Whilst still reeling from the shocking shooting in a Colorado theatre, media outlets are starting to ask if assault rifles really should be available to the public. I wrestle with that myself. Here in Canada you can go down to your local sports store and buy an AR-15 or an M-15 assault riffle. It’s legal because it’s sold with a limited sized clip but there is nothing stopping anyone from buying a banana clip and switching clips after purchase.
One has to ask oneself should assault rifles really be available to the public. Yet there is another bizarre element that when thrown into the equation, makes you wonder. In the United States they have a constitutional right to bear arms. Jesse Ventura pointed out that right to bear arms was not to preserve a citizens right to hunt. It was intended to protect the nation from invasion, foreign or domestic. It is harder for a Fascist or a Communist dictatorship to invade and take over a nation where the civilians are well armed. Just like Scotland was back in the day when everyone would take their claymores with them everywhere they went, even to church.
I saw a recent link someone shared on facebook which implied the Colorado shooting may have been staged with the intent of eroding the constitutional right to bear arms. The article isn’t suggesting the murders were faked. The article is suggesting the crazed gunman might have had some evil influence or help from outside. As outrageous as that may sound, I think it is worth considering.
Michael Moore put out a very thought provoking movie about the Columbine massacre. One has to wonder what makes people go crazy and start shooting innocent civilians randomly. Yet the whole concern about black ops needs to be addressed. I’ve talked about 9/11 inconsistencies in one of the podcasts. Operation Northwoods was real and needs to be addressed. The ripple effect of those concerns affect Pearl Harbor, the USS Liberty and even the Oklahoma city bombing. It is a real concern.
That would be a very interesting aspect of this senseless tragedy to dig into and see who or what agency pops up
ReplyDeleteAlready questions are starting to rise. Like how did a university student afford $20,000.00 worth of military equipment. Columbine comes to mind which was also in Colorado and was full of strange things. Like how did the federal swat arrive in five minutes after the 911 call when they were stationed 12 miles north. Who fired all the extra rounds that the two kids didn't fire and who shot the two kids and made it look like a suicide. Many unanswered questions.
DeleteI actually have the book from columbine, I'm only about 1/3 of the way into it
DeleteI like infowars. I’m not aware of the other one. If I’m such an idiot then explain to me how the third tower collapsed into it’s own blueprint at freefall speed when no planes hit it? Explain to me how that happened. One could argue that a plane hit the twin towers and the pressure from that trauma put pressure on that floor which caused it to collapse which in turn put pressure on the floor below it and caused that floor to collapse and so on.
ReplyDeleteThat would almost explain it. Only that wouldn’t happen at freefall speed. The only way for a tower to collapse into it’s own blueprint at freefall speed is if the load bearing beams are simultaneously blown out. That’s the only way that can happen. So tell me how a few goat herding terrorists got into the towers beforehand and planted explosives on load bearing beams. Explain that to me.
If I’m such and idiot, explain to me how Operation Northwoods got so far. Explain to me how the director of the CIA and the joint chiefs of staff signed and approved such a treasonous plot. If I’m such an idiot, explain to me how that happened.
If I’m such an idiot, explain to me why we let the CIA have black prison sites all over the world where they arrest people without a charge, detain them without a trial and refuse them legal representation while they torture them. If I’m such an idiot, explain to me how we let that happen when we are supposed to uphold the constitution for all people. Explain that to me because I’m having a really hard time accepting it.
Freefall speed means you stand on top of a tower and drop an apple. That’s how fast the towers fell. They didn’t meet any resistance from the upper floors collapsing and putting pressure on the lower flours. That only can happen when the load bearing beams are simultaneously blown out like they are in a controlled demolition. I sincerely believe all three towers were a controlled demolition. To claim that they fell at freefall speed due to heat and fire is not scientific.
DeleteAs far as the CIA goes, torture is wrong. Torturing people in black prison sites outside of the United States is a loophole in the law but it is still wrong. Sarah air Head Palin claimed non Americans were not worthy of rights. Yet that defeats the whole purpose of the constitution and the American Revolution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3fm_IQ5Hco
The purpose of false flag attacks it to trick the people into giving up their liberty just like Hitler did. The Hizbollah operative you refer to likely worked for the CIA like the two SAS soldiers dressed as Arabs caught at a roadblock in Iraq with a car load of explosives. I don’t support terrorism at all. Yet the CIA is clearly a criminal organization. I will address that in my next post before moving on to the Kelowna Summer Jam.
Let’s see… Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, Saddam Hussein … is there any mayor terrorists the CIA didn’t train and who wasn’t formally a CIA asset. I am serious. Operation Gadio was real. The CIA are a criminal organization.
