Thursday, September 30, 2021

Big Tony - Anthony Terezakis - Dead

Update: When I first heard Tony was dead I was told he was executed. Now I hear people claim he died of heart complications. All I know is that guy was a really deranged freak and if we are going to start honouring him then we are going to start talking about all the deranged sh*t that went on under his watch at the Pickton farm. You can't rewrite history. Not on my watch.

I don't want to speak ill of the dead, but it has been brought to my attention that Anthony Terezakis aka Big Tony was murdered. His obituary says he died December 26 2020. Two years earlier his son Andreas showed up at Chad's funeral with Damion Ryan wearing a rocker for the Greek Hells Angels. Damion got his filthy few patch in Greece for capping a Quebec member for Gumby who came to him for help. There's talk of Damion teaming up with Dr Spin and the PoPo.

When I say Tony was murdered, my sources imply it wasn't by a rival. Maybe it was Juel Stanton reaching out from the grave. Juels was killed by the club shortly after Tony got out of prison. Juels had taken over Tony's drug trafficking turf in the DTES while Tony was in prison.

I know I was good to Spike and Bob Green because they deserved it. Tony on the other hand was a freak. He was a born-again Christian who served Satan. He filmed himself beating the life out of drug addicts from the DTES who owned him money shouting Praise the Lord. When the court played the videos, he couldn't hold back the laughter.

According to Dave Pickton and Stevie Cameron, Big Tony worked the door at Piggy's Palace. Piggy's Palace was across the street from the Pickton farm known as the Dominion. A lot of people went to the farm for parties. Piggy's Palace was different. It was a sh*t hole for predators like the ones who gang raped Dianne Rock. Tony's murder reminds me of Larry Mizen's.

Montreal shooting: Drug deal gone wrong

CTV is reporting that "A 25-year-old man is in hospital after a shooting in an apartment in Montreal's Côte-des-Neiges neighbourhood. The incident happened at 1 a.m. Thursday on Dupuis Avenue. The victim was transported to hospital and two suspects were arrested. One gun was also seized. The cause of the altercation could be related to drug trafficking."

Monday, September 27, 2021

What's her face on Bill Gates

As I previously pointed out, Bill Gates is a freak. He is a straight up Communist like George Sorrows who thinks the biggest problem the world faces is over population. Thankfully, Communists like Chairman Mao and the CCP have a solution for that- genocide.

As I previously reported, Bill Gates' European Coronavirus patent was approved November 20th 2019 shortly before the pandemic was launched out of Wuhan. Him smirking about the next plandemic is somewhat concerning given the fact that Communist China stole Ebola samples from a Canadian lab and the scientist who invented the vaccine.

Well there's a witty and humorous Youtuber (Health Canada updates Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine label to reflect very rare reports of Bell's Palsy) that goes by the name What's her face and in this video, she goes off on Bill Gates. In another video she mentioned micro chips that are being used in Sweeden like debit cards. Indeed, truth is stranger than fiction.

Despite the fact that Sweeden led the world in pandemic response by refusing to lockdown, it appears that these micro chips are becoming popular there. They are used for debit cards, ID and even car keys. I don't have to explain why this is so concerning and could easily be misused. If the government is upset with you, they can disable your chip which prevents you from being able to travel and take your money. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Laura Lynn Tyler Thomson interviews a Paramedic

Update: Dr Trozzi's observations in the ER in Toronto

Laura Lynn Tyler Thomson interviews Dr. Charles Hoffe from Lytton, BC who discusses the science behind micro blood clots that damage your capillaries from the Ccovid vaccine which causes myocarditis. She also shows a clip of Dr Robert Malone the inventor of mRNA vaccines before interviewing a paramedic ar 22:00 who discusses his own observations of reactions.

Previously, Post Media News lied and said Alberta ICUs were full of Covid patients when they were really filled with a backlog of surgeries. It's worse now because the vaccine mandate has amplified the nurse shortage and the number of ICU beds available relate to the number of nurses on staff. That's one of the reason the BC nurses' Union opposes the vaccine mandate. Now the hospitals are filling up not from Ccovid but from adverse reactions to the vaccine.

Rock Machine Drama

TBM, the definitive source for worldwide MC news has posted a disappointing update on the political drama within the Rock Machine Canada. It states the self-proclaimed national president doesn't have a motorcycle license. That's kind of my beef with the cub pack. Although they have licenses, they don't ride motorcycles they just ride around in SUVs and sell drugs.

TBM has been following RM politics for quite some time. They saw the RM rise from the ashes in Canada, expand into Australia and break into Europe through Norway. They also saw the meltdowns that went along with it. Suat Erköse was selling patches online in Europe.

I think people need to realize the Rock Machine now has absolutely nothing to do with the original Rock Machine that was famous for waging a long war with the Hells Angels in Quebec. They blew sh*t up. That Rock Machine was basically disbanded in 2000, when Salvatore, his brother and all the leaders along with their hit squad crossed over to join the Hells Angels. Then 10 years later Sean Brown started a new club using the same name but modifying the logo.

The original logo was a yellow eagle's head. It was actually gold but when you draw it, people use yellow to represent gold. IRL people use gold dust in the paint. Since Sean stole the name, he had to change the logo and made it white. I think it looks kinda cool.

Then the new group kicked Sean out because he didn't want to bring back the Quebec war with the red and white which was probably a good thing. I spoke with an old timer involved at the time and he said the young kids just wanted to make it another gang and sell drugs like they do now.

