Saturday, July 13, 2024

MSN News runs Stock Fraud ad on Front Page

This is a fraudulent ad running front page on MSN right beside real news ads. It uses a photoshopped picture of Doug Ford with a black eye then links to this completely false ad claiming to be from the Toronto Sun when it's on or

When you go to those urls nothing shows and when you cut and paste the actual url you got from clicking on the add, the article doesn't load. This is a complete fraud. The story is false. They are falsely impersonating the Toronto Sun to try and get you to register for a stock scam.
Now it's still running as an ad not a news story:


  1. I can't find this ad any where on MSN... link? TYIA

    1. That's the point. If you click on the link it doesn't load. The only way to access the article is by clicking the ad. That way it's harder to catch them or sue them for defamation.

  2. Facebook did that crap for several years. Running fake ads using celebrities and politicians to try to lure people into crypto. I find it very hard to believe that people at that company, and people in law enforcement, were too oblivious to know about it. Being that Facebook just kept allowing it to happen, kind of leads me to think that they are just scam artists just like SBF. Cant help but to call a spade a spade.

    1. Indeed. It's like a lot of Google ads on YouTube are really stupid but this one is straight up fraud and this one was too obvious for MSN not not know it was a fraud. It didn't just appear in a pop up window. It had a special place right beside the real ads.


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