Sunday, July 21, 2024

Joe Biden steps down as 2024 presidential candidate

The New York Times is reporting that "After intense pressure from within his own party, President Biden said he was ending his campaign and backing Vice President Kamala Harris to run in his place. Ms. Harris said she would seek the nomination, adding: “Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

We knew a scam was ready to unfold when Biden agreed to a presidential debate and the media were so surprised he wasn't cognitive. We have all known this for a very long time but the powers that be refused to let anyone else run as a nominee. It wasn't just Joe Biden, it was the Democrat apparatus that put him there. They didn't want to let anyone else run. They certainly didn't want to let RFK run. They wanted to control the process and run someone they controlled.

On Joe Biden's first day of office there was a stack of Presidential Orders on his desk waiting for him to sign. He didn't write those. Someone else did. Joe Biden didn't have the ability to orchestrate massive mail in ballot fraud. Someone else did. That was clearly an Intelligence Operation as was the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump.


  1. Many have said for years, including myself, that ultimately the deranged lunatics of the democratic party would eventually start eating their own.

    Their perspective is so skewed that any form of common sense is not allowed.
    They are that one spoiled bad child many families have.
    Biden had no common or any sensibilities at all.
    Hopefully they lose the President, house and senate this fall.
    Let MAGA candidates clean out the RINOS and maybe some form of normalcy will shape our landscape once again.

    Some 12 million illegals might have something to say about that however??!!

  2. I agree! I bet you Killary is pulling the strings behind Joe Biden. Let’s hope the Democratic Party fights among itself to pick a new candidate.

    1. Hillary is a devil because she represents the CIA's agenda and the industrial military complex. Whoever pulled her strings pulled Joe Biden's strings and now Kamala Harris' strings. RFK could have saved the party.

    2. It’ll never happen, but had they tapped RFK jr, they would win for sure imo. The left would vote for him over Trump because they have to (lol), and RFK jr would pull a lot of votes from centrists, centre-right, and might even convince some black-pilled people to vote. The hard left people are really scared of RFK jr though. He’s just too honest for their taste, so they smeared him as a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ lune (even though he’s clearly a very smart, and realistic individual).

    3. The MIC has no bigger puppet than Hillary
      She is the one who as SOS pulled a coup off in Ukraine 2014.
      If that hadn't occured neither would have this war with literally trillions at stake for MIC and Globalists.
      She also has many a NSA file on most of Washington DC from Bill's days as president.

      I too agree she's working behind the scene on this latest fiasco.
      I also wouldn't be suprised if she slithered her way on to the ticket either as VP or the main creature.

    4. Hilary? You must be kidding me, she is not pulling shit, this is Obama and Co. all the way, and Obama and the Clintons do NOT get along. Don't get me wrong, for that witch hope springs eternal, ("It's my turn") but it's not happening.

    5. Lol

      You are a little absent minded on the rulers of the world.
      CFR, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission on World Trade.....
      Obama and Hillary take orders from the same globalist groups.

      You'll see Einstein.

    6. Please explain to me how our two statements are mutually exclusive? They are not. You are correct, they do, but Hillary has not been running Joe, that's been Obama all the way. The fact that they take their marching orders from the same folks does not mean they get along, they don't, they hate each other with a passion, widely reported/documented. Especially Hillary/Michelle.

  3. Anonymous, hopefully someone will leak something to WikiLeaks now that Julian Assange is no longer in prison.

  4. Joe Biden his trying to fund the war in Ukraine as we speak,

  5. Joe Biden could very well passover from " natural causes" in the days ahead and tie up a lot of dirty loose ends.

    It's a nasty game folks.


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