I spoke with a young man from Quebec who had joined the new group after they kicked Sean out. His father had been killed by the Hells Angels in the Quebec biker war. He wanted revenge. He was totally sincere. It sounds like the group has gone through a lot of growing pains since then.

Sean Brown went from RM in Ontario to Vagos. Then Vagos patched over to Outlaws and Sean went to Cali with Vagos. I was probably a little hard on him at the time. I think he had credibility and he meant well. That's kind of my pet peeve. We understand how puppet clubs can patch over to 1% clubs but all this such and such forever, forever such and such never lasts long. As soon as they change allegiances, they're burning old patches and it's forever the new group.

When I first saw the TBM article I thought it was written by Wally. I'm told that it wasn't. However, the old RM has a new allegiance. Now they support the Hells Angels and they want to discredit rivals. I've talked about that whole scam before with the original RM. They were legitimately notorious. They were genuinely hard core. There's no disputing that. Yet there are two facts that stain their legacy. In the year 2000 they all crossed over and joined their arch enemies. There's no way of getting around that. That makes the second fact hard to ignore.

I was told that during the Quebec biker war, the RM's hit squad targeted Mom Boucher's political rivals within the Hells Angels. That means the war was fake. Mommy dearest was killing his own brothers who he saw as a threat to his leadership. The fact that they all crossed over to support him when he went to jail makes that difficult to deny.

I got rid of Facebook a long time ago. I couldn't handle all the drama. It was all "You're fake, she's fake, I'm fake. We all fall down." A bunch of toy soldiers. You didn't see Bob Green on Facebook. He wasn't posting all his personal information for the police to see. Give your head a shake. Even if it's set to private, they still get warrants and spy on everything you post and mesage.

So, as I said, TBM is the definitive source for Worldwide MC News. Michael Green is the real deal. He left the life. He is the international Spokesperson for TBM with a past in both the Hells Angels and the Bandidos. He knows both sides. Yet TBM isn't just one guy. They have a whole coalition of people behind the scenes that know and understand the life.

Biker News Network and Harley Liberty are credible MC News outlets for the Unted States. I miss the Aging Rebel. He was the real deal. May he Rest in Peace. Yet that ain't me.

Although I ride a cruiser full seasons, I was never a member of a MC and never wanted to be. I always rode alone. I did go for a couple of rides with the Teamsters Horsemen because they were awesome but I never have and never will go under cover. I never pretend to be something I'm not. I started this blog because of the Surrey Six. That was all about Gumby and Jamie Bacon.

Conservatives capture popular vote

CTV is reporting that " As in 2019, the Conservatives captured the popular vote, but they failed to translate that support into winning the most number of ridings." The election does display a deep divide between urban and rural. This is easily understood when you look at Oregon.

5 counties in Oregon want to break away from the city and county of Portland and merge with Idaho because Idaho shares their values. Portland does not. It's not hard to understand why. Right now, Portland is a mess. It is a liberal sh*t hole filled with ANTIFA and violence.

New York City is the prime example of what happens when the Democrats take over. Their leftist policies result in higher taxes, higher crime and higher poverty for everyone which causes people and businesses to leave. Rudy Guliani fixed that with law and order. Bill de Blasio destroyed that with lawlessness and taxation. Curtis Sliwa can fix it again but it will take the old school political will New York was once famous for. I saw it in the /80's. It was an inherit part of the New York attitude which has been watered​ down and diluted by leftist lunacy. Conservatives believe in less government, more freedom and less taxes. That benefits everyone. It really is that simple.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Body discovered inside burning pickup in Maple Ridge

CTV is reporting that "Homicide investigators have been called to Maple Ridge after a body was discovered inside a burning pickup truck in the city early Saturday morning. Police officers were called to the intersection of Park Lane and Vernon Trail around 1:30 a.m. for a report that a black pickup truck was on fire, according to a news release from Ridge Meadows RCMP.

"Firefighters were also called to the scene. After the flames were extinguished, a body was located inside the truck, police said. The Lower Mainland's Integrated Homicide Investigation Team has taken over the case, according to RCMP."

ALERT dismantles fentanyl superlab

The Edmonton Journal is reporting that "Police have shut down a drug superlab in rural southern Alberta, seizing more than $300 million worth of drugs and precursors in the province’s biggest fentanyl bust to date." This is what the CFSEU doesn't do.

More than 31 kilograms of the chemicals were found after officers carried out 13 search warrants near Aldersyde on July 7, the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT) announced Wednesday at its Edmonton headquarters. Another 7,600 kg of chemicals used in fentanyl production, 18 handguns, a rifle, $25,000 in cash and jewelry, six vehicles, four motorcycles, three trailers and a boat were seized during the operation dubbed Project Essence.”

"Asked about whether the government is considering following B.C.’s lead by making safer, legal opioids available by prescription — as the bust will diminish the available supply — Ellis said Alberta won’t be following suit." That's because they have a brain.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Canada drops extradition matter after Meng Wanzhou strikes deal with U.S. justice officials

CTV is reprting that "A B.C. judge has discharged the extradition matter against Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou after U.S. Justice Department officials reached a deal to resolve the criminal charges against her, allowing the woman who has been at the centre of a years-long major geopolitical case to enter into a deferred prosecution agreement and leave Canada, under certain terms. CTV News confirmed that Meng checked in at Vancouver International Airport and departed on a flight to China Friday evening." As I previously said, that case had nothing to do with justice. It was simply a trade war. That is all. The two Michaels was simply a hostage taking.

CBC is reporting that "Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig are returning to Canada nearly three years after they were arrested in China, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Friday evening." Things tha tmake ya go hmmm...

