Monday, July 8, 2024

Marty Robert on the Original Gangsters Podcast

As I fade out of biker stuff and focus more on civil liberty, I noticed a famous podcaster recently made another podcast about a prominent Hells Angel in Montreal and referred to him as Canada's public enemy number one. Now I'm not going to trash this podcaster because he is credible. I'm just going to point out that some of his sources are US intelligence so we know what that means. We need to fact check everything the FBI and their puppet master claim.

Before I dive into the allegations I want to state my perspective and set the stage. Montreal Mafia is not my specialty. I was born in North Vancouver and raised in Surrey. I know what's going on here not there. I went to Trois Riviere as soon as I finished high school and loved it.

My ability to speak French isn't very good but I really do like and respect the French. I was a chef by trade originally and back then all the cooking terms were in French. That's because the French wrote the book on cooking, twice. First it was Escoffier Ma Cuisine, then they rewrote everything in Nouvelle Cuisine. I like to remix the old with the new. Only it's not new any more.

I want to point out that there is a huge difference between the Hells Angels in Ontario and the Hells Angels in Quebec. It's like night and day. The Hells Angels in Quebec have always been seen as hard core and the real deal. The Ontario Hells Angels not so much. The BC Hells Angels have never been as hard core as the Quebec Hells Angels. The BC Hells Angels have always been the money makers. They're good at making money so that is what they do.

Now I'm not claiming to be an expert on the Hells Angels. I have never been affiliated with them. They haven't been in BC nearly as long as they have been in Quebec. All I know is that the Gypsy Wheelers who became the Whiterock Hells Angels were normal while Rainbow Ricky and the Satan’s Angels in Vancouver were f*ck ups. No offense.

OK that's where I'm coming from. In 2018 the Montreal Gazette reported on Marty Robert's marriage to Annie Arbic. When I did cover biker stuff I never covered weddings or funerals. I respected their right to privacy. Here in BC the compromised CFSEU make a big song and dance when the Hells Angels have a gathering or go on a ride but they also have Hells Angels associates getting police protection to sell drugs so the drama is kinda bullsh*t.

Likewise the coverage of their wedding was pretty toxic. Take a look at the first picture. Marty and Annie had been together 10 years before they were married. That's a pretty stable relationship but take a look at the picture. It was taken a while ago.

They look really normal. They don't look shady and they don't look like freaks. Now I know my buddy from New York is going to say you can't determine someone's guilt or innocence based on a picture but sometimes I do. Cameron Ortis didn't look shady. They set him up. The same with Bill Majcher and Kim Marsh. Sometimes the intelligence community set up good people so they can get away with bad things.

When you look at the wedding pictures Annie looked gorgeous and Marty looked handsome. I don't mean in a weird way. I mean they look like a great couple. Why can't we just leave it at that. The article in the Montreal Gazette covering the wedding just went off quoting police sources that said "the arrogance of holding the wedding downtown raises questions about the gang's increasing feeling of invincibility, former RCMP intelligence analyst says."

Where do you want them to get married? In a f*cking barn? I find the punitive coverage suspicious. There was another high profile HA wedding in Germany a while ago and I wouldn't say the same thing about them. That bride looked worldly and that groom looked shady. He was the one that was running all the prostitution out of that island off of Spain.

Anyways, the FBI and their puppet masters claim that Marty Robert ordered the murder of Greg Wooley. I'll admit that was likely an inside job but since they tried to blame Marty that instinctively makes me question the claim and I'll tell you why.

Greg was tied to Mom Boucher and the Rizzutos. The Quebec Hells Angels and the Montreal chapter were always supportive of the Rizzutos. When many Quebec Hells Angels went to prison under SharQ the Ontario Hells Angels came in and started firebombing funeral homes in support of the Calabrians out of Hamilton over the Rizzutos. Then when the Quebec members got out of prison they said f*ck that and disbanded the Ontario Nomads. That's when Damion Ryan had to run away to Greece after he was almost shot at the Vancouver airport.

Now that the Ontario Nomads are back, it is my opinion that they are once again supporting the Calabrians out of Hamilton over the Rizzutos. The real snake in the grass here is Wally Weasel. He's not a Francophone. He's from Ontario, Hamilton to be exact. That means he and Ontario are the prime suspects in Greg Wooley's murder not Marty. What ever happened to Dexter?

