Monday, July 22, 2024

Heavy Hitters MC Terrace - Update

Looks like there's another puppet club in the toolies. They're called the Heaver Hitters MC and they're from Terrace. Terrace is between Prince Rupert and Smithers. I'd say in the middle of nowhere but those rural communities are really nice. Why do you have to spoil it?
These are big guys on nice bikes wearing full face helmets in the summer. Whatever man. I'm really getting too old for this. If you wanna ride, ride. If you wanna sling crack....

It's hard for me to take any of this seriously because it all seems like one big drug infested ponzi scheme. It's really hard to keep up with all these puppet clubs that come and go like the spinning wheel turns. Everybody wants to be something but what you want to be isn't noble. You're following the wrong model. I'm not going to hate. I'm just going to separate myself from all of that.

Here's my advice. Get rid of the patch. Take off your faring. Get rid of the full face helmet. Strap on a tent and sleeping bag and go camping. Live the dream don't pimp the dream.

Prince George was Red and White. That was Rainbow Rickys jurisdiction. He totally f*cked over Billy Moore, Jason Hall and Joey Arrance. They all were with a puppet club called the Renegades. They in turn sponsored a finger puppet club called the Crew who didn't even pretend to ride motorcycles. They just sold crack. Ryan Chiappe was in his prime. Now, not so much.

OK let's talk about the Renegades. Billy Moore was well liked and respected. The club killed him because he unknowingly sponsored a police agent. They burned his house down and killed him in his truck. After that the Rengedaes started to embrace finger puppets. They oversaw the Crew who sold crack. The Crew got some bad press for violent debt collection. A guy from the Crew cut a guy's finger off for a drug debt and walked around with it in a ring box to remind people to pay their debts. Then came the Game Tight Soldiers who weren't a rival. They were just another group that sold crack for the Hells Angels.

Ryan was with IS so they had a presence in PG at the time as well. IS is Wolf Pack now.

There was some pretty horrendous torture going on for drug debs in the basements of their crack shacks. Then a bunch of very young juvenile delinquents joined the Crew and following their hero Rainbow Ricky's example they sodomized a guy with a broomstick. Those kids were really f*cked up and they all were associated with Rainbow Ricky because PG and the Renegades were his.

Then came Jason Hall and Joey Arrance. They were with the Renegades in PG but for some reason fell out of favor with Rainbow Ricky. They burned Joey's house down and killed his girlfriend's wheelchair bound mother. They shot him dead in Coquitlam. Then they hired a brutal prison assault on Jason Hall and shot him dead when he got out of prison. All of that was Rainbow Ricky and all of that was really f*cked up.

So if the Heavy Hitters are working for Rainbow Ricky, mind how ya go. You're far better off being affiliated with the new Kelowna leadership. Rainbow Ricky is a complete POS. He is not a role model. This goes back to the beginning. Before the HAs came to BC the Gypsies Wheelers in Whiterock were normal but Rainbow Ricky and the Satan’s Angels were f*ck ups.
The Throttle lockers were a MC trying to set up shop in 100 Mile House but we all saw what happened to them. They all jumped Dain Phillips after Rob Thomas got him down with a baseball bat and beat Dain to death with hammers. They were f*ck ups.

So again, we've seen a lot of names come and go. None of them lasted very long. My concern is if you look at the pic of the Heavy hitters, the two look like President and Sergeant at arms. The guy in the shorts is just a regular member.

The Hells Angels will often hire big guys to be enforcers but they don't usually hire big guys to sell drugs for them in case they break off on their own. The HAs usually empower idiots like Jamie Bacon who could never make it on their own. That makes them easy to tax.

These two Heavy hitters are in a dangerous position. They might not want to put up with Rainbow Ricky's bullsh*t. That means they could end up dead. I certainly hope that will not happen. I'm just saying be very careful. It's a dirty business so it is and there's no L&R in it.


  1. I’d say having to ride sleeveless in the worst mosquito country has to be punishment.

  2. Great advice, I saw a motorcycle rider on exit 1xx near my house laying on the grass with a bunch of gear on his bike. I regret not stopping and engaging with him. Now that guy is a biker. The heavy hitters are wannbes.

    1. I don't know if they're wannabes. The Throttle Lockers were geriatrics. These guys look like they're ready for business. I think they might be involved in some shady sh*t. They were spotted in 100 mile house. I've heard about some criminal activity in that area. Throttle Lockers were trying to make a go of it there. They keep changing the names of these puppet groups faster than you can say Puppet Forever, Forever Puppet.

  3. PFFP, LOL Dennis you crack me up sometimes. Spotted in Saskatoon yesterday, license plate AFFA 1.

    1. That should be reported to SGI (provincial licensing agency). Criminal organizations should not be allowed to advertise. Especially if in MB a Star Trek fan had to turn his in.

    2. These people at SGI are not going to recognize that stuff, although you would think they could do a quick online search.

      No they should not. They should be persecuted to the full extent of the law, and then a bit more, "just because". Maybe a lot more. How about if we ignored the rules like they do? They would not last the day. Don't like it, don't be an evil MF'er. If you're selling fentanyl, you're evil.

  4. Most of the guys know ain’t no one man above the program no different than Ricky Alexander and the devils army. They put people in positions of power who will fall in line or else face the consequences.

    1. The Devil's Army / Rejects. That's another HA puppet club we can add to the list. That Ricky bragged about carrying a pink gun and shot a guy in the head in their clubhouse. However, Rainbow Ricky refers to Ricky Ciarniello and the Devil's Butler not Ricky Alexander and the Devil's Rejects. Grown men calling themselves Devil's Army and Satan's Angels. Those are clowns who never grew up.

  5. You'd think people would take the obvious, guys identifying with satan, the devil, hell etc. but for some reason it doesn't sink in. "we're not really drug dealers, ruining peoples lives, we're not really criminals. we're not really a threat to society".

    "When people tell you who they are, listen".

    1. I guess when I was young when I heard the term Hells Angels I didn't think demons I thought people who I keep the peace in Hell. I guess that was idealistic. Devil's Army and Satan's Angels pretty much says it all. That's something I'd see a teenage kid wearing not a grown man.

    2. And a messed up teenage kid at that.

    3. It’s definitely all connected, just like our political system is infiltrated. The same thing with the COPs, the intelligence units just to name a few, across the west and far beyond. Mind control was mastered long ago and so was this system. I’ll tell you this….a strong mind controls his word, emotions and actions sometimes at best. A weak mind controls nothing! From the top puppet master down to the last master puppet it’s all connected. Only a few even know what’s what’s and we don’t know who they are or they are already dead. The amount of blockers level to level are insane Hence the word “blocker” “The deception is perfection”. Clearly a lot goes on in towns near the ocean's especially small ones… because things come in, things go out, up and over or down and under I suppose ….. people are always sent to watch shipments, pull heat, oversea/see big deals….. expansion, intimidation, connections or to show face, solve a problem….bla bla bla… Then they will head off to some jerked off place for a BBQ at some heat bag spot while the good cops watch them…… everyone gets their marching orders from somewhere or someone for some reason. And the heavy hitters are no different even tho they think they call their own shots they don’t 😂 The real heavy hitters don’t ride bikes or look like heat bags and that’s just the way it is.

  6. Some say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing the world he didn’t exist. 🤷‍♂️


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