The Toronto Star is reporting that "After years of denying the imprisonment of the two Michaels for espionage had anything to do with the arrest of Meng for fraud, China seemed to have dropped the charade. This was hostage diplomacy, and it looked to have paid off." Indeed.

I thought we didn't negotiate with terrorists. Evidently, we do. It is obvious that the two Michaels were innocent of any crime just like all the Falun Gong and the Uyghurs who are wrongfully imprisoned and executed for their organs. This is the dictatorship that owns our media.

Man with alleged Mafia ties shot in broad daylight in Laval

The Montreal Gazette is reporting that "The Laval police and the Sûreté du Québec are investigating the attempted murder of a man with alleged ties to the Montreal Mafia who was shot in broad daylight. Laval police spokesperson Geneviève Major said the victim, a man in his 40s, was shot in the abdomen around 3:30 p.m. Tuesday on Lévesque Blvd."

"A police source has confirmed to the Montreal Gazette that the victim is Davide (Baldy) Barberio, 42, who was charged in 2014 in Project Clemenza, a Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit investigation that targeted drug trafficking among different groups within the Montreal Mafia."

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Leslyn Lewis elected MP in Ontario

On the bright side, Leslyn Lewis was officially elected a member of parliament with the Conservatives in the Haldimand-Norfolk riding, Ontario. She is rock solid. She received more votes in the second round than O'Toole did during the leadership race.

Myocarditis and the Covid vaccine

A lot of people have sent me links to this video because they are concerned about unreported side effects of the Covid vaccine. This is an undercover video a registered nurse took of a medical doctor at a hospital emergency room in Pheonix. It's also on Youtube.

The ER doctor comes right out and says the vaccine is full of sh*t. They discuss a patient who got myocarditis from the vaccine and the doctor states that won't be a reported side effect because they are trying to sweep it under the carpet. Big surprise.

This shows us that the pharmaceutical companies who are making billions off the pandemic have too much power. Not only are they running fake fact checking websites but they are forcing medical staff to hide or discourage reporting bad side effects of the Covid vaccine.

Cardiomyopathy is a virus in the heart caused by the RNA in the vaccine that causes the vaccine to bypass the immune system and enter the organs. Myocarditis is different. That's heart inflammation which is another side effect of the vaccine.

News Medical Life Science is reporting that "Scientists from the University of Ottawa, Canada, have recently estimated the prevalence of myocarditis/pericarditis in individuals recently immunized with mRNA-based coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines. The analysis reveals a prevalence of 10 myopericarditis cases for every 10,000 vaccine doses. The study is currently available on the medRxiv* preprint server."

The rationalization is 10 cases for every 10,000 vaccine doses is rare so don't worry about it. Much. The problem is that those are reported cases and don't taker into consideration all the unreported cases they claimed were unrelated to the vaccine.

Medical News Today is repprting that "A new, non-peer-reviewed study concluded that healthy boys aged 12–17 years had a higher hospitalization rate due to heart inflammation after their second mRNA COVID-19 vaccination than the expected hospitalization rate for COVID-19 in that age group."

I just ran into my old boxing coach. He said he had a 22-year-old sparring partner who recently died of a heart attack shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine. No doubt they said it was unrelated to the vaccine but how often does a fit young boxer die of a heart attack? A week later his uncle died of a stroke shortly after receiving the vaccine. All of these are unreported.

Health Canada is announcing a recall and safety alert affecting an ALINITY M SARS-COV-2 AMP KIT that produces false positive results. They all do. That's what the Portugal court ruled on.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Understanding Justin Trudeau Hate

Since hate for Justin Trudeau is at an all-time high, I thought it would be worthwhile explaining why to some of our friends who don't live here. I want to be clear in that I did not hate Justin Trudeau when he was first elected. I didn't support his selfish and irresponsible spending habits, but I was hopeful. Stephen Harper was an as*hole. We wanted something better.

Sadly, time revealed that he was worse than Harper. Harper admitted he was an as*hole. That was his MO. Justin Trudeau pretended to be something he wasn't. The term fake feminist is trending. He pretended to support women but we saw how many strong women he threw under the bus because they spoke their mind. He just wants women who do as their told.

He pretends to oppose Islamophobia, yet he admires the Communist genocide of Muslims in China. Everything about him is fake. He is nothing like his father. That's why I call him Commodus from the movie Gladiator. He's a wannabe dictator who covets power. His father protected civil liberty by law. Justin does not. Harper was an enemy of the Charter of Rights but so is Justin.

Justin Trudeau is completely irresponsible with money. He leads the world in pandemic debt. That is selfish and thoughtless. He doesn't care about our children's future. He's spending it.

By the end of Stephen Harper's tenure, hate for him was high just like it is now for Justin. We remember the famous page who boldly stood in the House of Commons with a sign that said Stop Harper. Now we see a whole Stop Justin movement. Lockdown protests have been well attended across the country. In all of them Justin Trudeau hate was high and it continues to grow.

Part of the problem is his obsession with Communist China. It spills over to his selling out our sovereignty to the UN and the WHO in the name of Globalism which is simply Communism rebranded. That is sheer insanity. We saw what happened in Cambodia, Poland and in East Berlin. That is a place none of us want to go.

Normally hate is pretty toxic but as the Birds declared, everything has it's time and place. Christians are taught to love their enemies but they're also encouraged to teach their children an everlasting hatred of sin. Hate the sin, love the sinner. For most of us it's pretty hard to distinguish between the two.

