Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Damion Ryan's Iranian charges have dissapeared

Remember that dramatic news report involving Damion Ryan that made international headlines? We haven't heard anything since. I think that's odd. Well not really. We expected as much.

January of this year US Intelligence sent out press releases that made international headlines. Local loser Damion Ryan had been accused of planning a hit on a dissident for the Iranian government. As ridiculous as that sounds, that's what the US Intelligence claimed.

They even named Naji Sharifi Zindashti as proof. Only Naji was a drug dealer who escaped a life sentence in Iran by murdering a prison guard. He was a fugitive. After his daughter was murdered he hired the Brother's Keepers to murder a rival drug dealer in Dubai.

So there is a possible connection to Damion Ryan. Only they were killing rival drug dealers not dissidents for the Iranian government. It's possible any news of extradition attempts have been delayed because anything that happens in court is slow. However, it's far more likely something shady is going on which is what we expected from day one.

Damion Ryan and Adam Pearson are in custody and not a word about any extradition proceedings. In fact in 2019 Adam was extradited to Canada from the US. When Damion Ryan was first arrested by the Ottawa RCMP because E Division wouldn't, Damion gave up several drug dealers in the DTES that worked for him. Then when these new charges made headlines he rolled on Zone 43 who he had brought into the DTES to keep the rival Redd Alert faction in check.

It is problematic because Adam and Damion both have charges to face in Canada as well. Damion was caught in a cross Canada drug ring from the DTES to Ottawa. Adam was charged with murder in Canada and planning to commit murder in the US. His murder charge wasn't newsworthy but his plan to murder someone without doing it was big news.

The CIA claims that Naji Sharifi Zindashti is now selling drugs for the Iranian government and the IRG. I think that is a bold faced lie. They said the same thing about the Taliban and that was a lie. Before the Invasion of Afghanistan the Taliban brought opium production to a grinding halt. As soon as that happened Afghanistan was invaded and they immediately returned to being the largest opium producers in the world. Now that the allies have left, the Taliban have once again brought opium production to a complete halt. The CIA lied.

The Taliban are religious extremists. They hate drugs just like the government of Iran does. We all saw Operation Ajax. We all saw Operation Mass Appeal. The CIA want to provoke a conflict with Iran because they want Iran's oil. When we had that recent manufactured energy crisis in Europe that drove the price of gas up, Iran released some of it's oil reserves so the CIA started defaming them. That's because the CIA support the WEF not the US Constitution.

Naji Sharifi Zindashti is the son of a peshmerga commander. His father fought the Iranian governement. He's a Kurd who resist Iran's regime. If anything he was associated with US intelligence who used Kurds in Syria to oppose Assad and the Iranian oil pipeline.

So the claim that Naji Sharifi Zindashti sells drugs for the government of Iran and IRG is in my opinion a bold faced lie. Just like the claim that he hired Damion Ryan to kill an Iranian dissident for the government of Iran. That's a lie. It's possible he hired Damion Ryan to kill a rival drug dealer but not an Iranian dissident. Iran has oil and the CIA want it.

The CIA oppose the Nationalization of oil. That's why they influenced Mexico's election - to break their nationalized oil policy. That's why they are sanctioning Venezuela. Just like Libya. Twinning the NordStream natural gas pipeline would have prevented Europe's energy crisis and greatly reduced pollution by converting Germany's industrial coal plants to natural gas. Natural gas is clean and affordable. That's why they want a monopoly so they can jack up the price.

Let's not forget the Grand Deception: The Truth About Bill Browder and the Magnitsky Act.


  1. The VanCity tabloid was just beaming about this man and his links to Iran. I wonder if they will update their story.

    1. They'll update their story when the BC CFSEU tells them what the US Intelligence Agencies want them to write.

  2. Is Damian Ryan the leader of wolfpack or just a associate

    1. He's one of the leaders. Him and Larry Amero.

    2. but isn't Damion a rat..

    3. He's in bed with the PoPO. He rats out people he hired and has people other than him testify against them, then the PoPo let his sell drugs.

  3. What about Rabih ? Is he a shot a caller as well ? Where is located right now any clues

    1. Shot caller? That's usually a prison term and as we all know he escaped. I find his escape highly suspicious. That was well planned. Hiding him is a difficult task. If the club is hiding him it makes no sense why they would break him out and not Larry. Trolls claimed it was because Larry thought he was going to get off. I don't believe that. That fact that Post Media News was so quick to say he'll never be found makes me suspicious. However, he was a high ranking drug dealer and was Larry's room mate. Larry, Robby and Dean were the big hitters for the Wolf Pack.

    2. dean was a bum..he was just a broke loyal shooter..

    3. I wouldn't call Dean a bum. He's tall, decent size and was very effective at what he did. Which is not a good thing but doesn't make him a bum.

  4. Germany buying more gas from Russia was something no one but the Russian really wanted. Hence the kaboom.

    1. That is a ridiculous lie. Getting Germany of industrial coal and on natural gas would be a colossal improvement in air quality for Europe and greatly reduce global CO2 emissions.

  5. Of course it would have, but was that my point? Please tell us who was publicly in favor of buying gas from Russia in the last 2 years or so? No one. "Geo-politically" it was a non-starter, hence Russia's announced deal with China once their Euro market was cut off. I think it's pretty obvious that the Americans blew the pipeline. Hence "Germany buying more gas from Russia was something no one but the Russians really wanted". True statement. Even Germany, as much as they wanted to from the economic point of view, never mind environmental, found they couldn't do it vis a vis the war and them a leading supplier of weapons to Ukraine. Besides, when this is all over someday, there will be money to be made rebuilding it, and they all know that. The Americans didn't "win" the war in Iraq, neither did the Iraqi's, but KBR sure did. "War is a Racket".

    1. The war in the Ukraine is a racket. As are most of the current oil wars. I wanted to see Russia sell Germany natural gas to phase out their Industrial coal plants. That would be in everyone's best interest. Just like breaking the Saudi oil monopoly would be in consumers best interest. Russia selling China natural gas so they can phase out their industrial coal plants is also good for the planet.


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