Monday, July 30, 2012

Mad Child is seriously messed up

Someone sent me a link to another Shane Bunting aka Mad Child video and it is deranged. You can see an element of his pal weird Hal Porteous. Weird Hal is that flaming idiot who can’t rap but has put out a couple of ridiculous attempts on video. Even other Hells Angels think it’s ridiculous and that he should save the rapping for Swollen Members.

We know that Weird Hal and Shane Bunting are friends. The Vancouver Sun posted a photo of Hal Porteous and Shane Bunting posing with convicted Hells Angel cocaine smuggler Rob Shannon. Weird Hal was also posing with Shane Bunting. Shane admitted to the press about his long term Viagra and oxycontin addiction and how he blew a huge amount of money on it. I wonder where he got those drugs from? Shane also admits to being a Hells Angels associate.

Before I dive into the deranged aspect of his video Devil’s Reject, let me touch on the geeky similarities between this one and one of Weird Hal’s. After Weird Hal’s remix of Happy Planet’s I’m on a Boat, he released an even more ridiculous one of him dressed up as a geek then transforming into what he thinks is a gangster but turns out to be just another flaming idiot.

Likewise Shane starts off his devil Reject video dressed like a geek who stalks a woman, kidnaps her, tortures her, murders her, then burries her. This has Robert Pickton written all over it. Hal Porteous I might add lives in Coquitlam, not far from the Pickton Farm. Wally Opal shut down the public inquiry when it was revealed that the Hells Angels had a grow op and booze can on site and were very much involved with the Picktons on their farm.

In the end of the video he has her dead body wrapped in garbage bags as he digs a grave for her. Then he drags her beside the grave and kicks her in. This is totally messed up. Fantasizing about criminal acts is deranged. This is very similar to Jim Brown. The Coquitlam RCMP officer who was involved with the Pickton case and posted BDSM pictures of him with a model and a knife. The only good thing is that the brothers from Mad Child had enough sense not to participate in this one. This video, Devil’s Reject, is Shane bunting showing the world how messed up he really is.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sturgis North 2012

People have been asking me how Sturgis North went. No problems that I’m aware of. The Hells Angels had lots of booths but most of them were at their own function in Saskatoon propping up their drug war out there. Fat Ass Ricky C was panhandling at Sturgis North selling his support your local crack dealers t-shirts. Lots of clown jesters at Sturgis North as well. No one saw Whiterock there this year. They had a booth there last year.

I was surprised to hear it was in Vernon this year. So was Vernon’s mayor. Rightfully so. Last year it was in Salmon Arm. The same town Joseph Bruce Skreptak from the Kelowna Hells Angels was caught in a car load of weapons and a few associates right before that abandon grow op was discovered.

So this year they pick Vernon where the Hells Angels were shown to be connected to the Vernon Greeks violent drug trade. Wonderful. I did hear there is some dissention in the ranks within the Hells Angels in Winnipeg. Some of the Winnipeg Hells Angels are still choked, along with some Alberta members, about giving Ontario control of the northern Manitoba drug trade. Sounds like a meltdown in the mix.

After all, that’s what their gang war in Winnipeg is about with the cross overs who joined the Rock Machine after they killed their own guy from LHS. Unfortunately, they don’t care about them shooting their brother. They are just mad they aren’t getting a cut of the drug profits. Figures. It’s all about the cheddar. The L & R disappeared a long time ago. It’s like Caligula before the fall of Rome. Pride cometh before the fall. It always does.

Another Enbridge Oil spill in Wisconsin

CTV is reporting that Enbridge Energy Partners is being investigated after some 1,200 barrels of oil spilled into a field Friday near Grand Marsh, Wisconsin, causing the shutdown of the company's pipeline that transports light crude from Canada to refineries in the Chicago area. Enbridge is the wrong company to build a pipeline in BC. Enbridge Gag Orders.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Enbridge Gag Orders

This is a link to a video a blog reader sent me about the Enbridge oil spill on the Kalamazoo River in Michigan. It claims many people got sick but signed gag orders to get settlements. It's something to think about. I think Christy Clark is right in pulling out of this deal with Enbridge. Enbridge is the wrong company to get the contract. Period.

Many blog readers just want to hear about the gangs and don't want to hear about the politics. Yet I do think these issues are very important and some blog readers are sending me links about them. It's like a newspaper. A newspaper covers a whole range of topics. Some people only read the sports section. Some people only read the comics and the horoscopes. Others read the world news. Some prefer the editorials and letters to the editor so they can be involved in the opinions. If people are just interested in the gangs they can go to the web site. The stories I link to from there aren't to the political stuff so that is one way they can screen through the unwanted topics.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Scott Pedersen and BC Rail cocaine

Scott Pedersen was convicted last summer of transporting a ton of cocaine from Panama to Port Hardy on Vancouver Island. That is a big haul. He was at one time, romantically involved with Blythe Vernon, a co accused in the Jasmohan Bains drug conviction which we know was tied to BC Rail. Jasmohan Bains was Bassi and Virk’s cousin. Their cell phone conversations with him is what initiated the raid on the B.C. Legislature. After the plea bargain the money laundering charges were mysteriously dropped.

Ross Evan Addicott was Scott Pedersen's co accused. In the year 2000 Ross Addicott sold his interest in a Victoria night club called the Limit and went to work as a car salesman at Dave Wheaton Pontiac, a car dealership. That is where Jackie Ngai, the wife of the Saanich mayor, also works. I’ve been hearing a lot of accusations about Frank Leonard, the mayor of Saanich. If you have anything on him, please e-mail me.

Rob Ford in photo with Nazi

When they said Toronto mayor Rob Ford was posing in a photo with a Nazi, I thought they were referring to his picture with Stephen Harper in their recent gun control summit or on their fishing trip. But no, Ford was actually posing in a picture with a real Nazi at last years New Years party.

He claims he didn’t know he was a Nazi at the time, but Jon Latvis, the guy in the picture posted it on facebook and said: “Me meeting with Toronto’s Mayor, Rob Ford to get an endorsement for the Latvian Homeguard - at Toronto City Hall."

One blogger commented on a swastika he noticed on his arm and Jon Latvis threatened to sue the blogger claiming it wasn’t a swastika it was a Cross of Thunder which pretty much looks like the same thing.

