Thursday, June 27, 2024

Police on Guard on Unlawful Orders

Speaking of laws that violate the constitution, Police on Guard is reporting that "In our continued effort to restore the Rule of Law in Canada, members of Police on Guard, in communications with lawyers, are initiating an effort which endeavours to remind active-duty police officers and military members of their obligation to uphold the laws of Canada and take suitable action when faced with unlawful orders. Corruption is being allowed to run rampant while too many of our police and military continue to “just follow orders”.

Taking a stand against corruption begins with these individuals, by acknowledging their oath and their duty to protect, and taking action against these attempts to unlawfully impose harm on the citizens of Canada. We have well-established laws in place to address these criminal matters, what is needed is for those tasked with upholding these laws to find the fortitude to stand for what they know to be just. Stand with us and support this initiative.

To read the Duty to Protect document and download it for yourself, click here

This is why I support Police on Guard. They are a voice of reason in a confused world full of lies and agent provocateurs trying to promote extremism to justify their attack on civil liberty.

Police on Guard declare that law enforcement officers in Canada swear an oath to uphold the Charter of Rights. Why is that a requirement? Because the Charter of Rights is the highest law of the land. If police are to enforce the law, they are to defend the Charter. When any level of government makes a law that violates the Charter of Rights, that law is illegal. That brings us to obeying illegal orders which is something we need to discuss calmly and rationally.


  1. Especially when the cop and military are suppose to have each other back and the code of not ratting on your brother's.

    1. I think the military and the police are supposed to protect civil liberty above hiding unlawful behavior. Michael Dowd was a POS.

  2. The police have not prioritized the recruiting of veterans for years, precisely because the have been lectured periodically in their service about "the lack of duty to obey an unlawful order".

    Sounds like Police on Guard is moving forward with this stuff, I admit I didn't take them that seriously at first, the song is a great one but we've heard it before. If these guys are going stand up and demand that members conduct themselves as they are supposed to, well, who can have a problem with that?

    1. Sadly I think the Blackwater mercenaries need the same lecture.

  3. As long as police and military remember that their service to the people requires the upholding (not just the enforcement) of the law, they will always likely have overwhelming public support.


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