Sunday, September 22, 2024

Who hired the hitman to kill Shrek's brother?

Update: Now we have to ask, who hired the Edmonton hitman to kill Shrek? The same people who hired the two kids from Edmonton to kill Ali so their drug debts would be forgiven. 8151.

In 2022 the Abbotsford News reported that "A man who gunned down Harb Dhaliwal of Abbotsford in Vancouver’s Coal Harbour in April 2021 has received a life sentence with no chance of parole for 20 years.

Francois Joseph Gauthier, 52, was initially charged with first-degree murder but pleaded guilty and was sentenced Wednesday (June 29) in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver to second-degree murder."

"Dhaliwal, 31, was pronounced dead at the scene on April 17, 2021 after being shot outside Cardero’s restaurant near Coal Harbour Quay and Cardero Street. Police at the time said they believed the shooting was targeted. Harb was the brother of Barinder (Brian) Dhaliwal, (Shrek) who has previously been identified as being involved in the Lower Mainland gang conflict."

I missed that. It was big news that a hit man from Quebec was hired to kill Shrek's brother in Coal Harbour. Shrek's other brother chased the shooter down and stabbed him in the eye.

Post Media News reported that "He was originally charged with first-degree murder, but struck a plea deal for second-degree, meaning the more serious charge was dropped. Yet there’s not a word in the agreed statement about who hired him and why Dhaliwal was targeted." Imagine that.

There's no way that was second degree murder. It was a hired hit. It was premeditated. It was an open and shut case. Yet the crown cut a deal to get a gag order. I can guarantee you if there was anything in the trial that hinted it was the UN who hired him, there would have been no gag order.

Let's not forget 6ixaktv's dramatic entrance in the game. It was the shooting in Whister. That's when Shrek's other brother Meninder Dhaliwal was killed right after Jamie Bacon went into Witness Protection. Right after that there was another shooting in Surrey at Softball City.

In that shooting Harbir Khosa was the original target. He used to have ties to the UN but most recently had been working with Gary Kang and the Red Scorions. Before Jamie Bacon rolled BK and the Hells Angels were killing Gary Kang associates in the Red Scorpions to pave the way for Jamie B*tch Bacon. After Jamie Bacon rolled on the club, Lolo Lanski and Kyle Latimer rolled on BIBO to take Jamie's place. So all these murders were contracted by the club. As in the Wolf Pack and the Edmonton Angels. The CFSEU want to blame all this on the UN.


  1. Dennis, look at this puff piece in WIRED magazine. Another great example of how the MSM is full of shit.

  2. Its not really important that you read it, it just goes to show how the MSM is still supporting the Gov narrative. For example where would we be with out Wikileaks and Edward Snowden.

    1. Yeah the MSM is ridiculous. They're still going off about Covid variants.

  3. off topic, but were you aware of this?


    1. Fiction? Like Agatha Christie? I have another True Crime book I'm supposed to review:

    2. It’s written by Ricky Alexander jr aka devils army founding presidents son

    3. No way, really? Wow. The guy with the pink gun's son?

    4. Wow. Kinda like Big Tony's son. Not something I can support.

    5. Totally. I also thought the premise to the book was interesting to say the least. So much for people keep low profiles, everyone wants to be in the limelight.

  4. What does 8151 stand for?

    1. 81 stands for Hells Angels. 51 stands for Edmonton Angels.

    2. Thanks. I knew what 81 stood for but see 8151 a lot online and it was driving me nuts trying to figure it out!

    3. 8 is H, 1 is A, 5 is E. 51 is EA.


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