Often in cases of abuse, people feel anger or hatred which is a normal response to that evil. Yet we are told to forgive and forget so when we feel anger, we feel guilty. Instead of processing our anger we supress and deny it which leads to self-blame and addiction.

My father used to say feeling are neither right or wrong they just are. Everyone has a right to their feelings. How people express those feelings can be appropriate or inappropriate but everyone has a right to their feelings. Don't get me started on displaced aggression.

In fact, a councillor once told me it is important to get in touch with our feelings because our feelings are trying to tell us something. In cases of abuse, anger or hatred would simply mean something horrible was done. It's important for abuse victims to recognize that so they don't blame themselves and keep repeating the cycle.

Hate is toxic but it does have its time and place. There's a term righteous indignation. There's another term fury which can be the expression of righteous indignation. All I'm saying is that people have a right to be angry with Justin Trudeau. People have a right to hate him. How they express those feelings can be appropriate or inappropriate but they have a right to their feelings because in this case they are completely justified. Civil liberty is what wars are fought over. Justin Trudeau is a liar and a thief. Where there is no justice, there will be no peace.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Fatal shooting in Vernon

The Vernon Morning Star is reporting that "One person is dead and one man is in custody after a shooting in Vernon Monday morning. Vernon North Okanagan RCMP was called around 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 20 with reports of a possible shooting and a vehicle fleeing the area."

"Search for the vehicle resulted in the discovery of a dead person in the 4500 block of Enderby Road. The vehicle, a blue 2008 Kia Sportage was located near Armstrong through coordinated efforts between Vernon RCMP, a police helicopter and the emergency response team. A police vehicle was damaged by the suspect vehicle but no injuries resulted." A suspect is in custody.

Canadian election results 2021

Update: Complete results by riding

South Surrey, Pitt Meadows, Abbotsford, Mission and Chilliwack all re-elected Conservatives. Conservatives were re-elected in 8 of the 9 ridings in the Interior of BC.

Leslyn Lewis elected MP in Ontario

Bloomberg is reporting that as of 3:00 AM the Liberals are leading in 158 ridings, the Conservatives 119, the Bloc 34, the NDP 25, the Green 2 and the PPC 0. That means Liberals would gain 1 seat, Conservatives would lose 2, Bloc gain 2, NDP gain 1 and Green lose 1.

The only possible explanation for the Liberals gaining a seat and the Conservatives losing 2 seats would be the fact that the PPC split the vote. Justin Trudeau hate is on the rise and this election has not changed that. It's only entrenched it. Justin Trudeau's new mandate: We hate him.

The Liberals popularity vote was 32.2%, the Conservatives 34.0%, the Bloc 7.7%, the NDP 17.7%, the Green 2.3% amd the PPC 5.1%. That means the PPC has twice the popularity vote as the Green Party. Justin Trudeau's popularity went down 0.8% from his last fall to a minority government even though he gained a seat. The Green dropped in popularity while the PPC rose.

In Nova Scotia two Liberals lost their seat to Conservatives. Tories won their provincial election.

The good news is that since Erin O'Toole lost ground Andrew Sheer made, they can now pick a Conservative leader this time instead of a Globalist. That won't split the vote again. If Maxime Bernier was leader of the Conservatives , we would make huge gains.

Remember when Stephen Harper betrayed Jean Charest and blocked him from the Conservative leadership bid in favor of his pet Globalist Peter McKay? That was a dirty deed. We are not going to win a federal election without Quebec and we are not going to win Quebec without someone who can speak French properly. Jean Charest could do that. Peter McKay could not.

I love the expression on his wife's face seeing him wear a cowboy hat in Calgary.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Election Day 2021

Update: Canadian election results 2021

Since Monday is election day in Canada, I thought I'd review what happened last election. Last election, Andrew Sheer received 34.4% of the vote while Justin Trudeau received 33% of the vote. Although the Liberals got more seats compared to the Conservatives despite the fact that the Conservative received a higher popularity vote, the Liberals lost 20 seats. The NDP lost 15 seats while the Conservatives gained 26 seats and the Bloc gained 22 seats from the previous election significantly weakening Justin Trudeau's minority government. That was just two years ago. This time I think the Conservatives and the Bloc should form government.
People ask me why Justin called an early election? He saw it worked for John Horgan so he thought it would work for him. Not. John Horgan tricked us. The BC NDP were pretty nonconfrontational with overstepping from Covid. Until they got a majority, Then we saw their true colours. Socialists remove freedom. That's what they do. We can see that now. We won't get fooled again. As I said, Justin Trudeau hate is on the rise because he is a Socialist.

When he was first elected, he promised us the world and had a rock star popularity. Then people started to see through him and started really becoming vocal about their hatred of him. That's why we saw him lose so many seats last election. This election is even worse. More people hate him now than two years ago. The guy is a lying freak. He's a fake feminist, fake environmentalist and a fake person. All the does is spend other people's money. People are getting sick of it.
Sabrina Maddeaux explained that millennials are older now. They have jobs, families and mortgages. They care about the economy and taxes. Nova Scotia's last election saw a surge in Conservatives. Covid's attack on civil liberty has started to wake people up.

Supporting local business: a kaleidoscope of colours

Speaking of supporting local business, one local artist who happens to be a blog reader that passionately opposes mask and vaccine mandates, has posted art prints and T-shirts online. The colours are very vivid. The T-shirts are: It Is To Laugh of Thee in a Musical Rhythm - Into the VOID of Mystery - Madness Revisited - Love Lost Forever Known - Frozen Magnetic Calm
As we know, Clay Roueche is quite the artis as well and has hired someone to post his prints and T-shirts online. This is what we are allowed to do in a free market. Communism opposes the free market because they want people dependant on the government. When people are dependent on the government, they can't complain when the government takes their rights away.

