Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hells Angels open chapter in Lethbridge - Update

Update: Drugs, Gangs and Law Enforcement in BC and Alberta

Evidently the Hells Angels are having a gathering in Lethbridge this weekend launching a new chapter. I don't really have an opinion on the matter because it's none of my business. I did notice some traffic recently on some very old posts I made about Hells Angels in Lethbridge so I deleted them because my opinion and my perspective has changed considerably since writing those posts. The bottom line is that the new Lethbridge chapter has a choice to make.

George Wethem wrote a book called the Wayward Angel. He was Sonny Barger's Vice President. In that book George said the purpose of starting new chapters was to expand their drug trafficking network into new markets. Obviously not all Hells Angels sell drugs but if a chapter is involved with drug trafficking that activity is approved by the local president.

So what the Lethbridge chapter decides to do is up to them. As I keep saying, locally the Gypsy Wheelers were normal but Rainbow Ricky and the Satan's Angels were f*ck ups. That was all documented in a book called the Devil's Butler which was based on wire taps. In BC the big problem is the Wolf Pack. The Edmonton Angels are also deeply involved in Surrey drug trafficking as well but the Calgary chapter appear to be fairly normal. Greed is a dangerous thing. If they can keep their greed in check, everything should be fine.

I spoke with a former member of the Outlaws back east who claims he was never involved with drug trafficking when he was in that club. I believe him. He said when he first started hanging around the club an old timer wanrned him about the criminal element and warned him to stay away from that part of it which he did. We're all free to choose so we are. Now that pot is legal the Lethbridge Hells Angels have every right to open a legal dispensary. They have a name and a brand. If former cops can sell pot, so can the Hells Angels.

Update: OK that Project Forseti was really bad in the sense that it was a whole lot of very harmful drugs that resulted in several deaths on a local reservation. This is the perfect example of what I meant when I said getting swept away in greed. Police seized 5 kilos of Crystal meth, 2.6 kilos of cocaine and a bunch of other drugs including fake oxycontin and fentanyl pills.
Terry Eide, a full-patch member of the Hells Angels, was the lone Calgarian arrested in the raids. Robert Allen was a full-patch member of the Hells Angels from the Saskatoon chapter. It's usually one member and one associate acting under the direction of the local president. Terry Eide was a member of the Southland chapter not the Calgary chapter.

I had forgotten that Calgary had a second chapter. I'm a bit relieved to hear this is the chapter that was in possession of the stolen cars from Kelowna not the Calgary chapter. This is why I strive to balance the extremes. Some people are spamming me with comments like all Hells Angels sell drugs, every single one of them and I'm a fool if I believe otherwise. Then we get the other extreme that claims the Hells Angels aren't the problem in Western Canada it's the brown guys. That is an offensive lie. Who do you think the brown guys work for?

The Brother's Keepers are brown and they work for the Edmonton Hells Angels. The Driftwood Crips in Surrey are black and they work for the Edmonton Angels too. Zone 43 are black and they work for the Wolf Pack. So in BC the public enemy number one is the Wolf Pack and the Edmonton Angles. Public enemy number two is IHIT and the CFSEU. The Wolf Pack work for Larry Amero and Damion Ryan. The Calgary chapter on the north side of the city are normal like the Gypsie Wheelers and the Whiterock Chapter. Wolf Pack and Edmonton are POS.

Obviously it's not every member of all the chapters in Edmonton but the ones using the name of the club to sell drugs are POS. Like those guys who beat that father to death in Greece. They should have been kicked out of the club. So Southland was a new chapter given a new drug jurisdiction. They supplied the Saskatoon chapter and flooded a local reservation with really bad drugs that killed several people.

That was greed. Nobody cares if you run a few grows. People get upset when you flood their community with fentanyl and crystal meth. Greed kills and it's never satisfied. So here I am. Stuck in the middle again. It's interesting to see that the president of the Southland and Saskatoon chapters were never charged. We now know that they had to have approved that activity and was getting a cut. The members of those chapters can elect a new president.


  1. As someone who lived in Lethbridge, it’s such a small town I’m surprised. But I’ve also heard of their presence near by as the Calgary faction is only 4 hours away.

    1. Lethbridge is a drug haven, criminal stats ruse over the years and turf is getting taken over. The city is going to keep a close eye on them as they were not welcome before.

    2. there is apparently a puppet club opening in Port Alberni...its probably less than a quarter the size of lethbridge.

    3. I don't know what drugs are there. I think you're right in that they'll be closely watched. I had a transfer in to Lethbridge many years ago but it never worked out. Destiny had a different plan. As for the puppet clubs in Port Alberni, we've had a couple in Surrey that have been here a while and have stayed out of trouble - the Shadow club and the Jesters. The Devil's Army on Vancouver Island had a lot of problems. Ricky Alexander was a freak. He shot a guy in the head at their clubhouse with a pink gun. I kid you not.

    4. BTW it was a .22. He bragged about carrying a pink .22. My daughter doesn't even shoot a .22. She shoots 9mm. Blaire White has a pink AR. What's he trying to say?

    5. keeping out of trouble as in not getting caught/ police not doing anything?
      the guy in campbell river that was dumped in a car trunk in sayward was a bouncer who was injured in a drunken fight at a bar by the devils army (HA) and was sueing them, they lured him to their clubhouse saying it was to pay him out of court, he showed up and they executed him. obviously he should have known better than to take their word for it....

    6. He was set up alright. The video showed he took on several Devils Rejects and held his own. Meeting them at the clubhouse was unwise.

    7. Dhilllon brown was never a bouncer for the voodoo lounge. He also had a bad reputation and allegedly was involved in the drug trade as well. He definitely underestimated Ricky and bikers overall in their capacity for vengeance and that ultimately was his demise.

    8. He did sell drugs for them. They tried to rough him up and it backfired. Ricky Alexander is a POS.

  2. Much better tone.

    1. Ah yes. Well it's true in that we have to balance the extremes but it's also true that I'm going to end up in the free state because BC is f*cked. BC doesn't have the political will to fix the real problem yet. Alberta does.

    2. Alberta is ridiculously expensive, I just left. Secondly, add "Google Adsense" to your website. It's easy with blogspot if you care to monetize that is. BTW the biggest problems in Western Canada is not Red and White, it's brown. You have Surrey and Alberta truckers running all their dope across the country and feeding the Middle Eastern and Indian gangs.

    3. The Brother's Keepers who are brown work for the Edmonton Angels. Google demonetized me. I had Adsense on my blog but it won't work anymore and the Americans wouldn't renew my tax form.

  3. The southland chapter in Calgary has a few guys who are deep in drugs. They were also involved in Project Forsetti with the Fallen Saints MC in Saskatchewan The north chapter is pretty much older guys who work and own businesses and like to party and ride

    1. I forgot Calgary had two chapters now. It's hard to keep up. I didn't clue in that Southland was in Calgary. I assume Hellside in in Edmonton. Interesting to note about that Project Forseti bust.

      “It was a deal set up by Noel Harder, and essentially Terry Eide was ‘middling’ the deal, organizing the deal for Noel Harder,” Hintz said. Noel Harder was an informant who worked with police on Project Forseti." That's kind of entrapment.

      However, it appears there was a whole lot of hard drugs seized in that project as well which flooded a local reserve with deadly drugs. Again it's one guy using the name of the club and I don't think he's sharing the proceeds with the others.

  4. Lethbridge already has a harm reduction or safe injection site, it could be just a business move? Supply and demand or demand and supply?


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