Monday, July 1, 2024

Rick Ross sucker punched by Vancouver Pedo lover

Update: Life, Death and Beyond the Grave - Nancy threw a drink at Rick Ross in Vancouver

Rick Ross had a concert in Vancouver last night and was sucker punched by a Drake Pedo lover. I have a name but I'm not going to name her. Yo man, you need some time with Dr Phil. Don't follow a bad example. Be you. Don't be him. Stupid sh*t. Never mind doing the Pee Wee Herman, these wannabe losers are doing the Robert Pickton. F*ck your clickbait jailbait drama.

Update: OK it was Lolo Lanski's GF Nancy filming herself starting sh*t again trying to get attention. Some kids with Daddy issues trying to make a name for themselves. Stupid.

It's sad how the world has lost it's morals. This was obviously a publicity stunt by a nobody who wants to be a somebody but they are going about it the wrong way. There was nothing noble about what happened. Did you see the medley after Nancy and Ross left? Some white Surrey trash using the N word in a derogatory way trying to maul a couple of guys who were in Ross' entourage. That sh*t is f*cked up. It's the mob mentality. Curb stomping anyone is deranged.

So again, what are we trying to promote? Are we trying to promote violence and glorify the life of greed and betrayal to get views and make money? That is shameful. I have never done that. I have consistently encouraged people to leave that life. If these clowns recorded themselves jumping Drake to make a name for themselves I wouldn't click like or support that. I think Drake's an idiot but he has a colossal following and I would never exploit his following for a publicity stunt.

The fact that Drake obsesses over young girls is really creepy. Supporting that is creepy. It's like the Canadian rappers from Toronto shooting each other for a pair of running shoes. That's really f*cked up. So is this. There's more to life than that. That sh*t is whacked. Y'all need to get a life.

Prophecy unto Gog leader of Magog and declare thus saith the Lord, I am against thee. If you want to serve Satan, serve Satan but don't lie and say you're serving God because you are not and don't pretend promoting sin is part of God's plan because it's not. That is your choice. You need to own that because your father never did. Break the chain. Sinner Repent.

Kendrick Lamar is helping unite the Crips and the Bloods in LA. LA is finally getting their sh*t together while Vancouver and Toronto is losing their sh*t. Vancouver and Toronto is stuck in the 70's and the /80's. They never evolved. They never grew up. It's like walking around with a fuzzy hair troll on your desk. You're behind the times. Tupac left us the Ghetto Gospel and your still rapping about dollars, dollars, dollars and capping people for a pair of sneakers. You're shallow, empty and soulless. You need to get with the times and grow up. You're gonna get married and have kids but keep rapping about strippers and blow? Get a life and grow up. Be a real man.

Tupac Estate Threatens Lawsuit Over AI-Generated Drake Track. I see dead people.

Drake receives cease-and-desist letter from Tupac Shakur's estate over AI diss track


  1. Cub pack records is ridiculous. We're talking the suburban princess Larry Amero and his dead preppy a*s best friend Jonathon Bacon. The Bacon brothers are losers. Jamie is in Witness Protection. Jared is in hiding. Damion Ryan is a f*ck up. There's nothing there to be proud of.

    1. Hey Dennis, I don’t know if you’ve seen this but the president of the hells angels Montreal chapter does a long cameo in drakes new video “family matters” at I think the 6:50 mark. Plus drake is constantly spotted wearing support gear these days. He’s a friggin clown!

    2. I knew Drake wore support gear but I didn't realize the Montreal president was in one of his videos. I would never disrespect a Quebec member but I will ask WTF are we trying to promote? I think Drake has lost his mind and his way. I don't like his music.

  2. Rick Ross was a Corrections Officer.

    1. I don't give a f*ck. Drake likes young girls. That's who listen to his music. My daughter used to like to listen to Drake when she was a little girl. She grew up.

  3. Yes but I don't want to promote his sh*t. Wolf Pack records is f*cked up and his Dad was a freak. There's good and bad in everyone. It's good that he's trying to honour his father and it's obvious his father wanted a relationship with his son. Yet his father was so f*cked up any kid would need counselling to process all that f*cked up sh*t he saw growing up. Counselling isn't bad. It helps us process stupid sh*t so we can be our own person.

    1. Fair. It’s astonishing how many of these club members want to be in the lime light. First Hal, now that guy. I always thought your supposed to keep a low profile.

    2. I think that's the point. You're not supposed to be a heat bag. Hal's videos were ridiculous. This young kid's videos are much better but it screams unresolved issues. You need to process your past and get your sh*t together before you lead anyone anywhere. Using God's name to justify and rationalize crime and addiction is really messed up. It's living a lie and no one likes a liar.