Covid has been a full-scale attack on small business. The virus that was launched out of Wuhan has an objective. We have seen our rights taken away like never before. This domestic attack on our civil liberty is unprecedented as is the attack on our financial independence. Resist it.

Friday, September 17, 2021

More books about Justin Trudeau the fake feminist

Update: Bill Morneau: A Path to Canadian Prosperity

Latest Liberal candidate caught in sex assault charges - Sabrina Maddeaux nails it.

Can you hear me now? by Celina Caesar-Chavannes:
Indian in the Cabinet by Jody Wilson-Raybould:

BC Schools on lockdown after parents expressed concerns about vaccination of minors without parental consent

This is another example of media misrepresentation. A group of parents went to two shcools where they were having pop up vaccination clinics without parental consent. They went inside their children's school to talk to the principal. The media spins that to read schools on lockdown after crazed protesters enter school - Global's Postmedia News.

Is a parent allowed to enter their child's school? Schools need parental consent for their children to go on a field trip but they are vaccinating children without their parents consent. That is a criminal offense. 100 young people were hospitalized in Ontario because the RNA vaccine gave them cardiomyopathy - a virus in the heart. The RNA bypasses the immune system.

Vaccinating children without their parent's consent is crazy. Quoting the Socialist Party as though it was credible is crazy. The media misrepresentation is obscene. That road leads to a bad place.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

First Responders protest vaccine mandate in Toronto

Canada: Police officers, firefighters and paramedics have gathered at Queen's Park, Toronto for a silent protest against mandatory #COVID19 vaccinations. Just like in Calgary.

Voices Of Silenced Okanagan Health Professionals

The Easton Spectator ppsted an open letter to Bonnie Henry from a concerned group of health professionals who dare to question the B.C. government narrative on COVID-19 policies.

The letter contains many links and raises the obvious concerns about the misrepresentation of cases and the fact that the PCR test is worthless. It also confronts the Fakestream media's false narrative that the hospital protests are an attack on health care workers. In reality, misrepresenting their concerns are an attack on health care workers.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Fatal shooting at Vancouver high end hotel parkade

News 1130 is reporting that “A man was killed in a targeted shooting at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel parkade Wednesday afternoon, according to the Vancouver Police Department.”

The Georgia Straight is reporting that there were two shootings in Richmond on Monday.

CTV is reporting that the victim of the fatal shooting is 35-year-old Amandeep Manj.

The CFSEU claim he had affiliations back in 2009. Dr Spin is spinning it once again.

Update: Kim Bolan reported that the CFSEU claims Amandeep Manj was a suspect in Randy Naicker's kidnapping ten years ago. He has no criminal record. It is quite possible the Hells Angels killed him for something he might have done ten years ago. It's also quite possible that the CFSEU were the ones that told the Hells Angels she was a suspect in Randy's kidnapping. They likely mentioned it to some of the Hells Angel associates in the Witness Protection Program. That would make them culpable in his murder just like they are in Juel Stanton's murder.

Fake News Friday on The Candice Malcolm show

I want to give a shout out to Independent Media because the Mainstream Media Sucks. No really. It has become absolutely ridiculous. It's no longer simply a chapter of Geroge Orwell's 1984. It is an episode straight out of the Twilight Zone. The comedy of errors has become absurd.

On the Fake News Friday episode of the Candice Malcolm show, Candice points out the obvious. The leadership debate is run by the government, not independent media. Those journalists aren’t journalists, they are activists promoting a leftist agenda. Now, when I say they are promoting a leftist agenda, I do not mean they are promoting social justice because that is a lie. One of many.

For example, Candice brings up the Universal basic income. That is a con. Socialists pretend to care about the poor just like they pretend to care about every other special interest group before they use them and betray them. There are no Aboriginal rights in Communism.

One of the pet peeves of Conservatives is the welfare state. Encouraging people not to work so they become dependent on the gouvernement. This is a trick and a trap. There is no welfare in Communism just like there are no legal drugs, Gay rights or Trade Union rights. Communism opposes all of that. There is no welfare in Communism. Just prisons and slave labour.

The reason leftists promote the welfare state is to make people dependent on the government. Once they are dependent on the government, the government takes away all of their rights and turns them into slaves. That is the end game of socialism. That is their only objective.

In Communism there are two classes: slaves and slave owners. This welfare state is just a trick to trap people into becoming slaves. All this nonsense about legal drugs. There are no legal drugs in Communism. That’s just a trick to weaken society so they can become slaves of the state.

The reason this is relevant is because of Post Media News. Post Media News owns most of the newspapers in Western Canada. They bought the Surrey Leader and the Surrey Now. After they did that they got rid of the Surrey Leader to eliminate competition. They didn’t merge the newspapers. They took the name and eliminated it. Now they control the narrative.

Postmedia News now owns the Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province. They fired the chief editor of the Province and made one person editor of both papers. They are now clones of each other. The same journalists write for both papers. Potmedia News now owns the Toronto Sun.

The Vancouver Province ran an article from the Toronto Sun that said “Chairman Mao did great things.” That is straight out of the Twilight Zone. Chairman Mao was a mass murderer. That’s like saying Adolf Hitler did great things. Not. This exposes the bias and the agenda.

