really have a motive to commit suicide and try to shoot the man ready to save the nation form the leftist lies. Let's get domestic production of oil going to break the Saudi and the WEF monopoly that's driving inflation out of control. Only the people that support the Saudi oil monopoly and manufactured energy crisis would want Trump dead. Motive means who stands to benefit.

It would make sense how a shady organization like the CIA or the WEF would want him dead but it doesn't make sense how a 20 year old kid would. I realize no mass shootings make sense but I also realize many not all mass shootings are orchestrated.

Speaking of the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr and the CIA were behind that on too. Just sayn.



    1. Secret service hesitated. Big surprise:

    2. I agree, Trump would be better suited to have NAVY Seals guarding him. Half the SS guards probably hate Trump.

    3. The only reason the SS would hate Trump is because they are CIA globalists. Everyone I know is talking about it and support Trump. Very few people support the narrative now.

    4. It would not be a very far stretch to be the son of a CIA agent and become secret service.

  2. I just got back from NYC and Charlotte for the CanMT soccer games. All they were talking about on talk radio was how the SS scout out the area cover all the sightlines and how it would be very odd and strange for them to have completely missed the roof of that building. Biden came out and said the same thing.

    1. The secret service didn't jump out from hiding until they heard shooter down and knew it was safe to come out.

  3. The head of the Secret Service is Bidens former bodyguard when he was VP. Biden promoted her to the top spot in the Secret Service less than a year and a half ago.
    In my opinion the top Dems realized that they can't beat Trump so they tried to have him killed. Since Biden won't step down I feel that he's next, only the Dems will claim that Trump supporters did it in retaliation thus giving the Dems plausible deniability and allowing them to install someone else in the running.
    That's when Obamas wife Mike steps in to continue the lefts globalist agenda.

    1. It's not just the top Dems. The CIA control everything. They are the Octopus. They supported Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden. John Brennan is a Communist. If one of them that pretend to support Trump they are lying to infiltrate the movement.

  4. You missed bishes. Tom McDonald has a sweet song out.!!

    1. Very powerful. He's rocking grills now:

      I do like his music. A lot better than the locals who shall not be named. However, I just want to make one point. There are a whole lot of leftists that are insane. I saw some tweets on the Arizona Gay's Against Groomers Twitter and just shook my head. But one guy tried to shoot Trump. We can't blame everyone on the left for that. Yes they foster hate and the clowns that said too bad he missed were f*cked up but if we want to get mad at someone we shouldn't kick the cat. The CIA are behind more shady sh*t than we're willing to admit and they support the UN's New World Order. RFK doesn't. People can be left, people can be right. It's the extremes we need to shun.


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