    3. What ever happened to Hal Hefner? I can't believe the club tolerates these limelight 15 minute of fame chasers. It's embarrassing. You'd think they would disappear them like blackie.

    4. They don't, Weird Hal is a good example. He brought bad publicity to the club so the club let him go. He's no longer a member. I'm not sure if he's out in bad but he's not in good standing. They kicked him to the curb for being an idiot which is exactly what will happen to the new heat bags if they don't get their sh*t together.

  4. As for the comment about the current status of the UN, I can't name that name nor do I have any desire to. However, Post Media News has a past history of posting false information about the UN. They quoted the Australian police who claimed Loonie switched sides and was working with the UN from prison. That was a ridiculous lie. The CFSEU gave the Australian police that false information so Post Media News ran with it knowing it was false.

    It's like when they lied and said Schrader set up Loonie and Larry along with Jonathon in Kelowna. That was a malicious lie the CFSEU sent out. They intentionally put Shrader's life at risk to try and get him to rat out his former associates. He did not. Everyone knew Gumby and Jonathon were in Kelowna then. It was no secret. They were loud and proud picking fights with civilians in that ridiculous boat Steroids and Silicone. They were not keeping a low profile.

    Now you claim that Post Media News states the UN are in Vietnam and Dubai. Well what do we know. We know that the Brothers Keepers who work for the Edmonton Hells Angels and the Wolf Pack were hired to do a hit in Dubai by that Iranian drug dealer. That had nothing to do with the UN. That involved Naji Sharifi Zindashti and some of his rivals out of Turkey.

    We do know that UN Billy was in Vietnam when Jordan Vogt-Roberts got his a*s kicked for sexually harassing a UN member's GF. That was my whole point. Clay's in Jail. All the big leaders of the UN left the country. I don't see the UN nearly as active as it once was.

    I do know that the CFSEU were at one time blaming the UN for HA internal hits here in Vancouver and Post Media News ran with it. I don't support the UN's drug trafficking but just like when I was involved with the Guardian Angels in Vancouver many years ago, we never got involved in Lotus, Red Eagles or Viet Ching business because we didn't have to. It's all the dirty sh*t that I object to. That's something the news kids obsess over. Those other guys never did that.


    2. Fake. Baseball bats would be interesting. They're not wearing their berets properly.

  5. The dude who threw the first punch is a HA, they have been trying to get into rap for sooo long and failed miserably every time. Goes all the way back to even before they milked Mad child, there was Hal trying to rap and that plumber looking guy from Kelowna, the numerous other white guys they tried to promote. Now they are trying to insert themselves into this situation which from Kendricks view is a East coast Vs West coast thing which is why Rick's DJ played that song out of respect we are on the west coast so should be supporting it since that's who Kendrick is repping but now these ignorant clowns are trying to turn it into a Canada vs USA thing which will do nothing but make life very hard for any Canadian rappers.

    1. He's a HA but he' not a real HA just like the Hardside chapter are HA but they're not real HAs. They're clowns in a rental. This guy got his patch in Greece with Damion heatbag Ryan. This whole Cub Pack record label is a joke. Those guys got their patches in Greece after the Quebec chapter shut down the Ontario Nomads. Now those clowns are back trying to start sh*t here, There's a big difference between the Quebec HAs and the Ontario HAs.

      You're right about the East Coast West Coast analogy. When I was in New York back in the /80's there was a healthy rivalry between the East Coast and the West Coast even within the Guardian Angels. Back then NYC and London England set the trends for the world. New York saw themselves as the centre of the universe. New York invented gangs but LA perfected them.

      Canada never really had that same East coast West coast rivalry. Vancouver is very small population wise compared to Toronto. Vancouver has always been tight with Montreal. I wouldn't say there's a Vancouver Toronto rivalry per say like some people claim. A lot of guys in Vancouver don't like Toronto but they love the Maritimes on the very East coast especially Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

      You're also right in that these Cub Pack clowns are creating school girl drama over nothing. Rick Ros didn't write or perform the song, Kendrick Lamar did. Rick Ross didn't realize there isn't the same East Coast West coast rivalry in Canada like there is in the US. He was simply playing the track out of respect to Vancouver being West coast honouring their ties to LA. Vancouver just sees a lot of Toronto as snobs. They don't beef with them they just avoid them. It's not a big deal.

  6. Yeah I know about Nancy's Daddy issues and her song Old Man. That's why I'm saying she needs some time with Dr Phil. Her Dad was doing the Robert Pickton. I also know about her Surrey collaborator. Not my cup of tea.


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