The reason this is relevant is because Postmedia News now owns Global Television. Global Television has become ridiculous. I was in the lunchroom at work when Global came on. They were misrepresenting the nurses and firemen objecting to mandatory vaccination as a condition of employment. They went off about anti-vaxxers complaining about microchips and Bill Gates.

Bill Gates is a freak. He is a straight up Communist like George Soros. They aren’t cramming Communism down our throat to share their wealth. They are promoting Communism to increase their wealth by removing our rights. They want to become slave owners by turning us into slaves.

The Microsoft News Network is a subsidiary of Bill Gates' absurd ideology. It is worthless. Just like Google News. All this big tech pushing Communism isn’t to share their wealth. It’s to turn us into slaves by lying to us over and over. I cut the cable because it is just too ridiculous to watch.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Ali's killers cop a plea

Dr Spin is reporting that "Two Alberta men who shot to death a popular local Hells Angel in a Surrey drive-thru two years ago have been sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 20 years. Crown spokesman Dan McLaughlin confirmed Monday that Calvin Junior Powery-Hooker, 22, and Nathan James De Jong, 23, pleaded guilty in June to second-degree murder, instead of the first-degree count with which they were originally charged."

"The two young Albertans were hired as hitmen who travelled to B.C. in August 2019 to kill Suminder (Allie) Grewal - a full-patch member of the Hardside chapter of the Hells Angels and a close associate of the Brothers Keepers gang." That statement is true. Then comes the bullsh*t...

Murdering a Hells Angels is significant and if it was a rival, there would be retaliation. This wasn't a rival. It was the Edmonton charter. The ones who are in charge of the Brothers Keepers in Surrey. Edmonton was in charge of Redd Alert who took back the drug dealers in the DTES for the Hells Angels from the UN. After they took those drug dealers back, they killed Glen's wife and gave the DTES to the Cub Pack In exchange, Edmonton was given Surrey.

Dr Spin is rationalizing the club's murder of Ali by claiming he owed money. That is a lie. Ali was well respected by the Brother's Keepers. That is true. Since he was their man and did all the work, he wanted some of the drug profits. Edmonton said no and killed him. No L&R there.

The club killed Chad too for the same reason. The Hardside didn't control the Brother's Keepers, Edmonton did. Hardside were given finger puppets in Fort Langley. Dr Spin admits that there have only been two convictions in Hells Angels murders in BC. 10 other cases remain unsolved. That's because the 10 others were ordered by the club.

Jason Wallace killed Bob Green with his own gun because he didn't want to take the fall for Lenny like everyone else. Lenny still hasn't been convicted of that drug charge. Ask yourself why.

Where do you think Naseem got the $30,000.00 from?

The Motive behind the Media's Misrepresentation

I said dark days were ahead and that day has arrived. Darkness has fallen. Today I want to examine the media's conspiracy and the motive behind it. Recently we talked about how the media is intentionally misrepresenting the use of ivermectin. Global and CNN both lied and said ivermectin was not for human consumption. It's not hard to see the motive behind that lie.

It was the same with the misrepresentation of hydroxychloroquine. They said hydroxychloroquine was not safe. That was a lie. It's been around for years and is FDA approved for the treatment of malaria. Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson was prescribed it by a doctor for lupus and has been on it for ten years. They give it to pregnant women. People can argue about whether it helps Covid but saying it is unsafe was a lie. Once again, it's not hard to see the motive behind that lie.

Recently there was a large anti Vaccine passport protest outside the Kelowna hospital coordinated with several other protests that same day across the country. The media completely misrepresented that protest claiming it was an attack on health care workers when it was anything but. Health cate workers were participating in the protest. No one was prevented from going to work. The media lied. Again. The motive is the same.

Recently there was a large protest in Calgary hosted by firemen and first responders. They stood for an hour of silence with signs that supported the freedom to choose. One spokesperson sad "It's not about vaxxed or unvaxxed. It's about the freedom of choice." Did the media cover that protest? Of course not. They didn't even mention that it occurred. Just like they failed to mention health care workers were participating in the protest outside hospitals.

Recently an ethics professor from Ontario posted a video about her refusal to take the vaccine because it was unethical. Covid numbers are being grossly misrepresented in the media. She did not believe being forced to take an experimental vaccine medical doctors have warned her about was warranted. She felt forcing people to take it was unethical. I agree.

Now we have CBC, the ones caught lying about hospitalization rates in Manitoba claiming that people who object to forced vaccination have mental health issues. This is a dangerous precedent. Medical choice is a fundamental right as is informed consent. So is the freedom of speech and the right to lawful assembly. Now when people voice their concerns about a public policy, instead of listening to those concerns the politicians wait for the media to defame them.

50% of the firemen and law enforcement in LA and New York are refusing the vaccine. They have a right to their opinion. The teachers in New York City protesting the mandate have a right to their opinion. Medical privacy and the freedom to choose is paramount.

Instead of listening to their concerns we now have the media telling us that all those doctors, nurses, firemen, police officers and ethics professors all have mental health issues. That is George Orwell. That is what a Communist State does not a Confederation of freedom.

As we walk through the dark side of the morning, the sun will rise and the shadows will flee.

Vito Rizzuto: Bad Blood

The TV Series Bad Blood is now on Netflix. It's about Vito Rizzuto's control on the drug trade in Montreal. It's a drama based on a true story. As I said on my Finian's Inferno website, Vito was a Don. He was the real deal. Mom Boucher and Greg Wolley saw that and teamed up with him.

I have two points to make. After Mom Boucher went to prison, the Quebec Hells Angels maintained their support for Vito. After the Quebec Hells Anglsl were busted, the Ontario Hells Angels switched sides. They no longer supported Vito Rizzuto. They supported the Calabrians out of Hamilton. That created Bad blood when the Quebec Hells Angels got out of prison.

