Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden Found Guilty On Bogus Gun Charges

I am not a fan of Hunter Biden but I am not a Hunter hater and obsessor either. I think the gun charges were stupid and nothing compared to his dirty business deals in the Ukraine with the Biolabs. Some of those crack videos with prostitutes were just plain nasty. My Son Hunter.

As Colion pointed out, one of the charges against Hunter was lying on a form to obtain a firearm. The question asked have you ever used pot and are you addicted to any controlled substance? That questions shouldn't even be on the form. Define addicted. If you drink alcohol does that mean you're an alcoholic? If you are an alcoholic, are you banned from owning a car even if you have never driven while under the influence? I agree crack addicts probably shouldn't oen a firearm but this question opens the door for more government intrusion.

Sometimes when crossing the border they ask have you ever smoked pot before? If you lie, you're in trouble but if you said yes, 20 years ago I smoked a joint, they write that down and ban you from entering the country. They have no business asking that question and recording that.


  1. It's just a show to prove to everyone that they are unbiased, regarding Donald trumps sham trail.

    1. But they are biased. Trump's bogus conviction was absurd.

  2. It actually doesn't ask if you've "ever" smoked pot. That's the Border guys when we go south, as you say.

    Here's what it says.

    "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?"

    1. Yeah, that's what I meant. They say have you ever smoked pot when you cross the border going south. They have no business asking that question. Unlawful user of, if you smoke pot in a State where it hasn't been legalized, that's you. Whatever happened to the fifth amendment?

  3. It doesn't exist at the border if you're not an American citizen. An American can get away with saying nothing, we can be denied entry for any reason or no reason at all.

    1. I realize none of the articles in the US Constitution apply to foreigners at the border. That's why I'm so reluctant to visit there. I get treated better in other countries then in the free republic.


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