In Rob Ford’s defense I don’t really think he is anti Semitic but I do think his political views as well as those of his endorsed pal Stephen Harper are indeed Fascist. They are taking the right to such extremes that they are abandoning every single tradition conservative principle known to man and changing it into something very different. Censorship, warrantless surveillance, Big corporate monopolies, the list goes on. Harper flipped on the bank bail out. Now he looks like he’s flipping on gun control. I think Belinda Stronach had a lot more conservative bones in her body then Stephen Harper. Since Rob Ford refused to blow for that DUI in Florida, I wonder if he shared that blunt he was caught with at the barbeque with Stevie Harper.

Harper’s aide charged with influence peddling

Well, Bruce Carlson is back in the news. He was Harper’s senior aide that had a criminal record for fraud before he was brought into Harpers secret circle. He’s the guy that was caught channelling money from government contracts into his young fiancée the escort’s account. Dirty old man.

Well now that enough time has passed they have finally charged him with influence peddling. The Harper spin doctors now refer to him as his ex aide and are trying to make it look like they are the ones that blew the whistle on him. This is where Harpers spin doctors cross the line right into the world of blatant dishonesty.

Ron Bencze pleads guilty to sexually assaulting Surrey boy

This is another tragic case. The Surrey Now is reporting that former television crime reporter Ron Bencze will be sentenced on Aug. 28 after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a Surrey boy. The crown is recommending a federal prison sentence of between two and three years for Bencze, who has been on bail since the day after his Jan. 18, 2011 arrest. His lawyer argued for 18 to 24 months of house arrest. That sentence is shameful.

Bencze, 46, of Surrey, was originally charged with nine sexual offences related to three children. On Thursday he pleaded guilty in Surrey Provincial Court to one count of sexual assault involving a boy who is now 14. Lopes said the molesting, which included masturbation and oral sex, started when the boy was nine.

OK so hold the door. If the molestation started when the boy was nine, that implies that it didn’t stop there. It implies that it continued over a period of time and would therefore be more than one offense. He was originally charged with nine offenses relating to three children. So who decided that the charges for the other children shouldn’t be pursued? How can we drop those charges and claim that we have any regard for justice or for protecting children?

The healing process for the victim begins with the validation a criminal conviction brings. There is no justice but a criminal conviction does bring validation and starts the healing process.

So hear we have a case of child molestation that didn’t involve a Catholic priest. It involved a TV news reporter. Recently we heard of a former RCMP officer who died in prison that was sentenced to prison for child molestation.

Bigger news was the Penn State sexual assault cover up. Many people knew about the sexual abuse but they covered it up to protect the University’s football program. Here in Canada we had a hockey coach convicted of sexually abusing young boys. So here we see the church, the police, football and even hockey plagued with sexual abuse. Is nothing sacred? Clearly this does not mean all hockey is bad. It means sexual predators can infiltrate any organization and that children still need to be protected. An ounce of prevention is indeed worth a pound of cure.

Evidence at the trial for Graham James detailed hundreds of incidents of assault. James was convicted and sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison. Graham James served less than two years in prison before being paroled and released. In 2007 he received a full pardon from Canada's Parole Board.

In the years after his parole, reporters found James living in Spain, where he was an assistant coach with the national hockey team, and Mexico. This is not protecting children.

Sexually assaulting children is like murder. You steal something that can never be returned. It’s not like shoplifting where you can return the stolen item and say you’re sorry. When you commit murder you take something that can never be returned. In the Bencze case one of the victims said “I felt suppressed because I had to keep a secret,” he wrote. “I am trying to live and behave as a normal teenager.” His childhood was “tainted,” he added. “I feel that I have missed out on a childhood that was meant for me.”

We’ve talked about getting a fresh start on life. We’ve touched on rehabilitation. How do we rehabilitate after child abuse. The first step is to come clean and admit the damage done to all the victims not just cop a plea to get a reduced sentence and a pardon. That is outrageous.

We know that victims don’t always become offenders but we also know that many male victims do become offenders thus perpetuating the cycle of abuse. We stop the cycle by confronting the problem and dealing with it not by sweeping it under the carpet. By sweeping it under the carpet we simply perpetuate the problem.

Another aspect of dealing with child abuse is to stop sexual assault in prison. Sending someone to jail to be sexually assaulted, then release them to become an offender in the public does not help society. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted. Not even prisoners.

TBM Fresh Start

On a much more positive note, TBM is a great organization in Denmark for former gang members who want to make a fresh start in life. They’re hoping to reach out and expand into Canada and the US. They want to create a support system for people to leave the gang life and start a new life.

I’m all for the old fashion principle of repentance. No matter what your past, you have a spotless future. Anyone can change. The key word there is change. As in leaving the old ways behind and starting a new life by embarking on a fresh start. One of the concerns they have is the old timers who are by definition old school, frustrated with the new kids on the block who are solely into selling drugs and making money and have no concept of brotherhood whatsoever.

TBM which is short for former gang members in Danish was formed in 2009 by 27 former gang members (Black Cobras, Bloodz, Bandidos and Hells Angels) in Denmark. TBM are now represented in Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden and are working hard to be established in the rest Europe and U.S.A.

Most of them want to stay anonymous. The goals of their organization is to speak to youth in schools about gangs, as well as provide support for gang members to leave the gang life both inside and outside of prison. They also provide support for bikers and gang members to get jobs, education as well as for their families to leave the gang life behind. TBM is also collaborating with different Danish municipalities on hiding former gang members in safe houses and helping them to get on with a normal life. Now that that is brotherhood.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

George Bush's visit to Surrey cost taxpayers $45,000

Speaking of George Bush and 9/11, CBC just released the policing costs of George Bush and Bill Clinton's visit to Surrey last year: $45,000.00. Now it is not surprising that hosting any foreign dignitaries would cost money for security. Especially for a war criminal. He would need more protection than a real dignitary. However, if Dianne Watts really did say policing for the event wouldn't cost taxpayers anything, that was not only untrue but unrealistic. Any event where the police are needed costs money.

