Thursday, February 27, 2025

IHITit's disastrous investigation of the Surrey Six

October 19th 2007 a rural gang murder occurred known as the Surrey Six. Four drug dealers were killed and two innocent bystanders were executed simply for being witnesses. That created a public outcry which resulted in this blog and website.

Not to flog a dead horse but the unprofessional manner in which IHIT conducted that investigation goes down in history as a shameful disgrace and it all revolves around  Derek Brassington. Brassington was a married RCMP investigator on that case who had an affair with a witness - Jamie Bacon's girlfriend. That's not all. He also had an affair with Denis Karbovance's girlfriend. DK was one of Jamie Bacon's bodyguards. DK ended up cooperating with the police but was upset when he heard Brassington had slept with his girlfriend. 

So it wasn't one investigator having an affair with one witness. Brassington was having threesomes with witnesses while other officers watched. We don't know if it was with DK and Jamie Bacon's GFs or other witnesses. It wasn't just Brassington. Another female witness admitted under cross examination that she and other female witnesses would often go out drinking with the IHIT investigators and engage in sexualized conversations with them. It was all consensual so that made it all OK in their minds. While they racked up overtime bills for partying with witnesses at the tax players expense. 

It wasn't just BC's IHIT. E Division was a swinger's paradise. Local RCMP members referred to the group of swingers as the FOCCers - Friends of Craig Callen. He was the commanding officer in charge of BC which is known as E Division. 

Bill Fordy was one of the Friends of Craig Callen. So was Tim Shields. There were several class action lawsuits for sexual harassment within the RCMP that were all settled out of court with gag orders. Catherine Galliford's lawsuit was separate. She settled before the others did. I didn't realize Krista Carle had committed suicide. I'm sorry to hear that. She's not the only one. So did Nicole Chan and Jasmine Thiara.

Nicole Chan was being stalked by a fellow RCMP officer she had a relationship with. Jasmine Thiara was excited about her pregnancy with one of her superiors. It's not so funny when officers actually commit suicide over this insanity. 

So inappropriate relationships and sexual harassment in the RCMP wasn't limited to the Surrey Six investigation team. It was a climate of unprofessionalism that permitted the force and it all began at Depot.  Depot was old school verbal abuse but it was also riddled with sexual relationships. 

When speaking about his time in Depot, Clinton Jaws said the women at Depot are the horniest women you'll ever meet. In Derek Brassington's cry baby affidavit he said he noticed several officers at Depot who would call home to their wife and children then have an affair at Depot. He said he thought that was inappropriate but he did the exact same thing during and actual investigation.

It turns out there was a huge problem of Depot trainers having inappropriate relationship with recruits. They turned a once noble training program into a shameful disgrace. 

Back to the Surrey Six. Since the police misconduct in the Surrey Six case was so severe they split Jamie Bacon's trial off of the others. Then everything was so delayed because of cover ups Jamie Bacon got off over trial delays and the right to a speedy trial. Since letting him off was not in the public's best interest, Jamie's conviction was upheld on appeal. 

Letting Jamie Bacon into the Witness Protection Program after all that was not only shameful but criminal. He got off because of police misconduct but the crown appealed and won. Then they threw that appeal in their face and let him off for what? Ratting out Lolo Lanski for a murder Jamie Bacon was a part of? IHIT and the CFSEU are f*cked.

Nobody likes a dirty cop. Criminals hate all cops while law biding citizens hate dirty cops so indeed, no one likes a dirty cop. Especially when they're in management.

Why aren't other media outlets talking about all this? Because it wasn't in a CSIS or RCMP press release. That's why. All they do is print whatever CSIS and the RCMP tell them.

DK cooperated with the police because Jamie Bacon tried to kill him. Jamie Bacon hired DK to commit the Surrey six. Then Jamie Bacon hired someone else to kill DK. Only they missed and he survived. There were four shooters in the Surrey Six: Matthew James Johnston, Cody Rae Haevischer, and Denis Karbovance. Jamie Bacon recruited them to do it because he tried to tax Cory Lal and Cory laughed in his face.

Jamie Bacon wasn't even there. He simply ordered the hit like he ordered the hit on DK. Then when the hit missed, Jonathon tried to convince DK it wasn't Jamie. So once again we have people who ordered a murder getting off because they rat out the people they hired. 

The only person that didn't flip was Cody. So IHIT flips everyone except for one guy. The Jamie Bacon confession audio was trying to get his other body guard, Mathew Johnston to join him in ratting out the club and cooperating with the police. Only as soon as the audio was leaked Mathew Johnston mysteriously died of cancer. Why would Jamie Bacon risk his life and his family's life to make an audio recording if he knew Mathew Johnston had terminal cancer. He wouldn't. Do the math. 


  1. Canadian journalism might not be dead, but it's definitely in a coma.

  2. What was the surrey six really about ? Takeover of the red scorpion leadership

    1. Yes. Before the Surrey Six, the RS used to work for the UN. After the Surrey Six the RS started working for the HAs. Just like the IS. The Independent Soldiers were originally independent. After the Loft Six shooting all the original IS leader were shot or died in car accidents.

      Peter Adiwal survived getting shot but was pushed aside. Randy Naicker was a Larry Amero puppet just like the Bacon brothers were. Jonathon Bacon was Larry Amero's best friend. They were friends long before the Surrey Six.

    2. What was rural about it

    3. I assume you're referring to the Langley shooting. That's what the media said. They said rural Langley.


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