TBM Scandinavia is confirming that Suat Erköse is a fake. Suat claims to be the world president of the Rock Machine but he's not. The Rock Machine was a famous MC in Quebec founded by Mom Boucher's pal Salvatore Cazzetta and his brother Giovanni.
After waging a fake war with the Hells Angels in Quebec for a decade and murdering all Mom Boucher's political rivals for him, Salvatore, Giovanni and all the leaders of the original RM patched over to Hells Angels and received leadership positions with them in 1989. After that the RM ceased to exist. Sean Brown tweaked the logo and brought it back. Then the new kids on the block kicked him out and they have struggled with clear leadership ever since.
Despite the uncertainty in local leadership the club continued to expand into Australia, the US and Europe. There was a Rock Machine in Norway but they patched over to No Surrender Crew. Stéphane Potvin is the Canadian RM National President. Suat is in conflict with RM Canada, USA and Australia. He's a former cop that sells patches online. Buyer Beware.
Michael Green has just published this statement on the matter:
It's really sad for me to see all this BULLSHIT about Rock Machine MC.
Rock Machine MC will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be on Canadian soil and Mother Country and Mother Chapter will ALWAYS and FOREVER be in CANADA.
Rock Machine MC was built by Canadians and the REAL and TRUE World President for Rock Machine today is Mario Dube allias Fefe - member since 1994.
Suat Erköse is NOT the World President for the Rock Machine MC - he got his "leadership" through Jean Emard, who also is one BIG FAKE RMMC, that' s the TRUE FACTS.
I have made this post in RESPECT of all our REAL and TRUE Canadian Rock Machine MC Brothers to show them the RESPECT they all deserve, and to all the FALLEN Canadian Rock Machine MC Brother's who gave their life to keep THE EAGLE FLYING.
NO ONE outside Canada can NOT and will NOT ever be World President for Rock Machine MC - Only a Canadian can and will be the TRUE and, REAL World President of the original Canadian Rock Machine MC.
Merry Christmas
Michael Green
Int. Spokesperson, TBM NATION

Update: Suat is obviously a whack job. Bragging about the fact that his vice president is a registered sex offender. You're going to rape me and my pets? So you're a faggot and a f*ck up. Wonderful. You need to spend some time with Dr Phil.
Suat Erköse is an attention seeker. Ignore him. He's not worth any of our time.
Official Statement - Rock Machine MC Canada
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