At first I accepted Dianne Watts response as to why she invited Bush to Surrey. She simply said it's a nonpartisan event and we are inviting famous leaders from around the world. Then when I heard her offensive rhetoric about Bush not being charged for vetoing the bill to stop torture she lost my vote and my support. George Bush and Bill Clinton were the last people on earth to invite to an economic summit. George Bush put the United States trillions in debt through lies and fraud while his pal Dick Cheney became a war profiteer through Halliburton.

The Bush family has a long history of investment fraud. Bill Clinton could speak on money laundering in Mena, Arkansas and how he helped crash the BCCI. Listening to those two clowns we can learn what not to do. I am bitter. We should not have invited them to speak. Then claiming it wouldn't cost taxpayers any money was simply dishonest.

Bacchus president pleads guilty to manslaughter

Matthew Foley, 50, pleaded guilty to manslaughter on Thursday in connection with the shooting death of a Saint John man outside of the Bacchus Motorcycle Club's headquarters July 14. He was originally charged with second degree murder and copped a plea.

So we now know for certain Matthew Foley was the one that shot him and is therefore a murderer. Glad we got that straight. However, one thing is certain and it wasn’t manslaughter. He was seen on video pulling out his gun and going after Michael Schimpf. He was then seen returning to reload then going back after Schimpf. That was not manslaughter. He had the intent to kill him and he did exactly that.

Not only that but he shot up the whole neighborhood. That was reckless endangerment. It is a crime not to charge him with that. This case is clearly gang related because the murderer is the president of a gang and the shooting took place outside the gang’s clubhouse. The victim doesn’t have to be a member of a gang for it to be gang related. The shooter was so that makes it gang related.

The police are still saying it wasn’t related to organized crime. The murderer claimed the victim threw a brick through the window of his tattoo shop. That is what the murderer said. The victim can’t testify because he’s dead. An anonymous poster in support of the murderer claimed it wasn’t gang related because it was about drugs. Which would mean it was related to organized crime.

Stripper agencies want to recruit at High Schools

Once again, this is absurd. The Vancouver Province is reporting if the Vancouver School Board won’t let the adult entertainment industry recruit strippers from within its high schools, industry reps say they’ll stand out on the street and hand out flyers. How about not let them at the job fairs and arrest them for handing out flyers to kids under 18. Strippers work in bars. They should be 19 not 18. Once again this is an example of the bold arrogance the industry displays as it demands to push the envelope regardless of public opinion. Let kids be kids. Stay out of High schools you God forsaken animals.

Let's do some math. Years ago the Vancouver Sun quoted Andy Richards as saying: There used to be six or seven agencies that handled strippers in Vancouver, but now two are controlled by the Angels or associates and one is an independent, Richards said. In the early 1990s, Richards said, the now-dead Hells Angels member Donald Roming was one of the key enforcers helping push others out of the stripper business -- at one point seriously assaulting one of the owners of another agency.

"Without speaking ill of the dead, he was responsible for laying a very serious beating on a 67-year-old man who was involved with one of the independent companies at the time, to the point this guy was hospitalized," he explained. There were no arrests from these "takeovers" because of the victims' reluctance to report the activities to police, he added. We know, that the "largest name" in stripper agencies is located at Suite 101 - 10768 King George Hwy, Surrey, in the Flamingo Hotel.

Do we really want the Hells Angels recruiting strippers in our high Schools? I don't. It starts off with an invitation to be a stripper to raise money for university tuition. Then they give them some E to "help them lose weight." Then they give them some blow to help them perform. Then they give them some crack to save money. Low and behold a crack ho is born. That is exploitation.

I really find it irritating when so many Hells Angel trolls keep trying to post bullshit in the comments. I quoted Andy Richards who said the Hells Angels used violence to take over the stripper industry in BC. Let’s take Surrey for example. White Rock Hells Angel Randy Jones owns T-barz in Surrey. That is a strip bar. He has it registered in his mothers name. He used to have the tbarz domain name registered in his name until I went public with that info. Then he put that in his mothers name too.

CJ Spoon, also known as CJ Barroby, is a flaming idiot. He has a stripper facebook group and recruits strippers for Randy and T-barz. CJ was the one given house arrest for trafficking cocaine for the Hells Angels from the traitor Peter Leask. So let’s do the math. Randy Jones, Hells Angel. Owns a strip bar in Surrey. CJ Barroby, convicted of selling cocaine for the Hells Angel. CJ has a stripper agency and supplies Tbarz with strippers. That is two documented connections of the Hells Angels being involved in the stripper industry in Surrey. The freakin headquarters of Strippernet is another.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Verma’s trial postponed another year

After a series of absurd delays and an unprecedented closed courtroom appearance, Joey Verma’s murder trial has been postponed another year. Now that is criminal. It’s hard to know what they’re thinking. Are they trying to purposely delay a high profile murder case just to make the BC judicial system look dysfunctional in hopes they’ll get some more funding? Funding is a concern but postponing the trial another year is indeed criminal. That’s a three year delay so far just to get the trial started. That is beyond shameful.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Former RCMP officer dies in jail

This is a tragic case. A former RCMP officer from Alberta convicted of child molestation has died in prison. No foul play is suspected and since privacy concerns are cited, the news is speculating he committed suicide. What is tragic about the case is what he did to get to prison.

Allen's sexual assault victim, who can only be identified by the initials K.R. due to a publication ban, was discovered after police found that Allen had chatted with the boy online and lured him to his apartment.

Allen, who was HIV-positive, arranged to have an HIV-positive male friend pick up the boy and bring him to Allen's West End apartment, where the two men sexually assaulted the youth in September 2009. Later, Allen bragged about the "tag-team" sexual assault on a chat line. Allen, who served as a Mountie in Alberta from 1978 to 1984, was arrested while living in Vancouver May 2010 where the sexual assault took place.

Enbridge Pipeline Meltdown

The war of words between BC and Alberta’s premiers has begun to reveal some true colours. BC wants more revenue if it’s going to assume the environmental risk and Alberta says no way. BC says it wants Alberta to cover the cost of clean up if there is a spill in their pipeline and the Alberta premiere said that was ridiculous. Clearly the bottom line is greed.

The primary concern is environmental risk. The primary concern is a Huston firm that has a horrible history of bad maintenance and bad safety standards. This has tainted the project and swayed the balances in favor of rejecting the proposal. Letting this company build the pipeline would be irresponsible. Period. There is no reason a Canadian company or another company with a better track record of maintenance and safety standards could take over the project.

