Saturday, July 20, 2024

Angelo Musitano's murder and Wade Cudmore

Since the Ontario Village idiots are following Wally the Weasel's lead and lying about their association with the Luppino-Violi crime family in Hamilton during the Rizzuto war I will address the Jabril Abdalla red herring. Complete Overview: The clue in the murder victim's pocket

The Hamilton Spectator is reporting that "On Jan. 16, 2018, police investigating the murder of Hamilton mobster Angelo Musitano met with Jabril Abdalla at a Tim Hortons on the Mountain, to see if they could get him talking. Seated in the noisy Rymal Road West coffee shop, Det. Jason Cattle tells Abdalla they’re investigating the May 2, 2017, murder and canvassing owners of black Honda Civics, like the one Abdalla had recently sold. The conversation is recorded and lead detective Cattle and Det. Sgt. Peter Thom, the case manager, have a questionnaire."

"They tell Abdalla they’re contacting owners of 2006 to 2011 black, two-door Honda Civics. But it’s a lie. It’s a planned police “scenario” — a deliberate lie they first planted at a news conference days before, one designed to get Abdalla talking."

"Abdalla is not told he’s a suspect in their murder investigation. Nor is he told they already know he is the registered owner of the exact Honda Civic captured on surveillance video before and after two murders. Cattle tells him he doesn’t have to talk, that he has the right to contact a lawyer. Abdalla doesn’t want to sign anything but agrees to answer police questions."

"He tells police that he has owned two different black Honda Civics, but both were sold. He denies being near the Musitano murder scene. Later in court, Abdalla’s lawyer Leora Shemesh suggests this was an attempt to surreptitiously record and interview her client."

"Had the case against Abdalla proceeded to trial, this was among many pieces of evidence likely to have been challenged for admissibility. But that never happened because Abdalla struck a deal last month and pleaded guilty to participating in a criminal organization." He was just a driver.

Registering a car you do a hit in in anyone's name that you know is insane. It's traceble.

OK the Police didn't lie to him, they didn't share information with him. They didn't tell him what they already knew. They wanted to see if he would lie because that would give them something to go on. Yes they lied about the survey. They weren't canvassing all the owners of black Honda civics just him. That's called police work. It's an investigation and it worked.

Admissibility of that evidence would have been contested but it might not have been rejected. He cut a deal and plead out. He pleaded guilty to participating in a criminal organization. I can tell you right now, if the police thought he was the shooter they wouldn't have let him plead out to participating in a criminal organization. That's because they didn't think he was the shooter. They thought he helped Tomassetti track the victim. They thought Michael Cudmore was the shooter.
The shooter was white not black. He also looked heavy. Daniel Tomassetti isn't heavy, he's fit. Cudmore was bigger and heaver. The police believe Cudmore was the shooter associated with the Ontario Hells Angels. Cudmore was the muscle, not the brains of the operation.
It is the investigator's belief that Cudmore had joined Daniele Ranieri, a person of interest in both murders, in Mexico. In March 2018, Ranieri was found murdered and his body left in a ditch in Mexico. Michael Cudmore found dead in Mexico years after Daniele Ranieri was found dead

The tracker placed on Angelo Musitano's truck was purchased at a spy store on Young Street in Toronto. The account use to purchase the tracker was Mike uppercut666. Mike Cudmore was a boxer and used the nickname uppercut. 666 is obviously a reference to the Hells Angels. 666 stands for Filthy Few Fellowship a patch when someone commits murder for the club. Support your local 666 means support your local Hells Angels.
Tracker data and cellphone towers connected Wade Cudmore to the home of Sean Bixby from the Hells Angels affiliated North End Crew. Dwayne Smith was the HA and Wayne Cudmore was the associate. One of the cars tied to the murder of Angelo Musitano was found at Sean Bixby's home. The police matched Wayne Cudmore's DNA to the car used by the shooter.

Obsessing over Daniel Tomassetti at this point is a waste of time and money. Wade was the shooter and he's dead. Case closed. Excellent investigation work. Tomassetti helped him track targets. Jabril Abdalla was just a driver that kind of got screwed over.
The Toronto Sun reported that Paris Christoforou was at one time a member of the Toronto North Chapter. The Toronto Chapter and the Ontario Nomads were two different chapters. Christoforou was an enforcer and a hitman tied to the Quebec Hells Angels.

April 21, 2004 Paris Christoforou and Peter Scarcella wwere involved in an Ontario mob hit that left a bystanders paralyzed. They were targeting Mike Modica who was causing probems for the Gambinos in New York. Peter Scarcella was a driver for Paul Volpe and was the last person to see Paul alive. Louise Russo was a bystander left paralyzed by a stray bullet.

The Toronto Star claims Paris Christoforou lost his patch in 2017 and was targeted in Toronto and Montreal. Yet he continued to run an illegal gambling ring for the Ontario Hells Angels.


  1. Wally and the violis have been an alliance for years now I believe. Wally is the big cheese in niagara and the violis carry a lot of weight in Hamilton/gta/buffalo/niagara?

    1. It would make sense since I don't think the Rizzuto wing really exist any more. Wally is a Weasel but he is shrewd and very political. I'm just saying he played both sides.

    2. Is Stadnick the Niagara president?

    3. I have no idea. The original poster might. His parole conditions were removed in 2019. I guess for me this is all getting very old. I have no interest in that life.

    4. Giuliano Raimondo is president of the Niagara chapter.

      He was arrested with Craig Mcquilham before.

  2. Is paris dead now ? He was a goon. Who was he complaining about to the Montreal chapters ? Was he referring barletta and Quebec sided with barletta and Paris was out bad

    1. I don't think he's dead. The April 5 2024 article claimed he was the ring leader of that illegal gambling bust but was out of the country. This other article claims that Robert Barletta from Montreal and Craig McIlquham from the Niagara Chapter ran the other one:

    2. This pic has the West point guy in it that was killed:

    3. Who killed Michael Deabaitua-Schulde? Was it his “brothers” ?

    4. Yeah, that was the West Point guy. It's hard to follow but the guys that killed him were from Montreal:

  3. I'm not sure what the big deal is about illegal gambling. No one cares about that. Casinos are everywhere. It's just like the unlicensed pot stores. No one cares about gambling or pot. People care about meth and fentanyl.

    1. Is Donald Stockford still a heavyweight within the HA

    2. Perhaps. He was released from prison back in 2014 so he and his pal Wally don't have any bail restrictions now. It's interesting to see David Giles was part of that group:

  4. Is cudmore related to the cudmore that kill those brother in natamara?


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