Wednesday, June 19, 2024

White West Coast Rappers and Tobias Sahlstorfer

ABC Australia is reporting that "A Hells Angels bikie has been jailed for at least 23 years for the tragic, brutal and totally unnecessary bashing murder of "innocent bystander" Mark Boyce, whose death has inflicted unimaginable grief upon his family."

"Tobias Sahlstorfer, 35, was found guilty of the January 2017 crime earlier this year after a Supreme Court trial before Justice Laura Stein, in the absence of a jury. In sentencing on Thursday, Justice Stein said Sahlstorfer, of Gulfview Heights, was the first of three men to attack Mr Boyce, using his fists and feet as weapons. She said the three men inflicted a flurry of punches and kicks which continued after Mr Boyce was on the ground."

That was a bit dramatic but we get the point. Three big guys give someone the boots and it wasn't the guy they were looking for it was simply his friend. This is what you call bad press. This guy is not a role model. He's a bully. He is not noble. Which leads me to ask what do we aspire to?

Recently someone sent me a link to some videos of more white rappers on the West coast and for me it was a bit cringe but in a different way. Many years ago I was a youth leader and the guys would often play their music in the car while we were driving. One time Offspring came on and I laughed as I quoted a line. "I'm not a dweeb. I'm just a guy with low self esteem." They were like hey, don't make fun of our music. I was like my bad. I just couldn't help myself.

I think some of these new white West Coast Rappers are going for some of Mad child's dramatic madness. They all wannabe Eminem. Eminem put out some powerful stuff but he always put out some Dr Phil sh*t. I'm referring to the one where he was digging a grave to bury his mother. Talk about girls with Daddy issues, that's a guy with Mommy issues. Now I don't know what happened with his mother and I don't want to know. My concern is a lot of these new white kids on the coast want to portray themselves as victims to rationalize drug abuse.

That's not very positive. As I said before, our trials don't define us they refine us. No matter what your past, you have a spotless future and no matter what trauma you've endured, we are all responsible for our own choices in life. We need to process the past but we also need to move forward and get passed it. Now I understand that I'm not supposed to make fun of young people's music and I'm not going to. I'm just sharing a few concerns. Well, two to start.

None of these guys are what I would consider role models. None of them have their sh*t together. They have their own issues they're working through. Maybe that's why so many people can relate to them. A lot of Australian bikers have facial tattoos. Some are sleeved up all over their face. Personally I see that as a bit weird. Don't get me wrong. Getting a facial tattoo is better than committing suicide but it doesn't scream enlightenment. It's someone screaming for help.

Now I'm not going to name names. I'm just going to say mind how you go and be careful who you follow. Mad Child came and went and he was pretty messed up. He copied Eminem's grave digging scene and put a deranged Robert Pickton twist to it. In one video he kidnapped a girl, tied her up and threatened her with a knife. Then he allegorically killed her and buried her. That was mentally deranged. That's not something to brag about or aspire to.

Mad Child admitted he blew all of his money on oxies and viagra. That's kind of a waste of money. I had many reports of how he was known for letting young underage girls backstage in the VIP room. That was a case for Creep Catchers. It wasn't something to aspire to.

Stiff Gritty made a funny Mad Child diss. I wrote about it but look what happened to him? Nothing. He got his a*s kicked in Surrey by a nerd doing a freestyle battle rap. The Surrey nerd was actually pretty good. Yet that was so 2002. No one does battle raps any more.

Stiff Gritty's girlfriend had a bunch of jail bait friends who became patch pounders. Again that's nothing to aspire to. It is as the House of Pain declared a f*cked up place.

I mentioned to the person that sent me the link that Tom MacDonald was better. They said Tom MacDonald is a racist who hates natives. I'm like is he? Is he really? A lot of people throw those allegations around but I'm not sure how valid they really are. People criticize right wing values and I'm like WTF are right wing values? What does that mean? How can values or morals be bad? The whole purpose of the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was an inquiry into values. It had nothing to do with being right wing.

Benjamin Netanyahu is considered right wing but he certainly doesn't have any conservative values. He's just a globalist on the right who supports corporate Communism. Some people call that Fascism. I don't. It's similar but it's different. Globalists are Communists who do not believe in sharing their wealth. They want to increase their wealth by making consumers slaves regardless of what racial background you are.

So Tom MacDonald is a bit over the top but he's better than some of these other guys trying to turn people into victims so they can rationalize their crime and drug addiction. Which bring me to my second concern. I've heard it said that "A song is a prayer of the heart. Which God are you praying to?" Music can be a powerful influence for good or for evil.

We know back in the day a lot of Heavy Metalists were in your face Satanists. Some claimed they just did it to get a reaction. I just saw it as messed up and confused. I was in Ireland and I met a guy who liked Metalica so I picked up the album and started reading the lyrics. "Banned by the light, I'm on the left. Come follow me, I'm the one or I'll make you pay the curse of Malachi." When I read that I was pretty shocked and said well at least it's scriptural.