Another concern is transporting toxic unrefined oil. Not only is that exporting jobs, it is increasing the environmental risk. Canada is famous for shooting itself in the foot and exporting raw materials. This is very short sighted. We could solve the pipeline problem by drilling oil off shore on the BC coast.

Realistically, a pipeline doesn’t create jobs in BC. It may generate revenue providing clean up costs from an oil spill doesn’t suck up that limited revenue. Tourism on the other hand does create jobs in the province.

Whatever we do decide to do, it is imperative we be selective in the company we entrust our sacred environment to. Enbridge is not the company to trust. These companies with bad maintenance and bad safety standards keep changing their name to avoid liability yet they stay involved and keep causing accidents with no regard for others. The only way this will change is if we change the company that gets the contract. We need better safety standards. I do not support Enbridge’s bid on the Northern Pipeline any more.

Hang Matt Foley!

There’s been a lot of traffic on the post about the president of Bacchus in Saint John shooting someone outside their clubhouse. You could say it’s the story of the week. It even surpassed the Larry Amero sighting in Montreal. I take that back. Larry Amero's post just more than doubled the Bacchus shooting post. Ok trippled. Recently I did a podcast about the Big House Crew talking about the absurdity of the Free Deli and the Free Greg Domey campaigns.

Deli was a crack dealer who supported the Ontario Hells Angels murdering one of their own guys from LHS - Loyalty Honour Silence so the Ontario Hells Angels could take over the drug trade in northern Manitoba. Deli isn’t a political prisoner. He’s a crack dealer who supported the betrayal and murder of one of his own guys. Likewise Greg Domey was a crystal meth dealer in Massachusetts. Nothing noble there to campaign for.

Now we officially enter the Twilight Zone as brain dead zombies create a Free Matt Foley page. This is the president of Bacchus that shot the guy dead outside their clubhouse and recklessly endangered everyone in the neighborhood because he was a lousy shot and shot up the whole neighborhood. A campaign to free that guy is stupid and evil.

What’s even more shameful and absurd is Matt Folley the fuck up posing with a baby in a picture on the site. He’s trying to gain sympathy. He just murdered someone’s baby. That is totally offensive. They have brain dead idiots posting offensive comments like you’re in our prayers. We’re praying for you to come home soon. Yeah, praying to who? Because murder is not of God.

I’m sure the victims family are praying their loved one wasn’t murdered. To ask God to bring a murderer home without justice is to mock God justice. We all know that Bacchus are a puppet club for the Hells angels who say support your local 666. These people are insane and offensive.

Instead we need to launch a campaign to have him hanged. I’ve never been a fan of the death penalty but when I see such an outrageous mockery of justice I’m convinced that it’s time to bring it back. Clearly these people have no conscience and the consequence of the law is the only thing that will restrain their murderous hearts.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Josh Armstrong and the Kelowna Summer Jam

We all know Darryl Wilcox, who has lots of friends who are members or associates of the Hells Angels was arrested for cocaine trafficking in 2005 and is waiting to hear what his sentence is. But do we all know who moved into his house on Westview Way in West Kelowna after he went to jail? Ryan Ennis. One of the guys charged with Cory Montemurro and Uncle Joe racing through Salmon Arm with a car load of weapons and cell phone jammers right before that grow op was abandoned there.

It’s somewhat ironic that Ryan Ennis would move into Darryl’s home after he was incarcerated. It’s as though they knew each other or something. What’s even more bizarre is that they live right next door to two Kingpin Crew Members, Reza Rahiman and Josh Armstrong. We’re told that Reza had to leave Surrey for some reason so unfortunately Kelowna was the recipient of some more Surrey Trash. Our condolences.

One source claims Reza is now a full patch member of the Kingpin Crew. I had to laugh when I heard that. Saying someone is a full patch member of the Kingpin Crew is like saying someone is a full patch member of the Mickey Mouse club.

I also find it amusing that it turns out this is the second annual Kelowna Summer Jam not the first. Turns out last summer residents of West Kelowna got sick and tired of all the bikes with loud pipes racing up and down their quiet streets with lots of kids that they started putting up posters warning the local neighbors about the new residents. It became quite a cat and mouse game for a while of residents putting up posters and Pinheads tearing them down.

Then the concerned residents started putting up missing cat posters with a picture of a cat instead of the Pinhead logo. Those posters then went on to warn the neighbors about the new residents from the Pinhead crew. The Pinheads didn’t realize the missing cat posters were really about them. Which just goes to show ya, it doesn’t take much to fool a fool. As concerned citizens we can’t do everything but we can do something.

The CIA is a Criminal Organization

Since the topic has come up I will address it before we return to the Kelowna Summer Jam. When we look at the history of the CIA’s ongoing involvement with drug trafficking, it becomes clear that the CIA is a criminal organization. This is something we have to face if we are going to address the gang war fueled by illicit drugs.

Most recently we have seen the results of Operation Fast and Furious where senior government agencies were caught selling guns to the Mexican cartel and bringing back tons of cocaine as payment. Operation Fast and Furious isn’t just an Obama thing. They did the exact same thing under the Bush administration and called it Operation Wide Receiver.

Prior to selling guns to the Mexican cartels and bringing tons of cocaine into the United States from Mexico, Mena Arkansas was the hub of the CIA’s drug trafficking network under the watchful eye of Governor Bill Clinton and President George Bush Sr.

The driving force behind this drug trafficking network was Oliver North and Iran contra. We know that Iran contra didn’t just involve selling weapons to Iran. Iran Contra involved shipping guns to the Contras in Nicaragua and bringing back tons of cocaine to fund that campaign.

We know that Noriega was involved. He was reportedly present with CIA Agents in Nicaragua to receive shipments of cocaine from Panama under Operation Watchtower. We all know what happened to Bush’s friend Noriega.

Gary Webb was the award winning investigative reporter who found the crack dealer in LA that was selling the CIA’s cocaine for the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. Judge Bonner was a former DEA agent who complained about the CIA bringing a ton of cocaine into Florida. The CIA adamantly lied and denied they did. Judge Bonner was persistent and finally went on 60 minutes and documented everything.

