Wednesday, June 12, 2024

City of Surrey's application to save the RCMP dismissed

Update: Surrey mayor gives up battle to keep RCMP

The Surrey Police Service is reporting that "The Supreme Court of British Columbia dismissed the City of Surrey’s petition for a judicial review of Minister Farnworth's decision that the City must continue the transition to SPS. The decision to move to a municipal police service was made by the City of Surrey in 2018 and affirmed by the Province of BC in 2020 and 2023. It was then put into law in October 2023, and now it has been validated as constitutional by the BC Supreme Court. In April, the Province of BC announced that SPS will take over responsibility for policing and law enforcement in Surrey on November 29, 2024. On this date, SPS will become the police of jurisdiction, and the RCMP will provide support to SPS until the transition is complete."

"It is now time for all parties to focus on the acceleration of the transition as the change of command date nears. SPS has continuously adapted its plans for the transition as the process has evolved to reflect government decisions. In the weeks and months ahead, we are looking forward to deploying our SPS vehicles, and deploying more officers into a wider range of units as we get ready for November 29." This is a copy of the court decision.


  1. It's pretty clear that they DGAF what we think. But it's actually worse than that, it means they think we don't really have the right to rule ourselves, that they decide that. Anyone like that is a threat to the citizenry and their rights and needs to be got rid of.

    1. I assume you mean Brenda Locke and the Surrey RCMP. If that's what you mean then I completely agree. Get rid of them both. Surrey RCMP arrogance and misconduct has been off the hook for far too long.

    2. Brenda Lockeness Monster needs to go. She's like a cancer in the body of Surrey. I too believe that the Surrey RCMP rigged the last Municipal election and I bet you over $1,000 cold cash that she fired the previous City Manager, Vince LaLonde. She was looking for a bunch of yes men to jump on the anti-SPS bandwagon when she won. Vince must have called her out on wasting tax payer dollars. She threatened him with termination and he played the retirement card. Only very few people actually know how he really went on out. Something fishy was cooking up behind the scenes and it certainly was not the kind of filet fish that's served at McDonalds. Keep the SPS in Surrey and Kick the RCMP OUT of Surrey.

    3. Lockness Monster lol I like that. I'm gland the bullying has finally become to an end.

  2. Yes, that was exactly my point.

    1. Just checking. When McCallum was elected on the promise to get rid of the RCMP I was neutral on that issue. When I saw all the bullying and dirty tricks they pulled they convinced me how necessary that transition was.

      I don't believe Brenda Locke won the least electronic ballot election. There was a lot of high profile candidates that ran for mayor in that election and Brenda Locke wasn't one of them. They didn't just flip the vote, they reversed it.

      Jack Hundial saw the writing on the wall and ran for a different municipality. He saw how pissed off Wake up Surrey was with them. He knew they wouldn't win. He didn't know that election would be hacked by the Surrey RCMP. All's well that ends well.

  3. The judge's ruling must have been a dark depressing day for a small vocal minority of old fashioned wingnuts that think they speak for every single Surrey resident on this issue. These people that wanted to "keep the RCMP in Surrey" are a bunch of sore losers and completely irrelevant. No one likes them. Time for them to get a life and find something else to focus on. Glad we're finally going ahead with SPS.

    1. Small vocal minority indeed. Even if you don't believe the Surrey RCMP hacked the last election, none of the many large parties that ran supported reverting back to the RCMP. Brenda Locke was the only one. That means she clearly did not have the majority of the Surrey residents behind her.

  4. Sure it's great if you wanted to attack Canada.
    Now the tax payer will have no say in what they pay for policing in Surrey. Word.

    1. That's a lie. Get a life. I live in Surrey. I support the decision. So does Wake up Surrey.

    2. The RCMP are dinosaurs, they screwed up royally again and again. Go back to Saskatchewan.

  5. The reason why all of this chaos happened is because of some miserable malcontent named Ivan Scott. He’s the father of a RCMP officer and didn’t want his pride and joy to get deployed to Prince George or Alberta. Therefore, he felt it was completely appropriate to cause nothing but trouble. If him and his ilk are actually being paid by the National Police Federation to slander the SPS left and right, I wouldn’t put it past me. SPS was off to a rocky start because the old boys club of the RCMP and their Union threw up every political roadblock and barrier to keep their contract. So glad the honourable justice Kevin Loo put the Mayor and her entire cult following in their place. He did his job. And he did it well. He truly delivered. Let’s welcome the Surrey Police Service into our community and respectfully cooperate with them. That will really help Surrey rebuild, maybe not overnight but it’s a positive step in the right direction. Goodbye Sorry RCMP, good luck and good riddance. Garbage in, garbage out. Looking forward to November 29th. It will be an exciting day!

    1. Yeah that RCMP officer's father was the cause of a lot of toxic trouble here in Surrey. I think you're right about the stigma. The Surrey RCMP developed such an overpowering reputation for being arrogant bullies it created a knee jerk reaction. I think people in Surrey are much more receptive to cooperating with a Municipal force. I know I am. I think it's a positive step forward for everyone.

    2. Surrey RCMP allowed more drugs into this country THAN any other CONSPIRACY in Canadian history!

      You wonder why this country is a shit show?

      Because you're either on the take or scared shitless of someone on the take.

    3. Absolutely! This is the best thing that will happen to our City. I wonder why assistant commissioner Brian Edwards has been silent on this issue? Guess the reality’s sinking in that his days are numbered.

    4. I wonder whatever happened to Assistant Commissioner Brian Edwards? Strange how he seems to have gone into hiding ever since the final ruling.

    5. I don't think we can blame all the drugs on the Surrey RCMP specifically. They've turned a blind eye to a lot like Shakerz but IHIT and the CFSEU, which are run by the RCMP, are also a big part of the problem. As I keep saying, they give people like Damion Ryan a free pass to sell drugs so they can get Intel on murders he ordered.

    6. Let the story of the Surrey RCMP and all their bootlickers fade into obscurity. Eventually, people will forget all about them and leave them in the past right where they belong. Out with the old, and in with the new. Time to finally drain the swamp. After all, change is good.

    7. Indeed. Not all change is good but this change is.

  6. We would call such people "enablers" not "Law enforcers". Basically they are involved in a criminal conspiracy with people they are supposed to be protecting us from.

    1. Disagree, the RCMP or Police do not have to protect you. Their job is to enforce laws and ensure a sense of common order in society.

    2. Yes but the fact that Canada's laws don't allow you to own or use a firearm in self defense means Canadian citizens then have zero protection. However, I believe that comment was referring to the fact that the Surrey RCMP know about the drug trafficking out of Shakerz and do nothing about it implies corruption which I whole heatedly agree with.


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