Sunday, July 7, 2024

Five charged after OPP raid Hells Angels clubhouse

The Toronto Sun is reporting that "An alleged “hang-around” member of the Hells Angels is among five people facing charges after police raided the biker gang’s clubhouse during a series of searches in Southwestern Ontario."

"The OPP searched four locations in Kitchener – two homes, an after-hours bar and the Hells Angels clubhouse – between May 11 and 21, police said Wednesday. Officers from several OPP-led units, including London and Windsor, assisted in the searches that led to the seizure of a handgun, a kilogram of suspected cocaine, alcohol and electronic devices."

"The investigation started after police were alerted to an illegal after-hours club and determined it was linked to the Hells Angels, said OPP Det.-Insp. Scott Wade, head of the biker enforcement unit. 'There were some incidents of violence reported to the Waterloo police,' Wade said of several shootings linked to the illegal nightclub. 'During this investigation, we received information that, in addition to the illegal alcohol, there was cocaine and other drugs,' Wade said."

This is what you call a heat bag. As soon as you start doing stupid sh*t like the Surrey Girls did at Rick Ross' concert, that attracts unwanted police attention. Old School means low profile.


  1. I saw a rocker claiming Darkarea - where is that from?

  2. That's the area where his brain is supposed to be

  3. Yeah I don't know what that means.


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