When confronted with the facts, the CIA finally admitted that they had done it but claimed it was the only occasion and it was a mistake. They were trying to catch drug traffickers when we know that was another lie. Just like in Operation Fast and Furious where they made no attempt to track the guns the CIA made no attempt to arrest any of the drug traffickers that brought the ton of cocaine into Florida for them.

I keep emphasizing, this isn’t a Republican versus Democrat debate. The Bush family and the Clinton family have been equally involved in all this. Now, Obama is clearly following suit. Obama’s Oliver North in his Operation Fast and Furious scandal worked with Clinton for years.

The question we need to ask is if the CIA has been such a huge player in drug trafficking for so many years, what else were they willing to do for their cause? Al Martin talked about the investment fraud he was trained to do to fund raise for Iran contra. Earl Brain was caught committing investment fraud in Canada to help fund raise for the October Surprise.

The question we need to ask is if the CIA has persistently lied about their involvement in drug trafficking, what else have they lied about? We know MI6 lied to the media about Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. The CIA didn’t lie to the BBC about the third tower falling before it actually fell. They just sent the press release out a few minutes too early. In essence, the Black Eyed Peas were right. “We have terrorists living right here in the USA. The big CIA. The Bloods and the Crips and the KKK.”

I was at the demonstration against George Bush coming to Surrey at the Sheraton. The 911 Truth movement was well represented. I remember seeing one guy from the 911 Truth Movement standing on the sidewalk with a megaphone aimed right into the lobby of the hotel shouting “911 was an inside job.” He was all by himself and a cop started walking up to him. We were all bracing ourselves thinking the cop was gonna pull a Rodney King and we were all gonna get into a throw down.

Then all of a sudden the cop patted the guy on the back, said good job and kept walking. It was hilarious. He was being sarcastic of course trying to humiliate him a bit but he let him have his say nonetheless. Now, I have to admit that hearing someone yell 911 was an inside job over and over again must have been irritating. But when you think about it, if you knew 911 was in inside job, wouldn’t that make you want to scream?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

3 More Shootings in Toronto overnight

Four people have been injured in three separate shootings in Toronto overnight.

Was the Colorado shooting staged?

Whilst still reeling from the shocking shooting in a Colorado theatre, media outlets are starting to ask if assault rifles really should be available to the public. I wrestle with that myself. Here in Canada you can go down to your local sports store and buy an AR-15 or an M-15 assault riffle. It’s legal because it’s sold with a limited sized clip but there is nothing stopping anyone from buying a banana clip and switching clips after purchase.

One has to ask oneself should assault rifles really be available to the public. Yet there is another bizarre element that when thrown into the equation, makes you wonder. In the United States they have a constitutional right to bear arms. Jesse Ventura pointed out that right to bear arms was not to preserve a citizens right to hunt. It was intended to protect the nation from invasion, foreign or domestic. It is harder for a Fascist or a Communist dictatorship to invade and take over a nation where the civilians are well armed. Just like Scotland was back in the day when everyone would take their claymores with them everywhere they went, even to church.

I saw a recent link someone shared on facebook which implied the Colorado shooting may have been staged with the intent of eroding the constitutional right to bear arms. The article isn’t suggesting the murders were faked. The article is suggesting the crazed gunman might have had some evil influence or help from outside. As outrageous as that may sound, I think it is worth considering.

Michael Moore put out a very thought provoking movie about the Columbine massacre. One has to wonder what makes people go crazy and start shooting innocent civilians randomly. Yet the whole concern about black ops needs to be addressed. I’ve talked about 9/11 inconsistencies in one of the podcasts. Operation Northwoods was real and needs to be addressed. The ripple effect of those concerns affect Pearl Harbor, the USS Liberty and even the Oklahoma city bombing. It is a real concern.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Hells Angels are not welcome in Surrey

Freddy was right. Kim Bolan is reporting that the Hells Angels are opening a new chapter in Surrey which she states has been confirmed by Sgt. Bill Whalen of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit.

Surrey RCMP Supt. Bill Fordy said “Outlaw Motorcycle gangs are not welcome here or anywhere else. If the Hells Angels expect to set up a clubhouse in Surrey, I am serving them notice right here and now that they are not welcome. I will use every lawful means at my disposal to ensure they understand that.”

In Saint John New Brunswick a Hells Angel’s puppet club named Bacchus was just vacated after the city evicted them on bylaw violations after their president was involved in a reckless shooting and murder right outside their clubhouse.

Eric Sandberg told agent 22 “They” were ready to eliminate all the competition in Surrey. After that prophetic announcement, Larry Amero finally came out of the closet with his relationship with Jonathon Bacon’s drug trafficking network. Now that the Durhe Dhak group has been subsequently wiped out the Hells Angels now plan on opening a chapter in Surrey. That is not on.

The Bacon brothers are hated in Surrey. Everyone now knows the Hells Agnels were the ones that supported the Bacon brothers who in turn were involved with the Surrey Six murder and the murder of Nikki Alemy who was shot dead in front of her toddler.

We know that the White Rock Hells Angels are not new to the Surrey drug trade. We are told they were supplying the Surrey House of Horrors which we recently found out was bussing people to bikers parties on the Pickton farm. Tbarz along with Randy Jones and his brother Trevor were implicated in a huge cross border cocaine trafficking ring in the US.

Subsequently, a White Rock Hells Agnels was caught with a kilo of cocaine. The Hells Angels are clearly a criminal organization. Tbarz as well as any new clubhouse they obtain should be seized under criminal organization legislation. Saint John’s were also in the process of developing SCAN legislation - Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods to permanently remove them from the property to keep communities safe. Clearly, the Hells Angels are not welcome in Surrey.

Larry Amero spotted in Montreal

The Montreal Journal is reporting Larry Amero was seen leaving court in Montreal for a DUI charge July 12 2012. What I don’t understand is why is this guy in hiding, when the White Rock Hells Angels are still doing business as usual despite Randy Jones and his brother Trevor being implicated in that huge cross border cocaine trafficking ring. If Larry was involved with the Bacon Brothers, so was Randy and the White Rock Hells Angles. You can recognize Larry by the deadhead on the back of his hands.

The Fraudulent nature of Privatization

Given the new developments in the BC Rail scandal implicating Christy Clark, we need to examine the fraudulent nature of privatization. The left and the right can argue private versus public until the cows come home. If you want ICBC to be private, fine. If you want it to be public, so be it. I don’t care.

