Friday, June 28, 2024

Democrats consider replacing Joe Biden with ventriloquist

CBC: Biden's debate disaster: U.S. president freezes up against Trump

"How bad was it? It had the Democrats on post-debate panels asking if Biden will drop out."

MSN is reporting that "After today's debates between Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump, discussions have arisen within the Democratic Party about a potential replacement for Biden in the upcoming presidential election, reports New York Times."

A new Trump presidency may be one step closer after Biden ‘implodes’ at CNN debate

I saw a short clip from the debate on the American news when I was at the gym. The way the fake news misrepresented it was laughable. They ran a clip of Biden reading a teleprompter about January 6th and Trump responded with you should be ashamed at how those protesters were mistreated comparing their treatment with how the ANTIFA rioters were treated.

It is mentally deranged how they keep going off about January 6th. The FBI raided Dr Simone Gold's home because she walked through an open door and filmed herself giving a speech. Branda Straka didn't even enter the building and they treated him like it was Guantanamo Bay.

It was another example of how the Patriot act has been misused denying Americans the right to due process. People Magazine is admitting that "The Supreme Court has ruled that the Justice Department went too far in its prosecution of hundreds of rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 — and Donald Trump. In a 6-3 decision on Friday, June 28, the court said that a federal obstruction statute cited in cases against more than 350 Capitol rioters was not applied properly, which could complicate their sentences."

When you look at the complete incompetence of Joe Biden and the deranged witch hunt trying to prevent Donald Trump from running one thing is crystal clear. The CIA has got to go.


  1. A fine dose of reality that debate was!

    Hopefully the spell continues to be broken.

  2. The Dems are in trouble after that performance. The lights are on, but no-one's home.

  3. I don't understand why they let him do it. Everyone knew what would happen.

    1. When your head is that far up your ass, you can’t hear anyone.

    2. I suppose. I guess they were counting on controlling the clips on the news.

    3. It's simple. If Trump gets sworn in (notice I did not say elected, that already happened in 2020) a lot of these people are going to burn, there are some serious levels of corruption, criminal activity and outright treason to be answered for. They knew they couldn't leave Joe in the basement the whole time, no fake pandemic at the moment. They had to.

    4. Yes but Trump is not flawless. He gets conned by the CIA. Especially when it comes to Iran in favor of the Saudi oil monopoly. I don't think anyone other than JFK has the balls to deal with the CIA. The first thing to do is restart domestic oil production. Break the monopoly, save the planet.

  4. The Dems need "extraordinary circumstances" to squeeze Gavin Newsom onto the ticket without exposing him to the typical level of Presidential campaign scrutiny.

  5. By extraordinary circumstances the Dems mean "because we realize we fucked up and are going to lose, we want a reset". The problem is, as a practical matter they can't do it, the law doesn't allow it. There are states that unless Joe was to release his delegates in the next three weeks, he then can't later. Wisconsin is already out of reach to do that.
    These guys are squirming right now trying to offer up Gavin Newsome, Michelle Obama, even the Hildebeest herself, but the truth is Biden or anyone else is gonna get steamrollered in November,

    1. Yeah they had their chance. It's a bit late to change their candidate now. The problem they face is that the divide is so wide there aren't enough mail in ballots on the planet to rig this one.

  6. It was completely apparent in that debate that Joe is not in charge of his bowel movements never mind anything else, which begs the question of who has been making the decisions for the last 3 years because it sure is not him, and everyone saw that. The only way it could have been worse is if he fell off the stage.

    1. It's like that stack of executive orders he signed on his first day of office. Joe Biden didn't write them.

    2. There's a clip out there of Obama being interviewed about if he'd want a third term, and he basically says, "Not as such, maybe if I had a successor who I could continue my policies through" or words to that effect, and then another one where he points out that all his policies are being continued under Biden. Supposedly a very large percentage, something like 80-90% of Bidens staffers used to work for Obama. This led to people calling him Joe "O'Biden", and not talking about his Irish (can they not publicly disown this guy? Connor McGregor, White Courtesy Phone please) ancestry.

    3. They did disown Butcher Biden:

      Connor McGregor is a POS who punched a senior in the head because he didn't want to try Connor's sh*ty whiskey.

  7. Oh cool, I had not seen that. LOL.

    Not cool, I hadn't heard that, just threw him in there as a public Irish face everyone is familiar these days.

    1. Yeah Conor McGregor fell from grace when he started throwing chairs at buses and punching old men in the head. I won't watch him any more.

  8. The debate felt like a modern interpretation of Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’.

    1. Yes but we've all known that for a long time.


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