Now the FBI and the Original Gangsters Podcast claim that Hells Angels' Nurget Co-signs Marty Robert's War. Nurget is Wally the Weasel Stadnick who is the Anglophone from Hamilton. They also claim that Marty wants to take the whole country and push into Ontario and other areas where there are no Hells Angels including BC and Alberta. That is ridiculous. That's like the US Intelligence agency that forgot to read the memo and planted giant black scorpions in the red scorpions​ bust with the fake pressure cooker bombs. There are Hells Angels in Ontario, BC and Alberta. Quebec in moving in to New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.

IMO the FBI and their puppet masters are setting up Marty Robert claiming that he is trying to take over the Rizzutos when in reality it is the Ontario Hells Angels who are trying to take out the Rizzutos in suport of the Calabrians. It is also my opinion that the police and the intelligence community are supporting the Ontario Hells Angels war with the Rizzutos. It's even possible that the intelligence community took out Greg Wooley themselves just like they took out Nicolo Rizzuto who was shot by a sniper in his home at the dinner table. That's how I call it.
Update: Another thing I find strange about this defamation campaign against Marty is the defamation campaign against his wife. Annie's mother is Mohawk. That makes Annie First Nations. That kind of illustrates the difference between how the French and English did business in Canada. The French were explorers in voyageur canoes that would inter marry with the First Nations. Their descendants would become known as Metis. The English have been accused of giving Natives blankets laces with smallpox but I don't think they had the technology back then to do it on purpose. In Fort Langley the English and the First Nations got a long well.

One of my pet peeves is how a white liberal will buy a Mohawk flag on ebay and bring it to a protest in BC. Mohawks aren't from BC they're from Ontario and Quebec and the person who is flying that flag isn't First Nations. Annie's mother is from Kanesatake. That's not only Mohawk, that the area where Oka took place. Oka wasn't a handful of Communists trying to oppose the environment by preventing the use of natural gas. They were trying to build on a sacred burial ground in Oka. Their concerns were valid.

Annie's mother ran a marijuana trafficking network. No one cares about pot. Pot is legal now. In 2020, Annie's mother Sharon Simon who is a cousin of the Grnd Cheif, owned a home where the marijuana dispensary Herbal Solutions was located. Somebody torched the home. Probably the police. It was a legal dispensary. Pot was legalised in 2018.

Annie served time after project Cleopatra for pot. Again, no one cares about pot or contraband cigarettes. Annie was sentenced to 42 months when she was 21 which she served with her mother. I kid you not. Police intercepted a love letter she sent to Marty while in prison saying she loved him and looked forward to marrying him. That's touching. These are not bad people. Something shady is going on and they're not behind it.

We saw in BC that former cops are part of a company that sells legal pot. They have a former Ontario cop on their team and they are trying to muscle the Hells Angels out of the business. If former cops can sell legal pot so can the Hells Angels and Clay Roueche. The number of former politicians, mayors and even premiers involved in legal pot now is staggering. Even Ly'n Brian Mulroney. If they can sell legal pot, so can the HAs. The City is f*cking over the Emerys

The Mohawks were patriots from the war of 1812 The Americans were is a dispute with England so they invaded Canada wanting to "liberate" the French and First Nations. They said no thanks and lead the counter attack that burned the White house and ended the invasion. France had sold a large amount of territories around Louisiana to the Americans and their language and culture has not been preserved. The Americans used to shoot Natives dead. There was even a bizarre Bugs Bunny cartoon mocking that fact. Canada was built up on the principle of diversity and I am not ashamed of that fact. Diversity makes us strong. O Siem.

Today We Celebrate the Time Canada Burned Down the White House


  1. Multiple sources that do at that there is indeed a conflict between what's left of the Rizzuto family and some leading Hells Angels and a few mafia members over illegal sports betting in Quebec. Del Balso did move over to the Hell's side and was behind the attempt hit on Rizzuto last year. This is also why HA Robert Barletta moved to Quebec, as he is deeply involved with illegal betting.

    1. OK so Robert Barletta moved to Quebec from Ontario. That guy looks shady. Marty does not.

      Marty was taking his kids to Disney world in Florida while Rob and the Ontario Angels were f*cking with the Rizzutos and US Intelligence wants to blame Marty. Typical.