I don't have to explain what that means. People can listen to whatever they want to but like I said mind how you go. That same spirit which has power to posses us in this life will have power over us in the life hereafter. I'm not big on religion. I see a lot of people getting religion really mixed up. The bottom line is actions speak louder than words. By their fruits ye shall know them. By what they say and by what they do. If they do evil, they are evil.

Does this new music make us feel at peace? Does it enlighten us? Does it inspire us to do good and be better? Does it do all of that or does it victimize us to rationalize our crime and addictions which ultimately enslave us. Mind how you go. Wickedness never was happiness.
In contrast we have east coast Canadian rappers who actually are brothers from the hood. The problem is, they're aspiring to the wrong things. It's still all about money. They've lost their soul.


  1. Interesting post. Well said. I don’t disagree with any of it. Stiff Gritty is a complete idiot too though just so you know. He tried real hard to create a problem where there didn’t need to be one.

    1. Perhaps. I'm not ware of that. I heard he was a nice guy in high school when he sold pot. Looks like he smoked too much weed. That whole Haney Hellside thing was a concern. He must have got messed up when his friend in one of his videos was shot dead.

    2. Teenage girls know the lyrics to every song they like. Teenage boys rarely know any, it's all about the chorus, the beat and rhythm for them.
      When boys become men they finally listen to the lyrics and think, Jesus Christ, I was listening to that shit??!!

    3. That's the thing. We become what we think about and aspire to. Back in the day people used to claim that if you played Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven backwards it said Sweet Satan. That was stretching it. I liked that song. Never mind playing a song backwards. Many other songs say some pretty outrageous things when you play them forwards.

    4. Someone Gritty was acquainted with punched madchild @ the Haney for disrespecting the club, hence the lyric about him running across the street to the chevron. Gritty hopped on that incident and that was his inspiration for the track lol. He had zero to do with madchild so I do agree, tried to create something out of nothing relatable to him.

    5. When played backwards, some listeners claim to hear cryptic messages in the lyrics. Robert Plant’s vocals allegedly reveal phrases like: “Oh here’s to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He will give those with him 666. There was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan.” 😮

      However, it’s essential to note that these backward messages are quite subtle, and you need to listen very carefully to catch them. Whether it’s intentional or coincidental remains a topic of debate. Some say it’s just the result of random phonetic patterns when reversed.

    6. "Someone Gritty was acquainted with punched madchild @ the Haney for disrespecting the club, " I have two concerns with that. The first is mob mentality. Mad child is pretty small. Someone Gritty was acquainted with. I'm wondering if it was one one and I'm wondering if it was exploring a lie.

      I don't believe madchild ever disrespected the club. I think a family member of his is a member. A former member f*cked madchild over and sucked him dry. Then he made up a lie about madchild so people would bully him.

  2. I agree. It must have messed him up a little. It’s never easy to see friends getting shot to death, and it is always tragic when that kind of violence takes place. It’s horrible what BC has become over the years.

    1. Apparently I had Stiff Gritty mixed up with a friend of his. Someone in one of his videos was shot dead but the person I know who said Stiff was a good guy in High School was referring to a friend of Stiff not Stiff himself.

  3. I grew up in the same area as stiff gritty, same elementary school. I know he and his brother did not have a good home life.. He's always been in & out of trouble whether youth or adult. You got me curious, so I did a google search. Things haven't changed too much I guess. Articles of him being wanted in Prince Rupert, Sask.

    1. Apparently he's had a few assault convictions and a break and enter. Getting away from Maple Ridge was probably a step forward for him but he seems to still find trouble in small towns.


    1. That is bizarre. Another flaw that needs to be fixed.

  5. "It’s horrible what BC has become over the years. "

    Isn't that the truth. How do we fix it? Because the only thing I can think of is "get rid of the bad guys".

    1. I think the next election will be a small step forward. There will always be bad guys and the biggest bad guys are always tied to government. I think the key is to stay informed but it's equally important to shun extremism. Agent Provocateurs are everywhere.

  6. Canadian rap is garbage including that bozo drake

    1. It's amazing how popular Drake is in New York. My daughter liked Drake when she was a little girl. That's his audience - young girls. I guess he's fine with that since he likes young girls:

  7. With regards to Eminem although he did Bash his mother in the song "Cleaning out my Closet" performed under his "Slim Shady" persona, he has openingly admitted that he regrets that song and cringes when it's mentioned. he followed that song up with "Headlights" which is his Apology song under Marshall Mathers.

  8. As for the claim Madchild "used to tag his name all over bus stops from Lynn Valley to Cap Mall" you named the former member which I'm not allowed to do.

  9. What do former members do when they're out and don't have that patch to do business anymore?

    1. Guys like George Christie shine. However, for most it's a very dangerous time. All those enemies can retaliate without fear of reprisal from the club. If they don't stop selling, they could end up dead.

  10. Did he have to take off or cover his tats?

    1. One would assume so. He had to take down any pictures with colours from his social media and remove any public mention of him being a member of the club.


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