Saturday, July 27, 2024

Drag queens mock the Last Supper at Paris Olympics

Update: Drag Queen Olympic Pedophile show - Follow up - the guy is flashing a testicle.

NBC News is reporting that "The extravagant opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics has caused fury among the populist and religious right in the United States and elsewhere, with critics especially unhappy about an apparent depiction of the Last Supper featuring drag performers. A fashion show at the ceremony included a scene that resembled a modern re-creation of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting, French actor and singer Philippe Katerine appeared as the Greek god Dionysus, painted blue and wearing little more than a bunch of flowers covering his modesty."

What a bunch of circus freaks. That was really offensive. If any satire mocked the Islamic faith, the Jewish faith or the Sikh faith it would be unacceptable. Mocking any religion is in bad taste. Do I ever want to watch the Olympics again? Nope. Do I want to see the Olympics ever return to Vancouver? Nope. I'll let that parade pass me by. Go rural and get out of the 15 minute city.
There has always been a huge amount of corruption within the Olympic committee. Now that they've gone woke, they've become a joke. Letting men compete in women's sports is stupid and offensive to women. Remember those woman's rights you used to take about? You sure don't care about women's rights any more. You don't even care about protecting children from pedophiles. It's another example of how their claims of social justice are a lie.

They don't care about social justice, they care about promoting an extreme political agenda that destroys morality and civil liberty. The reason why they hate religion is because it promotes morality. As I keep saying you don't need a religion to have morals.

All our laws are based on morals not religion. We all know stealing is wrong, that's why it's illegal. We all know murder is wrong. That's why murder is illegal. They attack religion so they can abolish it. After the abolish religion, they abolish civil liberty. You're right to a fair trial. Your right to legal representation. Your right to free speech and lawful assembly. Your right to travel and move freely. After they abolish religion they want to abolish all those rights.

The Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010 was a wonderful event but the world has changed. So has the Olympics. I don't want another Olympics in Vancouver. I don't want anything to do with the Olympics anymore. The political extremists have destroyed that like everything else they infest. It's not debatable. There's no argument. These people are freaks and it's time to walk away. Let them go their way while we go ours. Don't walk away mad just walk away.


  1. Look at Macrons husband, oppps, i mean wife ... nobody should be suprised.

    1. You see the pics of macron and trudeau getting touchy? 🤮

    2. I wouldn't be surprised if Macron, Trudeau and Zelensky were all getting very friendly. Everyone claims Macron's wife is a man or was a man or is transgender.I don't know. The bulge in her pants could have been photo shopped. If you see the video of Macron and his wife dancing together when he was a little boy. It's pretty creepy because he was a very young boy and she was a voluptuous grown woman. She sure looked like a woman back then. The age difference at the time was completely inappropriate but now it doesn't really matter. They have been together for a long time.

      However, turns out it wasn't Macron and his wife it was Jenna Johnson and someone else:

      In all honestly I don't care if Macron's wife is transgender. It just wouldn't matter to me. That's not my kink but to each their own. I'm far more concerned about his policies on civil liberty and the New World Order that's trying you turn us into slaves. It's like the Last Supper Drag Queen event at the Olympics. Nobody cares about Drag queens.If you want to dress like a woman, no one cares. So they have to push the envelope and do something offensive to play the victim and divide the people. Stay in your own lane and nobody cares. Start grooming kids and everyone says back off.

  2. Insane! I quit watching/supporting olympics years ago.
    Defund. Cancel and shut down. We struggle keeping biological men out of womens sports, what a F-up place we are in.

    1. Boycott France and everything from France!

    2. France has the same struggle with Globalists that Canada and the US does.

    3. Disagree the French people voted for the far Left, those people can suffer.

    4. Yeah well we voted for Trudeau so it's no different. Sarkozy was a POS. It's disappointing they went from one extreme to the other but we have our own problems to deal with.

    5. what percentage of people actually showed up to vote? maybe most people realize democracy is a sham?

    6. That is Satanic. Democracy is a sham? I think not. What do you propose to replace it with, Communism? If people didn't show up to vote that is their fault. They have no one to blame but themselves.

  3. Go rural indeed, TransLink wants another 600 Million (1 Billion in all honesty). Women in the city have no values, anyways.

    1. I don't think men in the city have any more values than women.

  4. OC is trying to scrub these photos from the internet.

    1. They were loud and proud so I see no reason for them to try and take it down now.


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