What I do care about is when public assets are sold off at fire sale prices to political insiders who in turn destroy that public company and then start ripping off consumers while giving their corrupt political friends a kickback.

The other concern I have about the fraudulent nature of privatization is turning a publically accountable company private for the sole purpose of removing public accountability. That is wrong. We have seen how excessive deregulation on Wall Street and in the banking industry has opened the flood gates to investment fraud wide open. That is a colossal concern that affects all of us.

BC Hydro is the prime example. That should be retuned to a public company. The Campbell government incurred massive taxpayer debt by privatizing the part of BC hydro that sells power to BC Hydro at inflated rates. I don’t care about Terasen gas. That was dumb because of duplication but it wasn’t as devastatingly corrupt as the fraudulent billing of Gordon Campbell’s private power companies that sell power to BC Hydro at inflated rates.

These are the ones who were charged with Enron for false billing in California. Speaking of false billing, front page of the Vancouver Sun yesterday was about private medical clinics overbilling. Schools, militaries and hospitals should not be private and mandated to make a profit. When a private company is mandated to make a profit it gravitates towards obtaining a monopoly on the market and ripping off consumers. That is exactly what the big oil companies are now doing.

So here we have breaking news that private medical clinics were involved in false billing. Big surprise. We also see complaints of the Clark government perpetuation the fraudulent nature of privatization by selling off liquor distribution rights to their insider friends. Yet that is nothing compared to Harper’s insider trading jets. That guy should be in jail for that one but no one seems to care.

Christy Clark implicated in BC Rail on wire tap

The plot thickens. We had heard Christy Clark was implicated in the BC Rail scandal along with her brother last November. Now John van Dongen’s court challenge has produced wire tap evidence confirming it.

There are two issues on the table. First is the corrupt way a public company was sold out to political insiders in exchange for political contributions. The other is Bassi / Virk’s connection to their cousin’s cocaine trafficking ring and money laundering charges.

Before we get into that, let’s examine something Alex G. Tsakumis reported last November. Kelly Reichert, the former BC Liberal Party Executive Director was and is the brother-in-law of the RCMP investigation team’s Captain, then Sgt. Kevin DeBruykere - now a senior Inspector. It was he who led ‘Operation Everywhichway’.

A ‘Do Not Disclose’ document surfaced which was authored by an investigator who was present when former BC Liberal Party Executive Director Kelly Reichert was being interviewed by the RCMP.

In the document, it was noted that, at one point, Mr. Reichert’s interview with the RCMP was interrupted (and recording stopped), while he revealed that it was indeed, Mr. Reichert himself that told then premier Gordon Campbell of the ongoing investigation and the details about Erik Bornmann’s confessions, including those related to Pilothouse Public Affairs and the operation that led to the charges against Dave Basi and Bob Virk.

Durring the trial, Michael Bolton began asking Brown about the relationship between lead RCMP investigator Kevin DeBruyckere and BC Liberal Party Executive Director Kelly Reichart. They are brothers-in-law.

Immediately Special Prosecutor Bill Berardino jumped up to object to Bolton’s questioning. The jury was excused and the longest legal wrangling delay in the trial began. With the jury excused the wrangling was under publication ban. What happened that last week of June in Courtroom 54 has never been reported.

He claimed that the pre-trial agreement signed by the defence meant questions about investigative bias were inadmissible. Regarding the deBruyckere/Reichart relationship Berardino declared that “the issue of effective bias of the investigation is not before the jury” as a result of the pre-trial agreement.

That meant the defence couldn’t make a point of the close familial relationship between deBruyckere and Reichart. They couldn’t argue that the relationship was a conflict of interest that skewed the investigation. Couldn’t enter supporting evidence such as wiretaps or evidence of deBruyckere meeting Reichart and Reichart subsequently meeting with Premier Campbell to debrief him on the state of the investigation.

Holy conflict of interest. The lead investigator from the RCMP was the brother in law of the BC Liberal Party Executive Director. The BC Liberal Party, who were under police investigation for fraud, were the ones who negotiated and signed a renewal of the RCMP’s contract amid scathing reports and calls for a Regional police force. That is nothing but a conflict of interest.

Victim shot in Colorado shooting survived the Eaton Centre shooting

Some wacko recently opened fire at a group of people coming out of a theatre in Colorado where the movie Dark Night was being shown. Tragically, one of the victims killed in that shooting was an aspiring sportscaster named Jessica Ghawi had survived the Eaton Centre shooting in Toronto and had posted on a blog "Who would go into a mall full of thousands of innocent people and open fire? Is this really the world we live in?" Tragic.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The government takes the wrong road in the RCMP sexual harassment case

The Vancouver Province ran an article about the RCMP sexual harassment case under the heading Mounties issue sweeping denial in Galliford sexual harassment lawsuit. Cpl. Catherine Galliford, the spokesperson for the RCMP during the Pickton trial and the Air India bombing, filed a law suit claiming decades of sexual harassment while working at the RCMP.

After she filed her lawsuit many other female officers have come forward with shockingly bizarre and similar horror stories. The most dramatic of which is the indisputable case of Staff Sergeant Don Ray who was found guilty of a long list of ongoing sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct. Instead of being fired he was transferred to BC. That case alone warrants a law suit since the RCMP have failed in their legal duty as an employer to defend it’s current employees against sexual harassment. They broke the law for not firing him and have now opened themselves up to legal liabilities.

Instead of settling with Galliford out of court, the B.C. government and Ottawa filed a joint statement of defense this week denying all of Galliford's allegations. Before I get into the nature of the outrageously offensive denial in the statement of defense, I want to be clear as to exactly who it is making these outrageous and offensive claims. It’s not the RCMP. It’s the Christy Clark and Stephen Harper government. That is Ottawa and the BC government. For now.

One can understand the motive for the Christy Clark and the Stephen Harper governments to deny everything and slander the applicant. They don’t want to be found legally liable and have to pay any money in damages. But they are legally liable. This is why things need to change. Catherine Galliford even used the U word. Bob Paulson is a nice guy but has proven ineffective against the old Guard of command culture and ongoing sexual harassment at the RCMP. The Don Ray case is evidence of that. They don’t need any new special powers to fire the guy. Those powers are already there. They have broken the law in not firing him.