I certainly don't agree with everything Vito did, but I'm not doing to disrespect a Don. Without the Dons there is no order. Vito was old school. You wouldn't see him firebombing a funeral home or using a sniper to shoot a rival in front of his family at the dinner table.

Wikipedia describes the Quebec Biker War. They correctly assert that "In the early 1980s, Maurice Boucher and Salvatore Cazzetta were leaders of a white supremacist outlaw motorcycle gang called the SS. In 1986, following a prison sentence for sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl, Boucher joined the Quebec branch of the Hells Angels, quickly rising to become the club's president." Mom Boucher got his patch after getting out of prison for armed rape.

Salvatore was unimpressed with the Lennoxville massacre. Witnessing that betrayal, he decided not to join the Hells Angels at that time. Mommy Dearest saw it as an opportunity for him to advance. Wikipedia claims that created a rift between Salvatore and Boucher but that's not entirely true. Salvatore formed the Rock Machine which launched a Biker War with the Hells Angels over drug turf. That is true but look at who they killed and their end game.

When Mom Boucher went to prison, Salvatore and all the founding members of the Rock Machine changed sides and joined the Hells Angels. As we have learned from the David Giles declaration, not all Hells Angels are involved with criminal activity but anyone who uses the name of the club for criminal activity, must have that activity approved by the local executive.

After the Lennoxville massacre, Mom Boucher wanted in but he wanted a piece of the pie. He wanted the drug profits but he could only get that if he held a leadership position within the club. Salvatore's Rock Machine became a rival but they only killed Mom Boucher's political opponents. This allowed Salvatore and Boucher to both profit from the drug trade until the Rock Machine's death squad eliminated all their political rivals allowing them to take over.

Many years ago, when I first started the blog, an author from Montreal came out to visit me and we went out for dinner. He told me two things. He had met a young girl on the streets and became concerned when she disappeared. He then started looking for her in Hells Angel brothels. He described the deplorable conditions of one brothel that shocked him.

He saw a girl who was chained to the bed, had a bucket to go to the bathroom in and was paid in crack cocaine. That was nasty. He also told me that he had a source within the Rock Machine that claimed their death squad was killing Mom Boucher's rivals on his orders. At the time I thought it was plausible but difficult to prove. Until Salvatore crossed over and became president of the Montreal Hells Angels. That's when it all made sense.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

National Post:Trudeau is struggling to save his campaign from collapse

The National Post is reporting that "The Liberal leader managed to survive the blackface saga in the last election on reserves of good will built up since his childhood at 24, Sussex Drive. But the tank must be almost empty." And then came Jody Wilson-Raybould's new book.

Justin Trudeau is a fake femenist, a fake environmentalist and a fake person. He says he opposes Islamaphobia but he supports the Communist genocide of Muslims in China. Everything about him is fake. He says he supports First Nations until they stop doing what they are told.

The Fake Task Force crashes Revelstoke Rally

The was a motorcycle ride from Langley to Revelstoke this weekend and the Fake Gang Task Force was there for another publicity stunt. They don't make Hells Angels drug busts. any more. They just make public appearances to pretend they are doing something about gang violence when in reality they are not. They are covering it up and making sweetheart deals with them.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

20th Anniversary of 9/11 - Asbestos

Update: Sevem: New 9/11 Documentary available on Amazon Prime Video

On the 20th anniversary of 9/11 I want to talk about asbestos. Recently, Sergeant Ed Mullins, head of the NYPD union stated that some of the NYPD fears about vaccination relate to 9/11. "Everyone was told the air was safe and today we have thousands of people who have died from it." That's a very good point. People are tired of being lied to.

The air was not safe because it was full of asbestos. is reporting that "The collapse of the twin towers on Sept. 11, 2001, released a plume containing 400 tons of pulverized asbestos and other hazardous materials across lower Manhattan. An estimated 410,000 to 525,000 people, including more than 90,000 workers, were exposed to the toxic dust during the rescue, recovery and cleanup efforts that followed the attack."

Why Was Asbestos in the World Trade Center?

"During construction of the World Trade Center in the late 1960s and early 1970s, developers commonly used asbestos in construction materials to make them stronger and heat resistant. A variety of asbestos-containing products were incorporated into both towers."

The fact that the twin Towrs were full of asbestos was not secret. The Port Authority lost a court case requiring the insurance companies to pay for the asbestos removal May 2001.

On May 13th 2001 reported that "Port loses claim for asbestos removal." posted the court decision. It states that "On June 3, 1991, the plaintiffs the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation (collectively " the Port Authority" or "plaintiff) filed this action in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law Division, Essex County, against various insurance companies that had issued first-party property insurance policies to the Port Authority between 1969 to 1988. In this suit, the Port Authority seeks to recover costs and expenses it incurred and would continue to incur from asbestos management and abatement activities in its New York and New Jersey facilities.'

So, on June 3, 1991, the Port Authority sued the insurance companies to pay for the costs of asbestos removal. They wanted the insurance companies to pay the expenses they had already incurred as well as the expenses they would continue to incur to complete the asbestos removal.

The defendants' motion for summary judgment was granted May 17th 2001. Larry Silverstein bought the World Trade Centre July 24, 2001. A lot of people ask why did Larry Silverstein insure the WTC against a terrorist attack but I ask why did he buy the WTC knowing it was full of asbestos and that the insurance companies were not required to pay for the removal?