  2. Don’t know if it’s accurate to say the police ‘choose sides’ in the gang war. Maybe some dirty cops do. I think good cops just want the violence to stop, and shitty, ego-driven cops just want both sides to kill each other - no matter how dangerous that is for the innocent people that get caught in the crossfire.

    1. All I know is that the problem with IHIT, the CFSEU, the Surrey RCMP and CSIS is that the corruption comes from the top down. The rank and file aren't the problem, the upper management is. It's like how the CIA infiltrated the ATF to create Operation Fast and Furious.

    2. Anonymous, Police do choose sides, they play favorites and then let them loose. You would be a FOOL to think that all police are honorable.

    3. Yes the case involving Constable Nicole Chan and Constable Jasmine Thiara were both very sad. BC RCMP have a long history of sexual harassment. That started with Craig Callen and permitted the entire division.

    4. Reply to anonymous: I don’t think that all police are honourable. In fact, I have enough first hand life experience to know for a fact that not all police are honourable. I also don’t think that all police are corrupt though. It’s a tricky topic, and one in which generalizations do not suffice. People need to address the specifics.

  3. You are so far off and sound demented. First if all, Scott Burnstein is not credible in the slightest. He's been caught making stories up for years and it's worse now. He has no sources and why tf would the FBI be talking about who killed Woolley and Quebec HA? You realize they're American law enforcement and this is Canada.
    The Ontario HA weren't supporting any Calabrians against the Rizzutos. They weren't bombing any funeral parlors, the Quebec HA didn't get out of prison and tell them to fcuk off because of that. Everyone, including yourself since you've wrote about it before, know Ontario Nomads we're shot at because they weren't paying Sherbrooke their tax since they felt they didn't need to after holding it down while they were away.

    Martin Robert is a full Quebecer, not from Ontario. You talked about a photo of him in London but linked a photo of Rob Barletta. Do you even know who you're talking about?

    1. OK that was Rob Barletta, not Martin Robert. That makes sense. I said they looked like two different people. Rob looks shady. The fact that he's from the Ontario HAs explains that. So Martin is a Quebecer. I am relieved. That validates my original thoughts about him. He looks normal.

      Scott Burnstein appears to be an American and claims to reference FBI sources. Given the fact that he is bombarding the Internet with bizarre allegations about Marty, I find that believable. As Jason Goodman pointed out all the US intelligence agencies including the FBI and the CIA have merged and overlap after 9/11.

      However, the Ontario Nomads were indeed supporting the Calabrians against the Rizzutos. That is a fact. The FBI is American but they have been infiltrated by the CIA who are the biggest drug traffickers on the planet. The US intelligence was directly tied to the recent RCMP sting targeting Sikh actives across Canada so I have no doubt they are involved with this campaign against Marty.

      We also know that US intelligence agencies were directly involved with the crazy high profile allegations about Damion Ryan taking a contract from the government of Iran to kill Iranian dissidents. That was ridiculous and there is no question US Intelligence was directly involved in that.

    2. "All I know is that the problem with IHIT, the CFSEU, the Surrey RCMP and CSIS is that the corruption comes from the top down. The rank and file aren't the problem, the upper management is. It's like how the CIA infiltrated the ATF to create Operation Fast and Furious."

      Herein lies the problem.
      Pun intended.
      Zero accountability at the top of these intelligence and LE agencies.
      Once in a while they make an example of someone not playing ball to give the false pretense of integrity and oversight.

      Also if one does a search of certain US Agencies setting up shop in Vancouver years ago, you will clearly see they have a real presence in this country.

    3. Zero accountability indeed. Are you referring to StarNet in Vancouver? US Intelligence was directly involved in that as well. They were also directly involved with Phantom Secure, ANOM and SkyECC.

    4. People have forgotten that back in the late 90's, the RCMP had some Texas Rangers or some such up here in BC "advising them" on traffic stop drug interdiction techniques. It all came to an end when they allowed one of the American officers to do a traffic stop out on the highway, then walk up and do the whole speech themselves, and the person they pulled over reported it. to the media. There was an article in the paper about it.

    5. I remember they tried cross border policing under Harper I believe. I remember standing at the border with a sign that said cross border policing is a bad idea. The American Law enforcement wanted to carry guns in Canada but they wanted diplomatic immunity if they shot anyone. It was insane.

    6. there are CIA and FBI in Canada all the time.