"These defendants deny each and every allegation contained in ... the notice of civil claim," says the statement of defense. Instead, the governments paint her as an alcoholic who refused treatment and rejected the RCMP's efforts to keep her away from one of the men she alleged harassed her. Herein lies the first contradiction. If she denied help keeping her away from the offending officer, then they were aware of the problem before she filed her law suit in 2011.

What kind of offer did they give her? Did they say she could be demoted and get a desk job? What if she liked her job? What if she wanted to keep doing what she was doing on the Pickton and Air India cases? Why should she be punished? Shouldn’t the offending officer be the one transferred?

More recently we’ve seen the evidence of Jim Brown, a BDSM freak from the Coquitlam RCMP who worked on the Pickton case. Knowing the RCMP hasn’t fired him proves Galliford’s concerns about some of the officers working on the Pickton case has merit.

The offensive denial and slander in the statement of defense isn’t surprising. That is Stephen Harper’s MO. He fires whistleblowers then slanders them. Richard Colvin was an "absolutely rock solid" diplomatic staffer who stepped up and volunteered to go to Afghanistan as a civilian representative with Canada's Provincial Reconstruction Team in Kandahar after Glyn Berry, a close friend of Semple, was killed by a suicide car bomber outside Kandahar. When Colvin expressed concern that Canada was handing over Afghan prisoners to be tortured the Harper Government attacked and fired him.

Likewise the Harper Government attacked and fired Linda Keen for blowing the whistle on an unsafe nuclear reactor built on a fault zone after the government neglected to do the necessary upgrades to keep it running. According to MacLeans, there have been at least a dozen cases of Harper firing and slandering whistleblowers. That is a bad precedent for Canada.

The RCMP have absolutely no concept of labour law because they’ve never had to deal with a Union filing grievances and going in front of an arbitrator. As a result they have never seen and do not know the case law or the jurisprudence. Even Bob Paulson, the RCMP Commissioner, has no understanding of labour law. That’s why he thinks his hands are tied in firing Don Ray when they’re not.

Aside from paying Galliford a settlement for damages, things need to change. Sweeping things under the carpet and disciplining officers for going public is not the answer. Obeying the law and firing Don Ray and Jim Brown is. It really is that simple.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Police suspect Toronto Shooting Gang Related

Tragic shooting last night at a Toronto block party that resulted in two dead and 23 injured including a 22-month-old child who was grazed by a bullet. Police believe only one of the injured party-goers, who they say was associated with the Galloway Boys gang, was a target. Tragically Fourteen-year-old Shyanne Charles of Toronto and 23-year-old Joshua Yasay of Ajax, Ont., were both innocent victims killed in the crossfire.

19-year-old charged in connection with Toronto shooting

Monday, July 16, 2012

Joey Verma back in court today

Joey Verma, the man accused of murdering a young Kelowna woman was expected to appear in court today. Turns out a pre-trial conference took place for Joelon David Atish Verma, by phone, in a closed room of the Supreme Court. He will be back in court on July 23 to fix a date for trial. Bastards! Was Robert Pickton’s murder trial behind closed doors? Was Paul Bernardo’s murder trail behind closed doors? That doesn’t happen in a democratic nation. It is yet another example of the judicial arrogance in BC that needs to change. Nevertheless, the Kelowna Summer Jam will continue. Stay tuned.

Bacchus president charged in Saint John shooting

Well Butt Kiss did it again. Another brain surgeon dreams up the fastest way possible to get deemed a criminal organization before they patch over to a new logo. Matthew Thomas Foley, 50, the president of the Saint John's Bacchus, a brown nose club for the Hells Angels, has been charged with shooting Michael Thomas Schimpf, 31, outside the Bacchus clubhouse at 70 Pitt Street last night.

Just because you have a ridiculous logo and just because everyone knows you named your club after the patron saints of homosexuality, doesn't mean you have to go and shoot someone to get rid of your ridiculous patch. Killing someone doesn't impress people. Any 12 year old kid can pull a trigger. It only brings the heat and criminal organization legislation. Idiot. So now you're a murderer and you get to spend eternity with murderers. Doesn't that sound like a peaceful enlightened place to be? Good luck with that.

In this picture, we see Matt Foley on the left in his younger days. He didn’t look like such an idiot back then. I wonder what happened. Now he’s a fat old man with a grey mohawk. I kid you not. Some people just never grow up. One has to wonder why. One has to wonder what happened to him to turn him into such a fuck up. The answer is staring us in the face.

Take a look at the ridiculous logo young Matt is posing in front of. A child’s drawing of the devil and the name Satan’s choice. That is what he aspired to growing up. Well, when he was young. Clearly he never did grow up. He aspired to the father of all lies. The master of betrayal. Murder to get gain.

The sad thing is, everyone knows Satan isn’t happy. Satan doesn’t have nirvana. He hasn’t reached those stages of epiphanies that led him to enlightenment. You can’t violate the golden rule on a daily basis and find peace of mind. Satan is miserable and his mandate is to make everyone miserable just like he is. Talk about a dead end mission statement.

If the fat ass with a grey mowhawk had beef with someone, why didn’t he just beat him up rather then shoot him in broad daylight? He wouldn’t have to spend the rest of his life in jail. The answer is simple. He couldn’t. He couldn’t take the guy so he shot him dead instead. Just another reason the Hells Angels and their brain dead puppets should be banned from Sturgis.

Saint John Police Chief Bill Reid is another Canadian idiot. He claims when the president of Bacchus recklessly shoots someone outside their clubhouse and endangers the life and safety of the entire neighbourhood, somehow that isn't gang related. That guy should be fired on the spot. Here's a picture of a Bacchus member riding with a cop. This is a betrayal of the public trust:

Take a look at this picture. It’s a member of Bacchus in Dartmouth with eyeballs tattooed on the back of his head that the Wind Demoz have on their facebook. One of the comments reads “Nice tat.” That is not nice ink. That is ridiculous. The Dutchman does nice work. You can tell that isn’t the Dutchman’s work because it looks like crap and is ridiculous. It’s not something he would agree to do. It’s not something he would sign his world renown reputation to. The question is, why on earth are these old men running around like idiots. When are they going to grow up?

