Friday, July 12, 2024

Drugs, Gangs and Law Enforcement in BC and Alberta

In my post about the new Lethbridge chapter of the Hells Angels someone mentioned Project Forseti which targeted the Southland chapter. We can argue disinformation on both sides but that was a successful Police operation that took down a really bad drug ring that went well beyond running a few grows and was supplying toxic drugs to a local reservation that resulted in several fatalities. This is what I mean about greed. Criminals who sell toxic drugs are greedy.

Project Forseti was tied to the drug problem on the Blood Reservation southwest of Lethbridge. Wherever we see toxic drugs sold we also see human trafficking to fund it. That's exactly what an Alberta task force on human trafficking found on that same Blood Reservation.

What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. Human Trafficking is not consensual. It brings us back to Margo Compton, Janice Shore and Dianne Rock. It also brings us back to the murder of Wendy Carlick. She was a missing woman's advocate was murdered before she could testify at the new missing women inquiry. Marilyn Poitras resigned from the MMIW inquiry because it became a political farce and wasn't addressing its mandate.

Marilyn Poitras said "We've been down this road before... We had people tell us if you want to know who the problems are and how to fix them you go talk to the sex trade workers. They're going to tell you who they are. It's not a mystery. This isn't some person coming out of the blue and randomly taking women off the street. People know who they're threatened by. Lets go talk to them. We weren't doing any of those things."

In steps Janice Shore. Janice Shore was brutally murdered on the Surrey Strip. She was sexually assaulted and brutally beaten into a coma from which she never woke up. I visited her in the hospital on Christmas day. The whole side of her jaw was caved in from blunt force trauma.

After I put posters up asking for information about her murder a sex trade worker contacted me and explained what happened. Janice was a pan handler with an addiction. She was forced into the sex trade to support her addiction. The tree where she was found beside is where the drug dealers demand free service from the sex trade workers they sold drugs to. Dumping Janice's body there was a message to the other sex trade workers, pay your debts or end up like Janice.

On the Surrey Strip, drug dealers would give sex trade workers toxic drugs and when they got a trick, the drug dealer would take all their money. That is not consensual. That is human trafficking. The women found dead on the Pickton farm were sex trade workers that had drug debts.

Teri-Lyn Williams was from Calgary. She got addicted to drugs and ended up involved with the sex trade in Surrey and was murdered there. The before and after pictures of her drug use clearly show that peddling that poison is evil. Denying that is evil. Rationalizing that is evil.
Shannon Collins was murdered in Edmonton. Her sister was told she was leaving for Calgary to work for the Hells Angels. However, since she was living what police described as a high risk lifestyle, it appears she had already been working for the boys in Edmonton.

Georgina Papin was also originally from Edmonton. Her DNA ended up on the Pickton farm.

Law enforcement in southern Alberta is good. Law enforcement in Edmonton is not. ALERT, the Alberta Law Enforcement Team is good. IHIT and the CFSEU are not. EPS had a reputation for leaking Intel to the Hells Angels. Don't get me started on IHIT and the CFSEU.

It all comes back to greed. The Dianne Rock story clearly illustrated that. Dianne Rock's boyfriend was a longshoreman who sold crack. Crack is nasty like crystal meth. Longshoreman make a good wage. Supplementing that wage by selling crack and human trafficking is really low life.

It all starts off with strippers and blow. Then they say if you want to make a lot of money you should become an escort. Then when the drugs eat them alive they end up dead. There is nothing noble or admirable about making money from that. You need to get a real job.

Ten people facing charges in human trafficking case in southern Alberta


  1. Blaze you've got to stop lying. Why you obsess over this blog after all these years shows that you are the one that needs professional help. I know sh*t about you that I can't post but when this life is over, everyone will know. You used to trash Janice Shore for all those years just like you trashed Britney Irving calling her a junkie as if that somehow rationalized what you and Joey did to her. Now you trash the club behind their back thinking they don't know it. You, Jamie Bacon, IHIT and the CFSEU - a match made in hell. As I said natural justice is simple. You have to live with yourself and I don't have to listen to you . Your lies don't concern me.


    The island just might be worse than east hastings

    1. Failed drug policies and failure to enforce all 4 pillars instead of just one:


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