Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Drag Queen Olympic Pedophile show

Just a quick follow up on the Drag Queen pedophile show at the Olympics in France. Dan Dicks made a few notable observations. Take a look at the screen shot. On the left you'll see a young underage boy in the group in the yellow outfit. Note who he's standing behind. Dan did some digging and found out that boy performs sexual dances for adults at Drag events. Note the persistent reoccurring drive to normalize pedophilia and the sexualization of children.

The man posing behind the young boy is exposing one of his testicles.
There's a lot going on here. I must ask why are these guys so obsessed with exposing their gentiles to children? That seems to be a reoccurring obsession. Last year Rebel News reported that "On May 17, at the Musée de la Civilisation in Quebec City, the exhibition “Love me Gender” was launched. There were children at this exhibition who watched a naked man on stage." They filmed it. It was an event for children sponsored by the TD bank.
The obsession with exposing genitalia to children goes way beyond mocking the Last Supper. It's reminiscent of the bizarre subtle but intentional advertising within that offensive Balenciaga's children's ad. Aside from posting inappropriate pictures of children they added a whole lot of very strange and concerning props. They intentionally put those in.
They included a court decision in the photo shoot that watered down children's protection from pedophilia. Why would they intentionally put that in? What are they trying to say?
They also very subtly but intentionally placed a book by Michael Borremans containing his deranged art work. Paintings of naked children with dismembered body parts. They even added a very subtle reference to BAAL a Satanic idol. That's a whole lot of crazy to add to a photo shoot. These are the people mocking religion. News flash: Satanism is a religion and it's crazy.


  1. Macron and his husband, oppps, i mean wife, gives it all a big thumbs up! ... doesnt know what all the fuss is about.

    1. Yeah I'm more concerned with his Globalism than his husband but he must also endorse this insanity as well. Globalism is what Globalism does.

    2. I'm of the opinion, that the constant over-emphasis/attention by the globalist owned MSM on the trans issues (trans only represent aprox 1% of the population) is one of the purposeful dividing wedge tactics to kept the general public confused & distracted ... which allows globalists/tyrants to execute their plans easier/quicker.

    3. That is a very good point. We have seen three "independent" news outlets denounce the sexualization of children under the trans banner only to boldly endorse Netanyahu's Globalism.

  2. We spent decades getting policy and law in place to “protect” children from perverts & pedophiles (stranger danger etc). Transvestites (trans) are nothing more than perverts and pedophiles in trans attire, they are still perverts and pedophiles. Silent majority, speak up, protect your children from these misfits of society, label them what they are; perverts and pedophiles.

    1. Let's not forget the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual. These guys are just hijacking the trans banner to promote pedophila. If they make it OK for trans, then it's OK for them. All trans aren't pedophiles any more than all gays or heterosexuals are.

  3. That's pretty disgusting, dude has his junk hanging out, but no one should really be surprised, that's who these freaks are. Usually I put life on hold for the Summer and Winter Olympics, but coincidentally this time I have too many other things to be doing in life. I'm reasonably sure the viewer stats are way down for this one.


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