Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Throttle Locker sentenced to 12 years for drug trafficking

Castanet is reporting that "A member of a Hells Angels support club in Kelowna has been jailed for 12 years following a drug trafficking bust in Kamloops. Zale Coty, 54, was sentenced after pleading guilty to conspiracy to traffic fentanyl. Police said Coty was a full patch member of the Throttle Lockers Motorcycle Club, a support club for the Kelowna chapter of the Hells Angels. The investigation was sparked in 2017 by RCMP in Kamloops, who determined the Throttle Lockers were behind a large-scale drug trafficking operation expanding into the city."

CTV is reporting that "Coty pleaded guilty last week to the charges, including conspiracy to traffic fentanyl, after he was arrested alongside associates Jacob Andrew Cavanagh and Shawn William Carlisle, who also pleaded guilty to multiple drug offences. Carlisle, then 49 years old, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison in February 2023, while Cavanaugh, 28, received a four-year sentenced in December of that year."

Kamloops: Redd Alert, Throttle Lockers and Wolf Pack. Can we see a pattern yet?

So this is the MO. They create a puppet club for plausible deniability. It's not us, it's them. After the new puppet club racks up a set of criminal charges, they ditch them and start a new puppet club. Crack was horrible. Crystal meth and fentanyl are even worse.

Throttle Lockers, Renegades, Heavy Hitters... thanks but no thanks. Remember the Kingpin Crew? After Blaze's pal Joey Verma killed Britney Irving he was told his debt to the club would be forgiven and he was promised the VP position of the Kingpin Crew. He continued to sell drugs in prison after his arrest for her murder and got a VP tat. The rest of the group didn't want any part of that so they were disbanded. These names come and go but L&R has nothing to do with it.

Remember back when the Hells Angels in BC never had any criminal convictions? Times have sure changed so they have. Pride cometh before the fall so it does and great shall be the fall thereof. What's done in the dark shall be brought to the light. Welcome to the apocalypse.


  1. "full patch member" of a puppet club, LOL.

  2. "Implausible deniability" says I.....the only place that bird flies is in court.

  3. Good, fucking scum bags selling fentinal, should be life with no parol.

    1. I agree, people selling fentanyl are goofs. Anyone willing to trade someone’s life for profit is a straight up scumbag.

    2. Anyone selling fentanyl who's product can be traced to an overdose death should be charged with willfully negligent homicide. Multiple counts, multiple being two or more, agreed, should be life with no parole. Possession of larger amounts, same thing. You don't just fall off the banana boat with a half kilo of fentanyl in your possession. Mandatory work while behind bars with all funds received minus say, 5% commissary money going to the victims family would be nice too. "No work, no eat". Forced labour LOL, we'll give those Chinese a run for their money.

    3. Don't forget the problem, reaction, solution paradigm. They created this manufactured emergency to justify their insane solution. All we have to do is enforce the law and stop promoting addiction.

    4. I agree that addiction shouldn’t be promoted. When I was younger, I kind of thought that it was just whatever to let people choose what they wanted, and to try and help them quit if they wanted to, and it was in my power to help. Now I see that it is really just detrimental to others well-being to enable them with any addictive substances at all. Out of curiosity, who do you think the ‘they’ is that manufactured this ‘fentanyl’ problem?

    5. I think it's a combination of bad decisions by government and criminals exploiting those bad decisions. When I say they I am referring to the government, more specifically globalists which could be on the left or the right. We saw England launch the Opium war against China. That was horrible. Now we see the WEF and their globalists in our own government do the same thing to us. Big Pharma plays a role as well.

    6. Interesting. I’ve had this conversation with a few people, and I can tell you that there are certainly others who share that opinion. I could easily formulate a logical explanation as to why your opinion does make sense. There is also, however, a logical argument to be made that it’s only being done by Cartel, Triads and Mafia simply due to greed.I don’t know if we’ll ever know the truth for certain as to who is pulling the strings, but whoever is behind it are real pieces of shit. Government, or gangster alike. I’m a little hesitant to blame the government without proof though because if it were proven true, I believe that they would have to be held accountable by any means necessary.

    7. I think it's a combination of both. Criminal want to make money. Bad government policies help them make money by promoting addiction. For example, Vancouver adopted the four Pillars program. Then after they did that they caved into extremists to throw are the three crucial pillars and only adopt Harm Prevention. Sadly their focus on harm prevention was in reality the exact opposite. It was i=simply harm promotion. These bad government policies help criminals thrive.

      It's like the New York Model. Mayor Giuliani saved New York then Bill de Blasio flushed it down the toilet. Was that de Blasio's intent? Perhaps not. But his insane policies made it happen. It's like many large cities in the US. They are turning into liberal sh*t holes of crime and addiction because their insane polices promote that.

    8. I don’t know much about NYC really, but as far as Canada goes - I think it’s going to be interesting to see if any of these politicians can actually make a difference. I do think Pierre Pollieve is saying the right things by stating that he wants to primarily focus on rehab, mental health supports, housing, and job placements. Undecided if focusing on safe injection sites makes any difference at all. Walked through the park yesterday, and felt like it was a zombie apocalypse. People are going to continue using as long as there are drugs available to them, and they will use in parks, or drug houses just the same way they use at a safe injection sites. I don’t think that addiction is a problem that needs to be politicized, it is a problem in which people should simply work together to help others in need.

    9. We used to hear about the New York model. How it was transformed from a place of crime and addiction to a safe prosperous city. Then it returned to being a liberal sh*t hole filled with crime and addiction. In BC it's next to impossible to quit drugs because drug dealers sell drugs at treatments centres. That is low life. If they're trying to get clean, leave them alone.

    10. 100 percent agree that it’s low life af to try to push drugs on people who are trying to clean up their lives.

  4. Zero respect for anyone selling drugs.Scumbags

    1. Sure, I agree it’s a scumbag move, and far too many of us are, or have been scumbags out to make a buck. I’ve learned to have zero respect for people selling anything that kills, or harms people. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, guns. So what do you condone? I wonder, do you simp for a government that teaches how it’s immoral for others to sell these things, but moral when they do it?

    2. There's a huge difference between fentanyl and crystal meth compared with cigarettes and alcohol. There's also a huge difference between a law biding citizen buying a firearm legally and a criminal buying one on the street.

    3. Exactly. A gun can be used for self defense, for good or bad like any tool. There is no good purpose for anything else up there.

    4. There is an argument for the necessity of guns. In good peoples’ hands, they are used to protect. That necessity to protect people may be of more relevance than the fact that guns continue to fall into the hands of people who choose to use guns in an immoral fashion. I’d love to hear a logical argument as to what good comes from cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol, or how it’s not hypocritical for it to be labelled immoral for some people to sell these things, but perfectly moral for others. Let’s keep it real. It’s only about tax revenue and control, nothing more, nothing less. The government just hates competition.

    5. We all know cigarettes are bad for you and cause cancer. Yet there is a huge difference between using and selling cigarettes compared to using or selling crystal meth. It's like night and day. A glass of wine with dinner is fine. There's nothing wrong with a pint of beer with a meal. To say you're not allowed to have that is over reach. Fentanyl is a different sorry. It like stealing a candy bar is immoral but so is committing murder. There is a huge difference between the two.


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