Monday, July 29, 2024

Bacchus car theft bust in Ontario

CP24 is reporting that "Ontario Provincial Police have arrested three members of the Bacchus Motorcycle Club in connection with a year-long investigation into auto theft that also saw the group’s Oakville clubhouse raided. While a total of six stolen and re-vinned vehicles were seized at the time, police say no arrests were made at the time." Nice tacky furnature.

"In a news release on Wednesday, police confirmed that two “full patch” members of the Bacchus Motorcycle Club and one associate member were arrested on July 2 and charged with nine combined offences, including possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000."

"The suspects have been identified as Chad Burtt, 48 of Oakville, Robert Janes, 39, of Orangeville and Alan Miles, 37, of Amaranth. All three are due in court in Orangeville on July 30 to answer to the charges." Butt kiss? They're still rocking the old condom nose patch. I thought they fixed that. Take a look at their patch. It's a Roman soldier with a condom on his nose.

Trolls claim the name Bacchus comes from the Greek god of wine. Well why the f*ck do they have a picture of a Roman soldier on their patch? It's not the Greek god, it's the Roman soldier.
Sergius and Bacchus were two Roman soldiers who were openly Gay and secret;y Christian. Some refer to them as the patron saints of homosexuality. I couldn't make this sh*t up.

The Bacchus MC were originally from New Brunswick and back in the day were respected. Then they started expanding and doing stupid sh*t. They were selling drugs in Halifax prison. I didn't think they were still around. It's not surprising they found a home with the Ontario Village Idiots.

Stealing cars is low life. That's what meth heads do. Get a real job ya freaking losers.

Obviously Bacchus are a Hells Angels support club. That means if they were in possession of stolen cars, the local Hells Angels president would have approved that criminal activity.
The Red Devils are another Hells Angels support club. I'm told when the Red Devil support club came to Ontario the original Red Devils in Ontario had to patch over and become Bacchus. They achieved criminal organization status in Nova Scotia.


  1. Is the rock machine still active in Canada ?

    1. That's a good question. I don't think so. All the original leaders crossed over and joined the Hells Angels when Mom Boucher went to prison. There was a new group that changed the patch and used the name. They were big in Winnipeg but were busted for drug trafficking. I haven't heard anything from them in a long time.

      They went international and broke into Australia and Europe. Things in Europe fizzled out and someone was selling patches online. Their website is down but somebody is still running a Facebook group in their name. I don't think it's real though. There was a split between the Canadian group and the international group that followed them.

  2. Do you think eventually Bacchus will patch over to HA?

    1. That's another very good question. I think that's every puppet's dream. It does happen but not often. Will the Ontario Bacchus patch over? I don't know. They might have a better chance than others because they were the original Red Devils and they obeyed the club to become Bacchus. For me it's just a whole lot of sh*t that I don't want to have anything to do with.

  3. It's probably worth it for Bacchus to remember that even when a chapter is offered a patch over, it does not always include all members, in fact there have been cases where all but one or two members were sent down the road and others brought in from elsewhere to fully staff the chapter. A rude surprise for some guys who think they are moving up, only to find they are out. It's been a while but I seem to remember reading that when they patched over the Rebels MC in Saskatoon, after they agreed to it all but one guy was run off.

    1. Very true. If they were ever able to patch over many wouldn't make the cut. So at that point they would say sayonara to their life long brothers for a coveted patch.

  4. Hence the death of L&R. Guys who just want to ride and live that life are run off by drug dealers and other criminals who rightly see a 1%'er chapter as a business opportunity.


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