DeleteI do believe the Russians have also used false flag attacks. China, they just massacre people. Israel participated in a false flag attack on the USS Liberty where President Johnston recalled the air support when they were under attack stating he wanted that battleship sunk. Interesting that you would mention selling Iraq chemical weapons to use on Iran. I find it somewhat bizarre that Saddam Hussein was hanged for using chemical weapons on the Kurds when it was the US that sold him the chemical weapons in the first place. Using chemical weapons on the Kurds was wrong. Just as it was wrong to use chemical weapons on Iran.
DeleteI worked with a really nice lady from Iran who escaped Iran during their war with Iraq. She said it was horrible. They were using mustard gas on entire villages. She said it caused birth defects in the children. The whole idea of selling Iraq chemical weapons to use on Iran as payback for the hostage taking is suspect when you consider the October surprise.
George Bush Sr. and William Casey went to Iran and paid them a bribe to keep the hostages until after the election so Reagan could get elected. Iran contra was more than selling Iran weapons in exchange for the release of American hostages. It was selling Iran weapons to raise money for the contra rebels in Nicaragua. Operation Northwoods doesn’t prove any other false flag attack. It only proves we can’t believe a word that comes out of their mouth.
good article , the u.s anglo american shadow goverment is very sinister and i thought of this right away when it happened as the un is trying to get rid of the 2nd ammendmant, and what better way than to kill random familys..really sad but i would bet its tru
ReplyDeleteAK: "Like how did the federal swat arrive in five minutes after the 911 ..."
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'...1st responders was the local Police (I saw their Chief's press conference)...who, as he said, got there not in 5 minutes, but in ninety seconds. They charged the theater, and made the arrest.
The reason was the high crime in the city, which caused them to to up the Police presence, and he said they were lucky to have the ten or so Officers who could respond so fast.
90% or more of the SWAT are local; city, or State Police origins; not *federal*...What Fed. Agency did you mean...?
Good work, keep it up.
I was referring to Columbine not Aurora with regards to federal swat being there within 5 minutes. I went out for coffee with a guy from Denver last night who knew three of the people in the news helicopter that responded to Columbine right away since they were already in the air. They reported FEMA and the Federal Swat team were there instantly. They claimed that couldn’t have happened without foreknowledge. There are a lot of strange things about Columbine.
DeleteThere appears to be a delay in approving posts and responses. When I said Swat arrived on scene at a suspiciously early response I was referring to Columbine not Aurora. The two kids involved with the Columbine shooting were found dead. We were told they committed suicide. I understand there is conflicting evidence about the fact that they committed suicide as well as the huge number of rounds of ammunition fired in areas the two kids weren’t in.
DeleteThese words you speak are true - we're all... you know the rest.
ReplyDeleteSix years of intensive investigation proved to me that nine eleven was an inside job.
Ats exactly why the events of that day were so "outside" most people's imagination and unwittingly, the TPTBs downfall. Its also why magicians ain't showing you the same trick three times in a row. (as in Tower 7)
As far as people being controlled goes, it isn't as complicated as most people think because The Powers That Be have already been in our driver's seat for a while.
In fact, here is some pretty mind blowing stuff from a national award winning teacher:
1) The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Intro + Hour 1 of 5)
Have a grand day Sire.
Thanks for the link. A lot of people are starting to think that. I had to look up the Alice Copper quote.
DeleteHis first court appearance was this morning,he was told he is being held on a no bond hold. He looked drugged,emotionless, almost nodding off right in court. One question that bothers me is how why was he in possession of a clip capable of holding 100 rounds. Only govt or military personnel should have access to those, luckily his AR-15 jammed up on him or the body count could have been extremely worse. (as reported on CNN) I know guns are only a tool, but this type of behavior makes me sick to my stomach, while the USA spends billions on fighting wars overseas. When will they start worrying about their own backyard first, North America...
DeleteThat thought did enter my mind. What if someone in the theatre had a gun and returned fire. With a vest they could have shot him in the legs or as you prefer, in the head. After Columbine I think some of the schools support the idea of some of the teachers packing a gun.
DeleteYeah Norhwoods PROVES Colorado was staged. Now that it's come out that the mom knew it was him, another bunch of kooky theories will follow. BTW , love the link in the story on why the crowd didn't fight back (they were terrified maybe?)
ReplyDeleteRather than address the veracity of the absurd article you posted, you switch to some 9/11 baloney. Great. I'll readily admit I am not an engineer (love it how 'troofers' are all architectural geniuses), but I'll happily link you to the PopMech article, which you'll dismiss because OMG MICHAEL CHERTOFF'S COUSIN . Yeah, they are such lazy conspirators they didn't bother to get a ghost writer.
You've completely gutted the credibility of a blog i once enjoyed.