Breaking News:

Bacchus is moving out of their Saint John clubhouse

The Bacchus Motorcycle Club was moving out of its Saint John headquarters on Thursday morning, following an order from the Saint John Fire Department. Saint John police obtained a "do not occupy" order from the fire marshal's office for the clubhouse, located at 58 Pitt St., in the city's south end, said Const. Keith Copeland, of the major crime unit.

The move comes on the heels of the club's president, Matthew Thomas Foley, being charged with second-degree murder in the Saturday shooting death of Michael Thomas Schimpf, 31. "We were also working towards securing SCAN legislation — Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods — to permanently remove them from the property," said Copeland.


Bacchus president pleads guilty to manslaughter

Sunday, July 15, 2012

BC Courts order government to revisit judges’ pay raise

The BC courts have established a new precedent in judicial absurdity. Justice Malcolm Macaulay just ordered the provincial government to reconsider its decision to deny pay raises to 146 provincial court judges. Nobody likes not getting a pay raise and it’s bad enough the government legislates their own wage. Yet the courts ordering the government to give them a raise is absurd.

Whenever a judge makes a decision or creates an order, they have to cite a law or statue that they are basing their order on and provide case law or jurisprudence to support their interpretation of that law or statue.

I’ve already talked about how we tend to totally distort the charter of rights and apply it to things it was never intended to apply to. This is another example of that. Getting a pay raise is nice but it certainly isn’t a charter right.

Macaulay said in standing by its "net-zero" man-date for government employees, the government diverted its attention from the need to abide by constitutional requirements in setting pay for judges. Constitution requirement? What on earth is that crack head on about? The Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982 simply states judges' salaries shall be fixed and provided by the Parliament of Canada. That means the government makes the decision and has the final say as to what the salary is.

Since this new order is null and void and is basically a worthless piece of paper, it does tell us one thing: we have a problem that needs to be changed. The arrogance of the BC court judges and their continued over stepping of their judicial parameters means they need to be publically accountable.

In the United States the judges are publically accountable because they are elected. If a judge starts making stupid decisions the public just elect another judge. We currently have no provision in place to make our judges accountable in Canada. As we have seen, we are powerless to get rid of bad judges like Peter Leask. This clearly needs to change.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Free Greg Domey - Not!

OK now I’m really going to lose it. Just as I was going to make a new podcast about the Big House Crew and that ridiculous campaign to Free Deli, I find an even more absurd campaign to free another crack dealer named Greg Domey.

Greg Domey is the former president of the Salem Massachusetts Hells Angels. He’s also the former East Coast president of the Hells Angels. Here we see him in a photo with Sonny Barger on the Big House Crew memorial. The guy isn’t a freaking political prisoner like Nelson Mandela or Bobby Sands. The guy is in jail for selling crack and crystal meth as well as for using extreme violence to gain control of that illicit drug trade.

People posing in front of the Christmas tree wearing Free Greg T Shirts is the epitome of stupidity. In the first photo he’s smiling with a ball peen hammer. That’s what they use to beat rival drug dealers to death with. Wearing a Free Greg shirt is like wearing an I love Charles Manson shirt.

Here’s the link to my new podcast about the Big House Crew. Don’t talk to me about Irish history. You don’t know fuck all about Irish history. Supporting these crack dealers and these crystal meth dealers is like pissing on Bobby Sands grave. In West Belfast the IRA will shoot crack dealers dead on sight. Idiots.

Hells Angels selling drugs in Massachusetts

Jeffrey Dillon, president of the Sidewinders, a Hell's Angels puppet group in Massachusetts, has been charged with various firearm offenses and possession of cocaine with the purpose of trafficking.

John R. Bartolomeo, of East Boston, was sentenced to a 35-year federal prison sentence for the killing a rival motorcycle gang member and for distributing cocaine and methamphetamine.

During the initial phase of the investigation, a cooperating individual made a series of undercover methamphetamine purchases directly from Gregory Domey, the then president of the Salem Chapter of the Hells Angels. After being introduced to Domey and Bartolomeo, the DEA Special Agent made a number of large methamphetamine and cocaine purchases from members of the Hells Angels and their associates.

This isn’t just a matter of killing someone from a rival biker gang. It’s a matter of killing a rival drug dealer to gain control of the drug trade. A Southern California professor who is the president of the Fresno California Devil’s Disciples chapter has been accused of trafficking meth. During a raid at his Highland home, investigators seized more than a pound of meth, guns, body armor, and leather biker vests.

Gregory Domey, former president of the Salem Chapter of the Hells Angels, and former East Coast President of the organization pled guilty today to multiple drug charges and was sentenced to 20 years in prison under the "Drug Kingpin" statute.

According to court records, Domey and his codefendants sold cocaine and methamphetamine, from various locations including their Hells Angels Club House headquarters in Lynn, which was protected by members who served as armed guards and by surveillance cameras. Domey and his codefendants sold the drugs to undercover agents and confidential informants on dozens of occasions, many of which were electronically recorded and/or observed by surveillance agents.

Methamphetamine is a synthetic drug which can be as destructive and as addictive as crack cocaine. Commonly known as meth, this drug is spreading from California and has already hit the mid-west. We’re talking about crystal meth. It’s made with Drano. That shit fucks you up. It’s just as bad if not worse than crack. The Hells Angels are bringing crystal meth to Massachusetts.

This isn’t just a few bad members. This was the president of the Salem chapter and former East coast president of the Hells Angles selling meth and the president of a puppet club selling cocaine. That is what they do. That is their purpose for existing. They are drug dealers and should be banned from Sturgis.

I have no problem with someone smoking a blunt and selling some weed. I have a problem with people selling crack and crystal meth and I have a problem with the Hells Angels saying no one is allowed to grow or sell pot but them. That shit just wouldn’t fly if they tried that at Sturgis. Yet that is exactly what they are doing everywhere else. That is why they should be banned from Sturgis.

Let’s not forget Adam Hall, Sergeant at Arms for the Pittsfield, Massachusetts Hells Angels and his brain dead associate with devil horn implants and the number 666 tattooed to his forehead, they’re from Massachusetts. Adam Hall has been accused of forced prostitution. He and his brain dead devil horn implant associate have been accused of murdering a witness against Hall. That is messed up.