Monday, July 15, 2024

Colion Noir on Trump's Assassination Attempt

Update: Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, said: The sniper that took out the shooter took a 488 yard shot. Only is wasn't 488 yars to Crooks it was 488 yards to the Water Tower.

They obviously gave Trump the B Team Secret Service. I thought before he won the nomination they refused to give him any secret service. Colion made a good point about the 2A. The government can't protect you. That's why you need to be able to protect yourself.

I'm going to add to that. The government can't protect you and in some cases the government won't protect you. The government is cramming this UN New World Order down our throats which is in direct opposition to the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights. So if you oppose the narrative and if you oppose the UN's NWO the government has no desire whatsoever to protect you. Don't forget, even with all the mass shootings, orchestrated or not, governments have murdered far more civilians than criminals have.

OK so the FBI claim the shooter was Mathew Crooks but that video of the guy saying you've got the wrong guy isn't Mathew Crooks or it isn't that Mathew Crooks. The only pictures the FBI have released are the two with short hair one before and one at grad. The video of the guy with long hair in the video isn't him. The picture of the shooter before he was shot shows long hair as does the picture on the right. I'm not sure where that was taken. The anomalies are starting to pile up.

I don't think a 20 year old kid without a lot of experience could have made that shot. Not with an AR. I have a hunting rifle with a scope and those kind of shots from that distance aren't that easy.

For example, there was a pretty amazing graphic on Twitter which seems to have been deleted that showed how Trump tilted his head right before he was shot and in so doing moved his head just enough for the bullet to miss him and graze his ear. Compare that with the other shots that killed and injured bystanders. Those shots weren't even close compared to the first shot. I don't believe the kid made that first shot. I think a second shooter working for the CIA did.

My indoor gun range is 30 meters or 98.4 feet. The distance between the shooter and Trump was approximately 120 meters or 494 feet. That's 4 times the length of my range. That well over a football field. Say your sitting in the end zone and you aim your AR to shoot someone in the head on the opposite end zone. Well this was further than that. Trolls keeps saying oh that's an easy shot but it's not. Not with an AR.

I have a cheap scope on my hunting rifle and getting better optics makes a world of difference but an AR is not a sniper rifle. People keep asking why haven't they shown the rifle used? Because that rifle didn't fire the shot that pierced Trump's ear.

This brings us back to the grassy knoll in JFk's assassination. JFK was assassinated right after he vetoed Allen Dulles' Operation Northwoods. Russia didn't have a motive to kill him, the CIA did. Just like Libya didn't have a motive to kill Major Charles McKee and prevent him from testifying about the CIA's drug trafficking in Lebanon. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

John Brennan is a f*cking Communist. They all are. Don't believe a word they say.

If it was a .50 cal sniper rifle it'd be an easy shot but it wasn't. It was an AR. So we're told but they blurred out the rifle and they haven't shown it to the public yet. You'd think the gun control freaks would be all over that. If it was a .50 cal sniper rifle a trained soldier could make that shot from a mile away. This kid wasn't a trained soldier. The whole thing was obviously a huge distraction. Look at the guy on the roof. He's got a gun. Everybody look at the kid on the roof. Whatever you do don't look at the real shooter. I think a trained soldier made the shot from behind the kid.

There was more than one shooter. The shot that grazed Trump came from the Water Tower.


  1. Would be embarrassing to admit your best assasins missed the shot got to pretend an incell white kid did it

  2. The world is all but a theater.

  3. The MOA on an AR is 4 compared to a 1 on a cheap hunting rifle. That is a huge difference and quite likely saved Trump's life.

  4. CIA is enemy of FBI..

    1. No, the CIA has infiltrated the FBI and are sabotaging it because they was to keep operating in their jurisdiction. After 9/11 all the alphabet agencies have basically merged. The CIA owns all of them.

    True Story...

  6. I am a huge Trump supporter.
    Literally have commented and written tens of thousands of posts since 2014 on hundreds of blogs.
    Well researched policy posts that support this man's love of country and willingness to take on the globalists.
    Personality aside, as I am so fkn tired of that juvenile argument.....from the same people who think Turdeau is so polite....fck me....anyhow back on track....there are many suspect reasons to question the events of last Saturday.

    "They" don't take all the efforts and chances to derail a security detail to let a fkn punk take an easy kill shot!
    This makes no sense and is looking like an absolute diversion.
    Trump may have finally made a deal. I suspect they finally threatened his whole lineage in no uncertain terms, yes I am well aware this occurred many times by many foes.
    This time they were running out of options to deny his second term, again.
    A group of independent forensic photographers MUST certify that "speeding bullet" photograph and put an end one way or another to this scenario.
    Anything less is futile in giving credibility to the events of last Saturday.

  7. Trump Shooter Had Three Encrypted Overseas Accounts Amid Iranian Plot Threats, FBI.
    Crooks had accounts in Germany, New Zealand, and Belgium.

    1. That is absolutely ridiculous. Who do you think created the Overseas accounts? The FBI and their puppet master. How's your buddy Damion Ryan's Iranian charges going? Did they disappear after he rolled on Zone 43?

    2. There's no way this 20 year old loser opened himself any overseas bank accounts. You can't do it online. What exactly an "encrypted overseas account" is, I don't know but I have a regular one in Germany. Like I say, you have to go there to an actual bank (did he even have a passport issued?) and as a non EU citizen and non-EU resident, they will ask you why you need one. No big deal, "business", whatever, but they will ask. This guy had three? Right.

  8. Have u seen the secret service agent talking on his headset that walks up to President Trump right after they get him into the vehicle & points his rifle at the President?? It looked like he was going 2 shoot him. I can't find anyone or any mention of this. Maybe u can dig around & find something about it. It's absolutely an insane scene!! Have u seen this footage??

    1. I haven't seen it. Control the muzzle. Always point the firearm in a safe direction.

    2. Nissan.Cee social YouTube channel has a very good video on the assanation go2 17.25 mark. Tell me wt u think

    3. Very strange. It was really quick but very strange.

  9. NissCee social YouTube

    1. Ah there it is:

  10. he looks like he was going in to kill Trump. He was already secure inside & out. Other ppl interviewed said the snipers killed the man on the water tower.

    1. Yeah I don't know what that was about. I don't know why he would point his rifle at Trump then quickly move it away. It was very strange. Why would he kill Trump in front of everyone? Why would he point his gun at Trump in the first place? Unless someone on the com said there was a threat in the car beside Trump. I have no idea.

      As you say, witnesses did say they shot the second shooter on the Water Tower but nothing in the fake news or from the government about a second shooter on the Water Tower. Everything about this is shady.

  11. Its crazy not a word.about that woman behind Trump taking pics like shes at the park bullets flying ppls screaming others dying not her shes just snapping away. Than they try to sell us nothing 2 c here conspiracy nonsense
    Wut an.ugly evil world we live in. Thers just too much technoloy everywhere.its not like wen they killed Kennedy. Just whack a few witnesses & it's cameras r everywhere but not a word on the fake news.

    1. Yeah the secret service and their puppet master are revealing small pieces of completely irrelevant and false information about Crooks without saying a word about the Water Tower. A bitter tree cannot boring forth good fruit.


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