I'm not going to get all angry and argue with you. You have an opinion and I respect that. I will admit the idea that this particular crazed gunman had help is rather outrageous. Someone shared a link on facebook and I also shared that link. There are a lot of strange things about the Colorado theatre shooting. First of which is the fact that the guy is a nut bar. You can’t do something like that and be playing with a full deck. I do find the fact that a University student having over $20,000.00 worth of military equipment to be unusual. Jumping to conclusions would be premature but I do think asking questions is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteAs for 9/11 that is a heartbreaking concern. I’ve seen the Popular Science article. I don’t discount it because someone is someone’s cousin. I question it because I have seen the disinformation campaign that rages around the CIA. I saw video clips of the towers fall at freefall speed. Trailrunner says that’s what happens when a tower loses it’s structural integrity. Yet that has never happened before. Never before has a tower collapsed at freefall speed due to heat and fire.
I saw a video of a huge fire in a large tower in Beijing 2009. The fire left the tower gutted but the tower didn’t collapse let alone at freefall speed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B1OnhSucP8
This month there was a huge fire in a 42 storey tower in Istanbul. Same storey. The tower did not collapse let alone at freefall speed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZYihEhyyUw
So please excuse my ignorance and my skepticism. “Scientists” can argue whether or not they found thermite in the 911 ruble back and forth until the cows come home. I know what I saw. The only way a tower can fall at freefall speed like a controlled demolition is when the load bearing beams are simultaneously blown out. If the towers lost their structural integrity in the middle of the tower, then it would crumble after the mid point it wouldn’t keep falling at freefall speed with no resistance. I do believe all three towers in New York fell because they were a controlled demolition. That is what Larry Silberstein meant when the said they made the decision to “pull” the third tower.
No offense but I don't buy the jet fuel argument. There was no jet fuel in the third tower. There is controversy as to how hot jet fuel really burns. Many claim it doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel. I initially thought that when the top 20% of a building collapses from trauma like getting hit by an airplane, that could have caused enough pressure on the rest of the building to make it collapse or crumble. The problem with that is the freefall speed thing. It didn't crumble or tip over it fell straight down at freefall speed. It met no resistance. When we see the same thing happen in a controlled demolition, it is because the load bearing beams are blown out at the base of the building. I just can't see any other feasible explanation. That indeed does open pandora's box as to who went in before hand and planted the explosives to bring it down.
DeleteAnd sometimes a controlled demolition is just a controlled demolition. The burning jet fuel was nowhere near the base of the building to melt the load bearing beams. 420 has raised a good point. There is a very large and growing movement of architects and engineers who think it was a controlled demolition: http://stj911.org
DeleteThat's the whole problem. If the load bearing capacity was damaged higher up in the building, the rate of falling would have slowed down to a crumble instead of a freefall when it got past that point. I've never seen a controlled demolition where the building stayed intact. The whole point of a controlled demolition is to destroy the building so it collapses.
Delete"That is what Larry Silberstein meant when the said they made the decision to “pull” the third tower."
Really ? the greatest conspiracy in my lifetime and a guy yells "pull" the tower while he's being recorded? Man the illuminati is getting sloppy. You know what you saw? what you saw on youtube interpreted by conspiracy nuts.
Of course the authorities have used distraction and frame-ups.Law Enforcement did it in the Mongols - HA war in California; by your reasoning the arrests and convictions are all some ongoing grand conspiracy by "the powers that be" to put innocent bikers away.
I’m not going to argue with you, I’m just going to disagree with you and point out that I’m not the only one who disagrees: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jPzAakHPpk
DeleteThe internet was going to amount to nothing in 2001.
ReplyDeleteThe dot com crash of 2000 - 2002 and subsequent stock market crash of the same time period almost ensured that.
Thing is, the internet didn't just go away and this is something The Powers That Be weren't counting on.
Damn keedz.
And now it's official,lobbyists have brought this tragedy into their anti-gun agenda. Wolf Blitizer posed the question this afternoon about amendments that should stop regular public citizens from legally obtaining fully automatic weapons' and/or clips capable of discharging that many rounds that fast. The response was short and simple their second amendment. I didn't read it very carefully,but I'm pretty sure it's about a right to bare arms. Not the right to stock pile 1000's of rounds and go shoot as many INNOCENT victims as possible... Personally I think the U.S.A. who constantly claim to be the greatest country in the world, SORRY GUYS BIG EGOS DON'T FIX PROBLEMS
ReplyDeleteHarper shaking hands for as photo op with an abusive pig. No wonder. That’s what he surrounds himself with. Harper talking gun control with Ford? Why not. Harper has abandoned every other conservative principle there is like giving the banks a bail out. Harpers corporate communism rises.