Saturday, June 15, 2024

Free Covid Tests - WTF?

The other day I was at a post office in Surrey and saw a stack of brand new free Covid Tests that weren't there the week before. That is bat ch*t crazy. If it wasn't for Texas and Florida, Bonnie the Freak Henry would still have us under lockdown.

When viruses replicate themselves they get weaker not stronger. Omicron was weaker than the seasonal flu. Locking down over omicron was a criminal act. The PCR tests are useless. They can't tell the difference between the Covid coronavirus and the flu or common cold. They give a 90% false positive. There has been a cold virus recently going around. It was even weaker than omicron. Runny nose, slight cough, all went away with a bit of rest. Pushing that same bulsh*t after all this time is mentally deranged. The Real Anthony Fauci Movie with RFK.

Dr Fauci is a bad man - Bonnie Henry is a Freak.

PLANDEMIC 1 Documentary - COVID-19


  1. We definitely need smaller government, the simply fact that the NDP have not given Bonnie Henry a golden parachute and said” Thank you for your services, good bye”. To me, screams corruption.

    1. Indeed. As time rolled on all the other provinces moved forward while BC moved backwards. Adrian Dix's psychotic breakdown supporting Bonnie Henry was bizarre. It's time for them both to leave:

    2. And the new health care bill Adrian Dix has put forward. Scream communism.

  2. During that time she while she was out in Victoria she had a 2 man security detail on her, saw it myself as I passed her in walking on Dallas Rd.

    1. Yeah, I knew he was a leftist but I think he has lost his mind.

    2. Assuming they are actual police officers, there's two that are not available to protect the public every day we are paying them, only to protect her. From the public. Who is paying them.


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