Saturday, July 20, 2024

Ireland mass migration and the EU

"Immigration into Ireland has more than doubled over the last 20 years with 22% of the population now made up of non-citizens, meaning Ireland has the fourth largest non-national population of all 27 EU member states percentage-wise, according to published EU statistics" Google.

Fox News is reporting that "The Irish government’s unwavering commitment to housing and feeding an unprecedented influx of migrants in the wake of a severe housing and cost of living crisis has brought the Irish electorate to boiling point. It has many similarities to the migrant crisis in the US." Ireland has the fourth largest non-national population of all 27 EU member states.

OK so we're talking about mass migration and I'll explain why it's important. It's called the Plantation of Ulster. Back in the day, England wanted to conquer Ireland now the EU does. When England wanted to conquer Ireland they started mass migration. They planted English or people loyal to the Crown in Ireland with the sole intent of changing the demographic of voters. Now that's exactly what the EU is doing. We're talking about small towns more than doubling their population. This 22% increase over the last 20 years has increased exponentially in recent years.

It's also a problem because all these people want free food and free housing. No nation can afford or sustain that. The purpose is to crash the system. Ireland joined the European Union in 1973 and was one of the first countries to adopt the euro on 1 January 1999.

In ancient times, countries would invade one another. Now the WEF is using mass migration to promote it's agenda of a one world global government ruled by Communism. A brand of Communism hijacked by greedy Capitalists. This is not James Connolly's dream for Ireland.


  1. I no longer respect the police.
    No matter RCMP or an agency, the "woke" have taken leave of your duty.
    To Serve and Protect. The #1 mandate for service and duty is to the law abiding citizen. The erosion of independence and autonomy of the police vs politics began with the exposure of the SCN Lavalin scandal. When police say It's not in the interest of the public to charge grown adults parading nudity in Pride parades to be so disconnected to "serving and protecting' the innocence of children and the public is mind numbing. It screams laziness, inexperience and derelict of duty. I understand the Commissioner didn't want to "investigate" allegations of treason because, as I read between the lines, he was inexperienced and AFRAID to go there!
    Now that just oozes confidence, right? Call me racist, bigot, whatever, but reality is the immigrants must return to their country of origin and there is absolutely no flying of any other flags in the country but the 🇨🇦flag and ABSOLUTELY NO POLITICS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES FOUGHT, DEMONSTRATED OR PROTESTED in Canada! Canadian content only!

    1. Canada and America were built by hard working immigrants including a whole lot of Irish. As I keeps saying, Canad and America are different because we're all immigrants here. As Tucker Carlson pointed out, the Irish are the aboriginal people of Ireland. We all talk about aboriginal rights, well how about it.

      The key is hard working immigrants as opposed to mass migration of people who don't want to work. They want free food, free housing, free everything. Those people will destroy any nation they occupy. .


    2. Anonymous, I could not agree more, thank god Alberta is going full steam ahead with their provincial police.

    3. I didn't realize Alberta decided to proceed with a Provincial police force:

  2. People need to start voting and getting involved or the politicians will always sell out.

  3. Alberta too? LOL. Eventually all the provinces will have their own. Bye bye RCMP.

  4. Everyone can thank Trudeau for the provinces finally kicked out the RCMP! Ironically.


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