Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Black Market Organ Harvesting with Mariana van Zeller

Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting


  1. There's so much wrong with everything south of the Rio Grande River it's hard to know where to start. Mexico is a Narco/Terror State, eventually that will have to be dealt with.

    1. Eventually dealt with? In what way? Like Noriega? Operation Fast and Furious - the ATF were supplying the Mexican cartel guns AND bringing back tons of cocaine as payment for the CIA. Iran contra never stopped. The only Narco Terror State that needs to be dealt with is the CIA.

    2. I don't know how it will happen actually, and I don't see a positive outcome either. No, not like Noriega or Fast and Furious. We all know this stuff about the CIA and ATF, not news, I'm talking about the Mexican cartels. Or are those under CIA control as well? Serious question. Also, is there anything to link the CIA to the flood of illegals coming across the American southern border? Not that we'd be surprised. Imagine the CIA facilitating the entry of all those "military age Chinese males" we keep hearing about.

    3. The USA needs to be dealt with.

    4. The US Constitution is a divine model. The US isn't the problem the CIA is. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution. Yes the cartels work for the CIA. That's what Operation Fast and Furious was about. Just like Noriega did in Operation Watch Tower. Yes the CIA are behind the flood of illegal immigrants. Joe Biden was the CIA's candidate. The CIA are the ones that fix elections around the world in support of Globalism,. They pretend to oppose Communism when in reality they just want to hijack it.

  2. IDK. What a fkdup planet. I am on a donor list and IMO all those convicted of heinous crimes, like, Bernardo, Homolka, Williams, Magnota, Allard (theres dozens of them) should have to donate ALL their organs before parole eligibility and then their dissected bodies are donated to science. I think thats an excellent start for their retribution to society for their heinous crimes. As for the black market harvesting….. thats just fkd up, how does that get fixed?

    1. None of those people have received death sentences. Organ Harvesting political prisoners is evil.

  3. Well they should. (Death sentence)

    1. Perhaps but organ harvesting any prisoners is a slippery slope and a bad precedent.

  4. I wouldn't want Bernardos organ that's crazy there has to be some spiritual consequences for that I would think.

    1. I don't know about spiritual consequences but you're right. I wouldn't want an organ from that guy. If the guy's brain is that messed up he organs aren't far behind.

    2. Good point. Me neither


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