Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Guo Wengui, Jimmy Lai and the WEF

Update, Yeah the charges against Guo Wengui are a scam. He's accused of defrauding donors. People donated to him he can spend it on whatever he wants. It's like saying a TV Evangelist defrauded donors. They did but they all do.

CTV is reporting that "Guo Wengui, a self-exiled Chinese business tycoon whose criticism of the Communist Party won him legions of online followers and powerful friends in the American conservative movement, was convicted by a U.S. jury Tuesday of engaging in a massive multiyear fraud that ripped off some of his most devoted fans. Once believed to be among the richest people in China, Guo was arrested in New York in March of 2023 and accused of operating a racketeering enterprise that stretched from 2018 through 2023."

Is that real or fake? I don't know. Given the Trumpifaction and politicization of the American judicial system I'm not sure if we'll ever know. The only reason I cite him is because he was a Chinese Billionaire who teamed up with Stephen Bannon because he wanted to become President of China. It's one thing to fight for freedom. It's another thing to fight to become the new dictator that replaces the incumbent dictator. That brings us to Jimmy Lai.

VOA News is reporting that "A top U.S. House member has pledged to work with a coalition of rights groups to be a special advocate for Jimmy Lai, the founder of Hong Kong Next Media, and is urging the Hong Kong government to release Lai from prison as soon as possible."

"Lai and his newspaper, Apple Daily, which has been out of operation for three years, supported Hong Kong's 2019 pro-democracy movement that was later crushed by China's national security law (NSL) in Hong Kong. Lai, a British citizen, was arrested on fraud charges in August 2020. He has been in prison and denied bail since December 2020. He also faces charges under Hong Kong's national security law of conspiracy to collude with foreign forces and conspiracy to publish incitement." This is going to be very difficult because Homg Kong is f*cked.

We love our Hong Kong friends who passionately protest for freedom. As I've said, they are fun and fearless at protests. That's because they were raised with freedom and now it's being taken away. The problem is, the lease is up. England was under contractual obligation to return Hong Kong to mainland China. If you think you are going to win your freedom through protests, I applaud your idealism but I sincerely don't think that is a realistic expectation given the situation.

That means we're going to have to rethink our strategy . We need to change our approach and reassess our allies. The CIA is not a friend of freedom. The CIA only supports regime changes in support of the WEF and the UN's NWO. A regime change in China right now is an unrealistic expectation. The CIA doesn't care. The CIA will sacrifice any and all patriots to maintain the fight for a regime change which ultimately will be no better. The WEF's brand of Communism is worse that Russia and China's brand of Communism. Let's remember a few key points.

Remember how the WEF defamed Russai at Davos? They turned Russia house into the House of Horrors and made up a bunch of ridiculous lies about Russia in the Ukraine. They accused Russia of torturing prisoners when that is exactly what they were doing. Now CSIS and the CIA are going after China. As CSIS tries to demonize China let's remember that CSIS says parents who disagree with gender ideology are neo Nazis and enemies of the state.

China and Russia do not agree with gender ideology and the sexualization of children in school. That is why CSIS and the CIA are demonizing them. It has nothing to do with human rights. China and Russia oppose the WEF's brand of Communism and so do I.

The VOA article stated that "'The Chinese Communist Party — like other authoritarian regimes — abuses government power by suppressing and persecuting dissent,' Raskin said in a statement to VOA." That is true but that is exactly what Biden's DOJ did to Trump. Two wrongs don't make a right. They're both wrong. If Jimmy Lai is willing to cut a deal, then I suggest he do so.

The CIA would rather Jimmy Lai spend his entire life in prison so they can use that for their unrealistic regime change quest in favor of the WEF's gender ideology and Oil monopoly. The war in the Ukraine assisted the Saudi Oil monopoly which inflated fuel costs and inflation because the WEF wants to create energy crises to make everyone poor and dependent on them. As my Russian neighbour once said, "First they give you cake, then they starve you. After that, you take whatever they give you." This is the WEF's brand of Communism which the UN has embraced.


  1. None of the "schemes" the CIA has ever come up with have worked out. Even their so called "successes" never really were in hindsight, and their failures were either abysmal job performance or planned. The whole "diversion of funds" to fund black ops stuff started way back in the 1950's when they asked the disburser of funds for the Marshall Plan to divert funds to them no questions asked and he went along with it. They were basically ripping off the Marshall Plan to fund the early U-2 spy plane project.

    1. 9/11 worked. So did Operation Watchtower, Fast and Furious, Gladio, Mockingbird and a host of other dirty deeds done dirt cheap.


  2. "Their failures were either abysmal job performance OR PLANNED". ;-)


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