Saturday, July 13, 2024

Mission cop claims he doesn't care about fentanyl labs

May 20th 2024 the Mission Sity Record reported that "Mission RCMP continue to investigate and dismantle a “super” fentanyl lab discovered on Saturday. Shortly after 6 a.m. on May 18, Mission RCMP were called to an address in the 30000 block of Silverdale Avenue. When police arrived, they discovered that several objects , including a couch, had been set on fire in front of the house, and there was evidence that a break and enter had occurred.

Police theorize that the fires were set to draw attention to the home. Officers quickly found indications of a fentanyl lab inside the house, and secured the property for further investigation. No one was at the property when police arrived, and no one has been taken into custody.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, 6ixAK_TV posted a video of a cop confronted for following a vehicle saying “You think we give a fck about these fentanyl labs?” Well ya shpuld. We do. Is this why BC is so f*cked up? The lab was only discovered because "vigilantes" set a sofa on fire on the front lawn. We should give them a medal. WTF?

November 2nd 2024 Global reported that "A large-scale operating fentanyl lab has now been shut down near Mission, B.C. RCMP said officers were called to a report of gunshots in a remote area of Stave Lake Road, in the Hatzic Valley, during the early morning hours of Oct. 27."

“They also found that the word fentanyl had been spray painted on the street in front of the property and a tire had been set on fire,” Cpl. Harrison Mohr with Mission RCMP said at a press conference. “So we certainly believe that whoever did this did so with the purpose of drawing police to the property to help us investigate this drug lab. Approximately 25 kilograms of pure fentanyl was seized, as well as about 3 kilograms of fentanyl already cut for street distribution, ”

That's a pattern. Why don't the Mission PD and the CFSEU care about fentanyl labs in Mission?
There are one of two things going on here. This is either a rival reporting a lab or a concerned citizen. The fact that the police and the CFSEU don't care about these labs clearly show what the problem in BC really is. I can understand why the police might be concerned about shots being fired exposing the first lab but there were no shots fired in the second lab leak. They just set a sofa on fire. Yet a cop followed someone they thought was a suspect in exposing the lab and harassed them instead of the drug dealers. That reveals a problem.

Say these were rivals. Say these guys made and sold their own fentanyl and were simply exposing a rival's business? Why wouldn't the cops be concerned about the labs they were exposing? The CFSEU and Post Media News publicly launched that Rat out your Rivals program. If the compromised CFSEU were encouraging drug dealers to rat out their rivals why wouldn't they be grateful for the tip? Was it because these labs were getting police protection because those drug dealers had already enrolled in the rat out your rivals program?

Here's the inherit problem with the Rat out your Rivals program. Say there are two groups of drug dealers in mission. One is very large, the other is very small. What if the large group jumped at the opportunity to join the Rat out your Rivals program and the CFSEU let them continue to make and sell drugs as long as they occasionally gave them Intel on their rivals so they could get a token bust in the media without having to do any work.

That would be a fraud because it wouldn't be addressing the problem. The real problem were getting a free pass to continue as long as the CFSEU could get a few token publicity stunts. What if there were no rivals in Mission and that was just something the Rat Pack made up?

What if IHIT has these guys in the Rat out your Rival program in exchange for information about murders? What if it was murders they ordered and they weren't ratting out rivals, they were simply ratting out the people they hired to commit those nurses so IHIT could get a bust and they could get police protection to sell drugs? I can tell you right now that is happening in E Division.

Do you understand why I'm angry? What if these weren't rival drug dealers they were just concerned citizens or vigilantes as the fake News called them. The fact that the police and the CFSEU don't care about these labs show we have an internal problem here. A serious one.

1 comment:

  1. That interaction with that cop was bizarre, I don't know if the cop said that just to be a dick or does he mean they don't care because they're too lazy, or are they being paid to look away, how could a cop not care about a "super lab" that's fucked that cop should be disciplined for sure and investigated.


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