The Port Authority applied for a permit to demolish the towers but was denied one because of the asbestos. Larry Silverstein bought the towers after that. The Port Authority wanted to demolish the World Trade Centre but they weren't allowed so they had to find some other way.

So what do we know? We know that the World Trade Centre was full of asbestos and the court said the insurance companies didn't have to pay for asbestos removal. 20 years later, Sergeant Ed Mullins, head of the NYPD union said "Everyone was told the air was safe and today we have thousands of people who have died from it." We know they lied about that.

If they lied about that, what else did they lie about?

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out - Taliban Oil & Opium

We know that Operation Northwoods was real. No conspiracy theorist made that up. Allen Dulles, the director of the CIA, submitted the proposal and it was approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Kennedy vetoed it. If Kennedy hadn't vetoed it before he was assassinated, they would have done it. We know that because the document was declassified.
We know that Secret Service pulled back JFK's bodyguards right before he was shot.
We know that the Bin Laden confession video didn't look anything like Bin Laden.
We know that the 9/11 hijackers came in from Saudi Arabia not Afghanistan. We know that their visas were denied but the CIA overruled the passport office and made sure the hijackers were given visas. Instead of suing Saudi Arabia the families need to sue the CIA.
We know that steel framed towers do not collapse into their own blueprint at freefall speed due to heat and fire. That happens when the load bearing beams are blown out in a controlled demolition. That would explain the thermite found in the rubble. That's what we know.
It's interesting to note that the same fake fact checkers that promote Covid misinformation deny that 9/11 was a false flag. Fake pandemics and false flag attacks both promote fear and the loss of liberty giving the government more power and more control. That is their motive.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Joe Rogan on Ivermectin

As I previously said, CNN and the Canadian version of CNN known as Global Television are ridiculously misrepresenting Ivermectin. The commercials attack the use of ivermectin claiming it's a pig dewormer meant for animals not humans yet we know that is not true. As I previously pointed out, ivermectin is used to treat parasites in animals as well as humans.

CNN and Global are lying when they say it is just for animals and is not for human consumption. In this episode Joe Rogan points that out and asks "Am I going to have to sue CNN?" It shows how ridiculous and dishonest CNN and Global are as well as their political agenda.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Face to Face with the Lions

Today has been the highlight of my summer. I hiked up Mount Strachan on Cypress 7 1/2 weeks after my hip replacement. I mentioned how this summer has pretty much passed me by. I haven't been able to do anything or go anywhere because I have been preparing for and recovering from hip surgery. Yesterday I got a clean bill of health from the surgeon to go back to work.

Monday, I went on my first hike after the surgery. Just a short jaunt with my cane experimenting with going up and down elevation. I figured it would be easier with my ski poles for walking so I tried that today. I really didn't think I was going to summit but I kept plodding along all the way.
My father used to like taking pictures of the Lions from Clevland Dam at the foot of Grouse Mountain. I like taking them from the top of Sky Chair where you can see them face to face.
It's a very peaceful spot where you see Howe Sound and Vancouver Island. I have a large panorama view from this place on my bedroom wall. Before the surgery I didn't think I'd make it up on these peaks ever again. Now, 7 1/2 weeks later I am there. Gratitude is the word that comes to mind. For me it's a miracle. I thought maybe next summer but not so soon.
I realize we have dark days ahead. Yet it's always darkest before the dawn. The political tides will ebb and flow just as sure as the seasons will change. Selena Gomez asked "Who's goning to walk you through the dark side of the morning?" Well, I guess that'll be me. I'll be here rain or shine. I'll be here to walk you through the dark side of the morning until the morning breaks and the shadows flee. Until the hoarfrost melts in the warmth of the noon day sun. Tyrants will fall.

Three Stooges murder trial has resumed

The Three Stooges murder trial has resumed. I was going to call the courthouse and ask what was up but I see the trial has resumed. Still waiting to see if the Crown uses the encrypted blackberry evidence against Larry Amero or if they are going to drop the ball again.
Rabih Alkhalil branded Wiwchar as his best hitter. Rabih worked directly for Larry Amero.

Rabih Alkhalil and Dean Wiwchar have already been convicted of murdering John Raposo.

Wiwchar sent a text saying "Contract killing ... that's my bizness."

Ethics professor refuses Covid vaccine

Listen for yourself. The Mainstream media completely misrepresented what she said.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Court grants Rebel News right to cover Leadership debate

Rebel News had to hire a lawyer and sue Justin Trudeau for the right to cover the leadership debate. Justin Trudeau hired seven lawyers to try and ban them but the court awarded in their favor. It kind of shows you the State of our Union or should I say Confederation.

Banning Rebel News from covering government events is Orwellian. Rebel News is one of the only credible news outlets out there. Their determination to preserve free speech is admirable.

I didn't watch the debate because the candidate I'm voting for wasn't allowed to participate. That debate was a circus side show of bad actors arguing about how many rights they want to take away from us. None of those candidates support the Canadian Charter of Rights.

The Fake steam Media's coverage of the debate said look at what the candidates are promising. That in itself is the root of the problem. We don't give a rat's ass what they are promising. More government means more taxes and less freedom. This pork barrel politics is what gave rise to Mulroneyism and the birth of the Reform Party.

The Reform Party swept the west by striving to bring back traditional Conservative principles of civl liberty and fiscal responsibility. Eastern Canada saw it as a separatist party and didn't embrace it but that's not what it was. Now we see a new star rise out of the East and the West is embracing it. Less government, more freedom and less taxes for everyone. Truth shall prevail.