  4. The FBI investigate the crime families of New York. They also investigate the related crime families in Montreal and Hamilton. The RCMP had a police agent in New York’s Bonanno family:

    1. Yes as I said like 3 times already, when it concerns the US and is joint investigation they US authorities are obviously involved. The Rizzuto-Montreal HA conflict doesn't doesn't the US.

    2. I don't know what you're trying to say. You're sounding like Joe Biden. US intelligence is obviously deeply involved in this. We can agree to agree or agree to disagree it doesn't matter to me. My position is firm and the facts speak for themselves.

  5. I'm pretty sure you meant blankets infected with smallpox, not polio?

    1. I suppose so but in all honesty I don't think they had the technology back then to do it on purpose. I'm told that the First Nation populations were decimated by European viruses. My mother's father died of scarlet fever in Amherst when he was a little girl.

    2. "Genghis Khan" was known to throw plague infected corpses over the wall when laying siege to cities.
      and yeah it was smallpox.

    3. I guess he would have to get soldiers who had immunity do it, likewise with the blankets. I had heard the allegation that's why I mentioned it. People do try to rewrite history for political purposes but my point was that the French didn't see themselves as better and intermarried with the First Nations.

  6. There was a famous drug smuggling trial in BC during the mid 1980’s nicknamed the ‘Trojan Horse Case’. Both Canadian and USA enforcement agencies were running ‘Mr. Big’ style investigations that inadvertently targeted each other. They created a scheme to import Cannabis from Thailand through Seattle and then to Vancouver. USA agents staged shipment from Thailand, Canadian agents pretended to be buyers with cash, then they busted each other lol. They then had a staged trial to hide what they did. It was an early case where the strategy was to delay the case with motions so it would eventually be dismissed due to length of trial. But it was all staged to protect agents identities. I believe the defence lawyer was David Gibbons.

    1. Perhaps but that sounds like it was a mistake. Operation Fast and Furious along with Iran Contra wasn't a mistake. The CIA is completely f*cked. A bitter tree cannot bring forth good fruit. If the roots are evil the entire tree is evil.

  7. the government claimed the "legalization" was to drive out organized crime by lowering prices. the only reason weed was ever so expensive is because it was grown clandestinely in basements etc. all they did was create a monopoly and take the profits for themselves.

  8. I promised Shane Knox I'd leave Hal alone. He's out of the club now so there's no need to be punitive. I though it was pretty cheap how former cops selling legal pot pushed Hal out of the legalized industry. That was messed up.

    1. Gotcha. What I’ve started to notice is that people like him, Juelz Stanton, “Nancy”, etc. start to put their own interests first before the club and then it turns out bad for them. As like the Mafia, the club is supposed to come first above all and before everything.

    2. I think in Hal's case as long as he was making the club money they tolerated his stupid videos. Nancy's videos are nothing like his were. They're a lot better but they aren't positive and they don't promote living a good God fearing life.

  9. Blaze is spamming this thread like a raging lunatic. Wow. Buddy you need to get a life. The time for your Justin Trudeau loving bullsh*t will soon come to an end. You're babbling like Joe Biden.

    1. A post with Blaze’s greatest hits would be good for those tough days when we need some clown comedy to laugh at.

    2. It's pretty toxic. He always posts ridiculous claims saying he's this or he's that, then when you out him he gets angry and starts spamming the same old ridiculous insults only he would say. He was upset I exposed the fact that he didn't serve his sentence and was cooperating with the police but he was the one that outed himself.

    3. It's interesting to note that in Blaze's spam he trashes the club just like his pal in the program Jamie Bacon. Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right. Here I am stuck in the middle again.

  10. Anyone who thinks Canada should listen to the USA should be hung for treason.

    1. It's not Canada versus the US. It citizens versus intelligence community. CSIS and the CIA are both bad. The CIA has infiltrated the FBI just like CSIS has infiltrated RCMP Intelligence.

    2. If there is a major earthquake on the west coast or significant global conflict, you can certain Canada will be listening to what the USA says to do and begging not just asking for assistance. We are more alike than different, especially when you get to know people in the USA.

    3. Again it's not Canada vs the US it's civilians against NWO Intelligence agencies. 9/11 was an inside job. That doesn't mean every American is to blame, just the Intelligent agencies that are seeking to destroy the Constitution with lies.


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